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John Guandolo


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Targeting “Violent Extremism” Means Targeting Nothing – Targeting Nothing Means Losing the War

Written by John D. Guandolo

Last week Understanding the Threat (UTT) published an article detailing the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) STRIVE training program at the Carrollton (Texas) Police Department (Feb 11-12) focused on eliminating “violent extremism.”

UTT has learned the FEMA representative at the training was asked at the end of the program why there was no mention in the entire two days about Islam, sharia, or jihad.

The answer given to the audience is stunning, but not shocking: sharia and jihad are too “politically correct” to discuss.

This is unprofessionalism at a cataclysmic level – but it is more than unprofessional, it is intentionally deceptive. It is purposefully omitting real enemies from a discussion about threats to the community.

Programs like this – at all levels of our community – are being presented with equally deceptive messages.

The day after the Carrollton, Texas program ended, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Colorado, Jason Dunn, hosted a similarly deceptive and misleading program in Denver (CO) entitled “Confronting Hate & Violent Extremism in the U.S.”

The Denver program included Muslim Brotherhood/Islamic Movement operative and former DHS official George Selim, who is now the Senior Vice President of Programs for the Anti-Defamation League. This program also never mentioned Islam, sharia or jihad. This program did, however, detail the threat from “white supremacists.”

Sadly, the panelists also included DHS Assistant Secretary for Threat Prevention and Security Policy Elizabeth Neumann.

As Understanding the Threat often states, this war against the Marxists/communists and jihadis is primarily a war in the information battlespace. Our enemies seek to control the narrative.

Programs like the FEMA program presented in Texas last week, and the one hosted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Denver, are a part of the overall effort by jihadis and communists to control the narrative about Islam. They do so by intentionally pointing everyone’s attention towards “violent extremism.”

The problem with targeting violent extremism is that when you do that you are not targeting jihadis and communists.

And THAT is the intent of our enemies’ use of these intentionally deceptive programs.

The “Countering Violent Extremism” (CVE) program was developed by the Muslim Brotherhood in England a few years after 9/11/01, and brought to the U.S. by FBI and DHS leadership who believed it to be the “solution” to dealing with “radicals.” CVE is a trojan horse.

You cannot win a war if you do not identify the enemy, and you cannot identify the enemy if you are getting your advice from the enemy.

No individual has ever committed and act of violence and said, “I did this for the sake of violent extremism.”

What 100% of the jihadis do tell us is that they kill because it is a command from Allah to wage jihad against non-muslims until an Islamic State under Allah’s divine law/sharia is established.

Citizens must begin the process of winning this war by identifying the communists and jihadis in their local area, and strategizing how to remove them from their communities using all tools legally available to them.

We must boldly speak truth about these threats if we have any desire to win this war. By remaining silent about the threat of Islam and communism, we give our enemies room to maneuver and achieve their goals.

Understanding the Threat (UTT) is the only organization in America providing tools to empower citizens to identify and dismantle the jihadi and communist networks at the local level.

Here are three (3) things YOU can do today:

  1. Contact your U.S. Senators and Representative and tell them you do not want any FEMA counter-terrorism training in your state.
  2. Contact your U.S. Senators and Representatives, State Senator and Representative, and U.S. Attorney’s Office and let them know you do not want any training that includes “Countering Violent Extremism” training in your state because it fails to identify real threats to the community, like the jihadi organizations for instance.
  3. Encourage your local police, sheriff’s and first responders to contact UTT for our 3-day “Understanding and Investigating the Jihadi Network.”

For those of you in Colorado, U.S. Attorney Jason Dunn’s office number is (303) 454-0100. Be respectful but let him know programs that fail to identify the massive terrorist networks (jihadis) in Colorado are dishonest and do not make citizens of Colorado secure.

6 Responses

  1. The Islamic threat has been largely ignored by the mainstream media, fearfully avoided by our elected politicians and naively disregarded by many Christian and Jewish leaders across America. Our very own military leaders have failed to identify Islam as an enemy and for that reason the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal of destroying America from within and by our own hands is advancing – unabated. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has ties to the terror organization Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, operates freely to encourage and empower Muslims to gain key positions in American politics. CAIR has been emboldened even more by successfully coercing the U.S. Army War College to cancel military historian Raymond Ibrahim’s presentation on the historical threat of Islam throughout the centuries. Ibrahim had been invited to give a lecture in June of 2019 related to his published book, “Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West”. This is our challenge that must be met immediately: Identify Islam as an enemy of the State and counter the Grand Deception that Americans are under where our citizens are led to believe that “Islam means peace” and that “Allah” is the same God of the Judeo-Christian faith.

  2. The enemies of America(and all of the Judeo-Christian cultures) has hijacked everything.

    Evil is coming in like a flood. God Almighty must intervene or there is no rescue.


    Since gradations of Islamic jihadist rank do not exist, nor does the term “extremism or extremist” refer to any segmented group of terrorist killers, but instead is a term referring exclusively to any overzealous jihadist who in the opinion of the Muslim Brotherhood and/or CAIR acts precipitously respecting perhaps precise preplanned timing of actions in connection with Islam’s global war* on Western civilization, and by so-doing may reveal intelligence data and endgame strategy to the detriment of Islam winning that war.

    Furthermore, to have well meaning panels of “experts” teaching others about extremists and extremism as though those terms applied exclusively to a small group of errant misguided Muslims is exactly what the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR want them to do.

    *Anyone not yet up to speed on Islam’s declaration of war on Western civilization who is interested in owning a personal verbatim Arabic-to-English translated copy of said outrage, the original of which was seized in accordance with a federal search warrant from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia USA by special agents of the FBI in 2004, may do so (for a nominal handling & postage fee) by connecting with: http://www.securefreedom.org, to request: GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.

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