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John Guandolo


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The OIC Is the Geopolitical Center of Evil & Tyranny

by John D. Guandolo

Originally called the “Organisation (sic) of Islamic Conference,” the OIC is made up of all 56 Islamic nations on earth and the “State of Palestine,” and it is the largest voting block in the United Nations.

The OIC’s primary objective is to enslave the entire world under Islam’s barbaric sharia at the geopolitical level.

Every year representatives of every Islamic nation – under the banner of the OIC – meet to discuss the best ways to advance the formation of the Islamic State under sharia. Every 3 years, the Heads of State and Kings of every Islamic nation meet and agree to items which are legally binding on the muslim population.

In 1990 the OIC approved, and in 1993 it served to the United Nations “The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam” which legally defines “Human Rights” as the imposition of sharia on everyone on earth.

In 2005, the OIC published their Ten Year Plan. In it, the entire muslim world vowed to impose Islam’s criminal code – sharia – on the non-muslim world as it relates to those who offend muslims, aka the Islamic Law of Slander.

In Islam, it is a capital crime for anyone to say anything about Islam which a muslim would “dislike.” They use the term “Islamophobia” because they know appeasing Western leaders will bow and self-censor their speech so as not to “offend” muslims while muslims plot the non-muslim world’s destruction.

Islamic Law of Slander from Um Dat al Salik, one of the most widely used books of sharia (Islamic Law) in North America

Specifically, the 2005 OIC Ten Year Plan states:

VII. Combatting Islamophobia

2) Affirm the need to counter Islamophobia through the establishment of an observatory at the OIC General Secretariat to monitor all forms of Islamophobia, issue an annual report thereon, and ensure cooperation with the relevant Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) in order to combat Islamophobia.

3) Endeavor to have the United Nations adopt an international resolution to counter Islamophobia, and call upon all States to enact laws to counter it including deterrent punishments (emphasis added).

On December 14, 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the “Combating International Islamophobia Act,” thus advancing the jihadis’ strategic objectives.

This week, the OIC adopted the Istanbul Declaration – an aggressive declaration to offensively promote propaganda and action to go after those individuals and entities which speak truth about the dangers of Islam’s barbaric sharia.

The OIC works directly with the International Muslim Brotherhood, which coordinates with the World Economic Forum to destroy liberty and civilized governments.

These hostile international efforts touch American counties through interfaith outreach efforts, school boards teaching communism and lying about the dangers of Islam, and via local chambers of commerce which do business with Turkish Muslim Brotherhood organizations, state legislatures which take free propaganda trips to Turkey, and banks which fund communist BLM and jihadi sharia compliant financial accounts.

Work to shut these avenues of evil down in your local community and you will be cutting off the tentacles of the hostile international jihadi and communist efforts.

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