JG Blog

John Guandolo


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UTT Delivers a Powerful Punch to Hamas In Texas

by John D. Guandolo Over the last few weeks, UTT Team Members and volunteers spoke truth boldly at the Texas State Capitol to educate and train legislators and their staffs about the threat from jihadis (suit-wearing terrorists) promoting “Muslim Capitol Day” and legislation meant to put Texans in danger. This year, “Muslim Capitol Day” was […]

HAMAS Terrorists To Celebrate “Muslim Day” At Texas Capitol Next Week

by John D. Guandolo Evidence in the largest terror financing trial in U.S. history – US v Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, Northern District of Texas (Dallas), 2008 – reveals CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) was the 4th Hamas organization created in the United States. The other 3 were shut down/prosecuted by […]

Qatar, The World Cup, Sharia, and Terrorism

by John D. Guandolo Qatar is currently hosting the FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) World Cup soccer competition despite the fact Qatar is one of the world’s most prolific financiers of global terrorism. Qatar’s primary competition venue is called “Khalifa International Stadium.” This is important to know since Khalifa is the Islamic legal term […]

Dallas County Commission Hosts Hamas Terrorist

by John D. Guandolo Tuesday morning, November 15, 2022, the Dallas County Commission hosted the Imam from the Islamic Association of North Texas (IANT), a Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood organizations that supports, as you would expect, jihad/terrorism, the overthrow of all un-Islamic governments, and the imposition of barbaric sharia (Islamic Law) on everyone on earth. The Imam […]

The OIC Is the Geopolitical Center of Evil & Tyranny

by John D. Guandolo Originally called the “Organisation (sic) of Islamic Conference,” the OIC is made up of all 56 Islamic nations on earth and the “State of Palestine,” and it is the largest voting block in the United Nations. The OIC’s primary objective is to enslave the entire world under Islam’s barbaric sharia at […]

The Role of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Pakistan in the 9/11 Attack on America

by John D. Guandolo It is staggering to see the greatest super-power in the world sit on its hands for 21 years while the key perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks, which killed nearly 3000 Americans, remain untouched. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Iran were directly involved in the jihadi attacks on America on September 11, 2001. […]

50 Years After Munich the West Remains Willfully Blind to the Threat of Islam

by John D. Guandolo Today marks the 50th anniversary of the attack on and killing of members of the Israeli olympic team by jihadis – sharia adherent muslims – during the Munich Olympics. On the morning of September 5, 1972, 8 members of the terrorist group Black September stormed the Olympic Village, killed 2 Israelis, […]

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words

by John D. Guandolo There are few pictures better than the one above to help Americans understand the depth of the corrupted cabal working against America’s Constitutional Republic and free people everywhere. The “Guest of Honor” for the “Forum of Collaboration Between International Organisations on Humanitarian Aid” – Mohammad bin Abulkarim Al-Issa – is one […]

A “Red Wave” Will Not Save America

by John D. Guandolo The communist and Islamic Movement, along with their collaborators and financiers, control the key components of the U.S. federal government. What the Biden Regime is doing by: paying illegal aliens and transporting them into the interior of the United States; creating food shortages; dismantling our military; assaulting America’s foundational Christian principles; […]