JG Blog

John Guandolo


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UTT Delivers a Powerful Punch to Hamas In Texas

by John D. Guandolo Over the last few weeks, UTT Team Members and volunteers spoke truth boldly at the Texas State Capitol to educate and train legislators and their staffs about the threat from jihadis (suit-wearing terrorists) promoting “Muslim Capitol Day” and legislation meant to put Texans in danger. This year, “Muslim Capitol Day” was […]

HAMAS Terrorists To Celebrate “Muslim Day” At Texas Capitol Next Week

by John D. Guandolo Evidence in the largest terror financing trial in U.S. history – US v Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, Northern District of Texas (Dallas), 2008 – reveals CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) was the 4th Hamas organization created in the United States. The other 3 were shut down/prosecuted by […]

Communism is Not the Only Cancer on U.S. Campuses

by John D. Guandolo On nearly every major college and university campus in America, including at “christian” colleges, jihadis have planted dangerous outposts to recruit jihadis, perpetuate hostile information operations, and grow the jihadi Movement. These “outposts” are called Muslim Students Associations or MSA’s. There well over 900 MSA chapters in the United States, including […]

Ayman al Zawahiri is Dead. Why Should We Care?

by John D. Guandolo According to official U.S. government reports, the leader of Al Qaeda – Ayman al Zawahiri – is dead. The U.S. Department of State issued a report which says, in part: “The President made clear that we would not hesitate to protect the Homeland. With the operation that delivered justice to Ayman […]

The Effectiveness of UTT

by John D. Guandolo In August 2014, 75 communist and jihadi organizations sent a letter to President Obama’s Counterterrorism Advisor Lisa Monaco asking the Obama administration to shut down Understanding the Threat (UTT) President John Guandolo and his training programs, and “Implement a mandatory retraining program for all federal, state and local law enforcement officials” […]

Interfaith Outreach: The Leading Edge of the Enemies’ Efforts in America

by John D. Guandolo “Interfaith Outreach” is the place where the Islamic Movement, the communist Movement, those collaborating with both of these Movements, and the financiers all meet and merge while steamrolling over Christian and Jewish leaders and their flocks. Where there is interfaith outreach, there you will always find communist leaders and organizations working […]

U.S. Terrorist Network Left Untouched After Synagogue Attack

by John D. Guandolo The attack on a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas last Saturday again highlights the dangerous truth that the FBI and state authorities across America have done nothing – absolutely nothing – to rip down the terrorist support network in the United States, which is comprised of all of the most prominent Islamic […]

The Jihadi Movement is Alive and Well and Untouched in America

by John D. Guandolo While the federal government and many state governments across the United States impose Stalinist policies to smother citizens’ unalienable rights, the Islamic Movement rolls forward unimpeded. Just because jihadis are not currently blowing themselves up in U.S. malls or schools, or storming the gates of military posts (today), Americans should still […]