Written by John D. Guandolo
More evidence critical thinking is being destroyed and objective truth assaulted in U.S. public schools comes to us this week from Dallas, Texas.
On February 19, 2020, Lake Highlands High School in Dallas, Texas hosted teacher Tracey Bishkin, who gave a one hour presentation entitled “The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.”
Understanding the Threat (UTT) is based in Dallas, and UTT team members often attend programs such as this across the state.
I attended this presentation, which was a chronological walk through of the ongoing conflict between Israel and what Ms. Bishkin referred to as “Palestine.”

Bishkin, an award-winning teacher at Lake Highlands High School (Richardson Independent School District) told the audience Israel is to blame for the first and second Intifadas (1987 & 2000). She also said Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin was a terrorist, but did not identify Yasser Arafat as such.
I had the opportunity to ask the presenter, Ms. Bishkin a question, which was, “How can we put this discussing in proper perspective without looking at Palestine’s true intent as detailed in the Cairo Declaration since Palestine is a signatory as a member of the OIC?” Her answer was the Cairo Declaration is not relevant as it is one of many treaties and other agreements over the years.
As important note to readers, the “Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam” was approved by the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC), now called the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, which is made up of every Islamic nation on earth (56) and the “Palestinian Territories.” The OIC is the largest voting block in the United Nations.
In 1990, the OIC approved the Cairo Declaration, and in 1993 the OIC served the Cairo Declaration to the United Nations.
The Cairo Declaration states that the entire muslim world at the Head of State/King level understand their relationship to the non-muslim world only through the lens of sharia.
“The Islamic Shari’ah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification to any of the articles of this Declaration.”
Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam
This legally and officially means that when Islamic leaders discuss “human rights” they mean the imposition of sharia law.
All authoritatively published sharia states the purpose of Islam is to wage war on all non-muslims in order to impose “Allah’s divine law”/sharia on everyone on earth. Sharia requires Jews and Christians to convert to Islam, submit to sharia and pay the non-muslim poll tax (jizya) or be killed.
The point here is that when “Palestinians” and Israelis discuss “peace” they are not talking about the same thing. In Islam, “peace” is the state that exists when the entire world is under sharia.
As a side note, the “Palestinians” call for the destruction of Israel as a matter of policy.
After the presentation, John Guandolo spoke with Ms. Bishkin. The following video captures that conversation.
The video can also be seen by clicking the link HERE.
Two questions:
- How can Texas public schools, in this case the Richardson Independent School District, employ a racist and biased teacher like Tracey Bishkin?
- Who will go back in and teach these students the truth?

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
10 Responses
This woman Bishkin is clueless. Isn’t her name Jewish? I am afraid that her ignorance of Islam is common among teachers and they have no idea what would happen to our freedoms and Constitution if Islam ever controlled in America. Something must be done to get the TRUTH out about Islam in our public schools. I would be curious as to where this woman got her misguided understanding of Islam and Sharia and Islam’s goals for world domination. To many, Islam dominating America is far fetched, but here we are after 9/11/2001, 18 years later and now we have 3 Muslims in Congress. These Muslim organizations are feeding on our ignorance and our 1st Amendment rights in regard to religion. No religion which calls for violence against those not of their religion should have ANY rights under our constitution.
Good work. Dr. Warner has my number; I’m in your area.
Tracey Bishkin is one of the best teachers I have ever had. You are just a ultra conservative piece of shit who doesn’t understand that Palestinians deserve the same quality of life that Israelis do.
Are you that close minded that you cannot hear the very words spoken by Ms Bishkin? She never answered the question: If the “Palestinian Territories” are signatories to the Cairo Declaration in which the entire muslim world officially and legally states their singular objective is to impose sharia on every person on the earth, and sharia mandates war against non-muslims until sharia is the law on the earth, shouldn’t this be known to all parties participating in discussions about “relations” between the “Palestinian Territories” and anyone else?
Closed-minded people throw out insults instead of entering into adult conversations. Bring your adult self to the discussion.
But this school- “LAKE HIGHLANDS HIGH SCHOOL” is actually a private non-profit school that’s in no way or manner associated with nor funded by the Texas Public School System which clearly contradicts your entire argument. Arguments based upon fallacies are meaningless drivel. Your attempt to deceive readers by basing this argument solely upon a fallacy completely invalidates your entire point.
You in fact Mr McTowelie are wrong. Lake Highlands is a part of Richardson ISD. Publicly funded. Call RISD and ask them. They’ll tell you and help you pull your rude head out of your ass. Thanks.
Regards, John G