JG Blog

John Guandolo


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America’s Political Elites Are Traitors to the Republic

by John D. Guandolo America is now at its third great “Crossroads Moment” in its history. The first was the decision to break away from the British Crown and establish a free and independent United States of America. The second was engaging in the great Civil War to defend the Republic and complete the liberation […]

The Best Weapon in This War is Truth

by John D. Guandolo The Marxist/Communist Counter-State in America, just like its Islamic Counter-State ally, uses deception as a key tool in achieving its goal to overthrow the U.S. government. The democrat party is a major piece of the Marxist/Communist Counter-State. Despite its lies that it cares about the “common man,” the democrat party is […]

Communist Insurrection

by John D. Guandolo The violence across America over the last few days does not represent a “hijacked peaceful protest.” This was and continues to be a synchronized, organized, and well coordinated nationwide violent assault against American cities by communists and jihadis working together to bring down the Republic. The communists in Antifa and Black […]

Minneapolis’ Call to Prayer Ushered in by Communist-Jihadi Cabal Controlling MN

Written by John D. Guandolo Democrat Minneapolis (MN) Mayor Jacob Frey, working directly with terrorists from Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other jihadis from the Dar al Hijrah Islamic Center, approved the muslim call to prayer out loud in Minneapolis for the first time in history. Minneapolis becomes […]

RE Chinese Coronavirus: You Were Lied To

Written by John D. Guandolo Current available data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding Chinese coronavirus cases reveals (1) the virus is widespread, and (2) the mortality rates are small – similar to the flu. UTT has edited the recent video from Dr. Daniel Erickson of Bakersfield, California running through the […]

The Communist Takedown of America

Written by John D. Guandolo As UTT previously reported here and here the Marxist-Communist Movement in the United States is using the Chinese COVID-19 pandemic to propel its efforts forward, destroy liberty, and take down the American system. In response to a number of questions received by UTT about this, it seems appropriate to put […]

Response to Coronavirus Reveals Much About America’s Enemies

Written by John D. Guandolo How the enemies of liberty respond to the outbreak of coronavirus reveals a great deal about them and their willingness to use any issue to further the destructive Islamic and Marxist/communist Movements. Jordanian Islamic Scholar Ahmad Al-Shahrouri tells us and the muslim community Jews are more dangerous than coronavirus, cholera, […]

The Foxes Run the Henhouse: Suit-Wearing Jihadis Control the Narrative

Written by John D. Guandolo Recent UTT articles about the Inspector General’s report blasting the FBI for their counterterrorism failures, the government’s lack of understanding of the Islamic legal definition of truces and treaties as it relates to the “Taliban Agreement,” Congress and the FBI allowing Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic […]

Impeachment and the Vastness of the U.S. Marxist/Communist Network

Written by John D. Guandolo Why are so many individuals and entities attacking President Trump at every turn? How did Articles of Impeachment, which lacked any facts supporting crimes committed by President Trump, make it to a vote in the House of Representatives, then to the Senate, then to a vote in the Senate without […]