JG Blog

John Guandolo


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“How Did We Get Here?”

by John D. Guandolo One of the most frequent questions members of the UTT Team get is “How did we get here?” In other words, how did so many enemies of America insinuate themselves into our society and positions of influence and power to such a degree we are concerned the nation may not survive? […]

Preparing for the Coming Violence

by John D. Guandolo The destruction of America’s founding principles, traditional culture, and system of government is not merely a “falling away” of where we once were, it is the intentional outcome of the 100+ year communist Movement and 60+ year Islamic Movement operating seamlessly at the ground level across the United States. This article […]

Over 300 Islamic Scholars Forbid “Normalization” with Israel

by John D. Guandolo Islamic Jihadi forces fired dozens of rockets into Israel over Passover, and Israel retaliated. In light of the current battle waging between the terrorist of Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood and other jihadi organizations against Israel, UTT believes it is appropriate to remember that in 2017, hundreds of senior Islamic Scholars issued a formal […]

Jihadi Control & Influence In U.S. Evangelical Community is Overwhelming

by John D. Guandolo To understand the capture of the U.S. evangelical community by the Global Islamic Movement is to truly be overwhelmed. For the purposes of this article, UTT is highlighting a few big pieces of the puzzle in our ongoing effort to help American Christians realize the adversaries of Jesus – and, therefore, […]

UTT Delivers a Powerful Punch to Hamas In Texas

by John D. Guandolo Over the last few weeks, UTT Team Members and volunteers spoke truth boldly at the Texas State Capitol to educate and train legislators and their staffs about the threat from jihadis (suit-wearing terrorists) promoting “Muslim Capitol Day” and legislation meant to put Texans in danger. This year, “Muslim Capitol Day” was […]

Translating English to English Through Sharia

by John Guandolo I began a 2012 Breitbart article this way: “If someone walked up to you and asked you if you would like a sandwich, and you replied in the affirmative, where would the disconnect be if he punched you in the nose? The disconnect would be in your understanding of the word “sandwich.” […]

In Light of 9/11, Why does the Dar al Hijrah Mosque Still Exist?

by John D. Guandolo The Dar al Hijrah Islamic Center, just outside Washington, D.C., is a beehive of activity for terrorism, and its key leaders over the decades have been Hamas and Al Qaeda leaders and supporters. Why does this place still exists? Jamal Barzinji was one of the first and most prolific Muslim Brotherhood […]