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The Foxes Run the Henhouse: Suit-Wearing Jihadis Control the Narrative

Oussama Jammal (at microphone), Secretary General of the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) and the #2 for U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, speaks at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. 1/4/16

Written by John D. Guandolo

Recent UTT articles about the Inspector General’s report blasting the FBI for their counterterrorism failures, the government’s lack of understanding of the Islamic legal definition of truces and treaties as it relates to the “Taliban Agreement,” Congress and the FBI allowing Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) to operate in the open on Capitol Hill and across the nation to conduct massive information and propaganda operations, and more, has produced a large influx of questions to Understanding the Threat as to HOW we got here as a nation.

The answer to this is simple: what we are witnessing is the intentional outcome of a decades long hostile campaign by the Islamic Movement (Islamic Counter-State) that began – in the United States – in the 1960’s.

The primary strategic goal of the Islamic Movement is to control the narrative of this entire war to keep our leaders from understanding what drives the enemies strategic and tactical decision-making and operations so U.S. leaders can never identify and target the threat.

Here are just a few examples of how the Islamic Movement has been able to control the narrative in this war:

  • Advisors: The Islamic advisors U.S. Presidents, Secretaries of State, military generals, FBI, CIA, DHS, National Security Staffs are exclusively suit-wearing jihadis. Abdurahman Alamoudi, Suhail Khan, Mohamed Magid, Sayyid Syeed, Anwar al Awlaki, Salam al Marayati, Nihad Awad, and Oussama Jammal are just a few of the jihadis who made their way into the highest levels of government – many having security clearances. This is, by the way, the reason U.S. government officials have an understanding of Islam which is exactly opposite of the understanding of Islam taught to 11 year old muslims in U.S. Islamic schools.
  • Education: U.S. public schools do not teach truth about the inherent danger of Islam. Why? Groups like the Council on Islamic Education (Musli Brotherhood), and the new groups are a part of the problem. Incarcerated Al Qaeda financier Abdurahman Alamoudi is the man who worked with the Department of Education on what would go into U.S. public school text books about Islam. That may be one reason. See the recent UTT article highlighting a Dallas “Teacher of the Year” whose teachings are slanted towards PLO/Hamas and away from truth here, and another on Islam in U.S. schools here.
  • Religious: “Interfaith Outreach” in the United States is exclusively controlled by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. From the muslims Ambassador Sam Brownback is working with on his “interfaith” efforts, to local churches and synagogues, the Muslim Brotherhood in the form of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), Hamas/CAIR, and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) are leading this effort, which means the interfaith outreach is necessarily hostile and meant to subvert churches and synagogues so they discuss Islam in a way that neutralizes them in this fight. Evidence it works? How many pastors since 9/11/01 speak truth about Islam and the danger it poses to America and liberty?
  • Political: UTT has not identified one friendly “Islamic advisor” to U.S. government officials in eight years. Saudi Arabia and Turkey run propaganda operations for U.S. and state legislatures, respectively. Both countries take law makers on 7-10 day junkets to their countries to show them how “moderate” and “progressive” they are. This program works. There are also many Turkish organizations working with state legislatures across America to give them a whitewashed understanding of the “terrorist” threat. Examples include the Turquoise Foundation, Holy Dove Foundation, and others.
  • Financial: The senior Islamic jurist for the International Muslim Brotherhood Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradawi and Pakistani Supreme Court Justice Taqi Usmani are the jihadis who set up Sharia Compliant Financing (SCF) on Wall Street and in the U.S. banking system. All of these financial instruments necessarily fund jihad, what U.S. law calls “Terrorism,” yet major banking institutions in America have SCF accounts, and SCF instruments are traded on Wall Street on a daily basis.
  • Media: U.S. media is a major tool for the Marxist Movement (Marxist Counter-State), which works directly at the local, state, national, and international level with the Global Islamic Movement. For details on this click here.
  • Training: There is NO (NONE) training anywhere inside the federal government detailing Islamic doctrine and how it drives the Islamic Movement’s military, intelligence/counterintelligence and espionage operations, including inside Department of Defense components, military academies, war colleges, Joint Forces Staff College, National Defense University, Command & Staff College, et al. This has been done through complaints by Islamic organizations (ISNA, MPAC, Hamas/CAIR) that such training is “offensive” and cowardly leaders (eg Chairman Join Chiefs Martin Dempsey, FBI Director Mueller) have submitted to the enemy’s request to shut all such training down. See recent UTT articles detailing the enemy involved in or neutering training here and here.
  • Why Is FBI Unaware? See the above note. Additionally, the three primary organizations the FBI uses as Islamic “Outreach Partners” – All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS), Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), and Muslim Advocates, are all jihadi/Muslim Brotherhood organizations.
  • Police: Because the federal government has failed to convict Hamas doing business as CAIR, they and other Muslim Brotherhood organizations and operatives make it very difficult for the few organizations/individuals in America teaching truthfully about Islam – Understanding the Threat (UTT), Bill Warner, Robert Spencer, and others to train police and sheriff’s offices. Hamas/MB organizations do this by working in conjunction with their allies in the media and Marxist organizations like Antifa and the corrupt Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), to bring great pressure on Police Chiefs and Sheriffs to shut the programs down or not even allow them to be scheduled in the first place. In many cases, CAIR will go after the state agencies – which certify training programs so police and first responders can get credits for their annual requirements – and get the Director of these organizations to cave to the jihadis’ demands and rescind credits for training already given by UTT.

The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Explanatory Memorandum states: “We must say that we are in a country which understands no language other than the language of the organizations, and one which does not respect or give weight to any group without effective, functional and strong organizations.” Since 1991, the Islamic Movement has created between 80 and 120 non-profit organizations per year to advance their agenda.

As the former Director for Strategic Planning for the National Security Council, Richard Higgins put it, the Muslim Brotherhood controls the U.S. national security decision-making process as it relates to these matters.

They do it by controlling the narrative.

The solution is for citizens to speak truth boldly and force local leaders do the same. Your leaders have a legal obligation to do their duty.

UTT is the only organization in America empowering citizens with tools to identify and dismantle Marxist and jihadi networks at the local level and the only organization in America with a Strategic Victory plan to WIN this war. Join us at UnderstandingtheThreat.com.

17 Responses

  1. Our politicians are selling us out to these radicals even giving them more money then they give our ouw people they should be tryed for treason

  2. We in Canada are experiencing the same sorts of problems here if not worse so anything we can learn about these different groups the better!

    1. We would help you Allen, but right now we are focused on getting US citizens to understand the threat and deal with it at the grassroots level/LOCAL level. JG

  3. didn’t realize how far it has affected our government .Am aware of some but not enough,,Thank you ,John heard you today on Dianna Ploss radio live broadcast……my question is how is it then we have the 4 in congress we call the squad?if government has been briefed on this for some time………..

    1. Exactly the point. Some of our leaders KNOW the threat and refuse to act. There are many reasons for this but the point is that if they DO NOT act, they are criminally negligent or at least unprofessional in their conduct. JG


    The government of the United States of America has neither a “Council of Muslim Organizations” nor is it in any way officially associated with the band of jihadi killers whose members choose to refer to themselves collectively (for coverup reasons) as the “Muslim Brotherhood”, I.e., an unindicted criminal organization whose work in America, according to Islam’s (paraphrased) declaration of war* on Western civilization, dated 22 May 1991, is to destroy the United States by sabotaging our Constitutional Republic form of government from within in order to replace it with their draconian hell known as sharia.

    Furthermore, the man at the mike in the photograph of UTT’s foregoing narrative by having ostensibly claimed that he has been nominated or officially chosen to represent the United States of America,in connection with two Muslim criminal organizations with which the country is demonstrably at war, as evinced by his fraudulent (and possibly illegal) use of the letters “U.S.” before his imaginary title “Secretary General”, should be reviewed by the Department of Justice in connection with the impression his grandiose lie is obviouly making on the leadership of countries abroad.

    *Anyone wishing to own a personal Arabic-to-English translated verbatim copy of said declaration of war, which was seized by special agents of the FBI from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia USA, in accordance with a federal search warrant in 2004, may do so for a nominal handling and postage fee by contacting: http://www.securefreedom. org to request GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G- U.S. v. HLF, et al.

  5. Besides any wonder why Italy has such a Covid-19 outbreak? What works better for SA, a split of the U.S. from China? Iran infected.?

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