Written by John D. Guandolo
While the U.S. government decides on a course of action with regards to Iran, the Islamic and Marxist Counter-States inside America continue to roll forward unimpeded.
If U.S. leaders understood America is in a war against Marxists and jihadis joined together in a knock-down-drag-out fight to destroy liberty and the American Republic, they would never surrender to our enemies by allowing the Impeachment articles to go to the U.S. Senate.
In a war like this you give no quarter and take none.
This kind of surrender by Republican Congressional leadership should be a bright red flag to American Patriots that all is not well, and the President stands nearly alone.
The Islamic Counter-State is now advancing the next level of their “Islamophobia” campaign, and requires more concessions from the government to advance their agenda. This necessarily means there will be more domestic violence from jihadis in the near future.
The uptick in violence can already be seen, and the media dutifully continues their direct support for the jihadis.
Here is a summary from the last week:
January 6, 2020
Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) condemned actions by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) because CBP detained individuals of Iranian decent at the U.S. border in the wake of increasing tension with the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism – Iran. No surprise – terrorists supporting terrorists. Pay attention to this story as an example of cries of “Islamophobia” in the wake of violence against U.S. assets by Iran. Hamas/CAIR is siding with Iran. This is a big strategic clue.
January 7, 2020
Jihadi Congresswoman Ilhan Omar responded to the killing of Specially Designated Global Terrorist Qasem Soleimani by stating: “Let’s not mince words: the assassination of Qasem Soleimani was an act of war undertaken without Congressional authorization, in violation of the Constitution of the United States of America.” Being a sharia-adherent muslim (jihadi) UTT would not expect Ms Omar, or whatever her actual true name is, to respect the U.S. Constitution or her oath to it.
Reeaz Khan, a 21 year old muslim man, raped and killed a 92 year old non-muslim woman in New York city.

The New York Times published an article covering the killing of Iranian Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani and focused on comments by Iranian students sympathetic to the Specially Designated Global Terrorist.

Stephen Kirby published the results of a survey of muslim public officials in the United States which revealed, from this sampling, that 93% do not affirmatively support the U.S. Constitution.
January 8, 2020
Dateline North Dakota: Youness Moussaid, a 33 year old muslim man, was charged by police with assaulting his step-daughter by hitting her with a broomstick and smashing her head against the wall for not wearing a hijab. Investigative Clue – its all about sharia: The Bismark Police affidavit stated: Moussaid wants the girl to “follow his Muslim beliefs, which includes wearing dresses and hijab,” but the girl changes clothes when she gets to school.
Four (4) democrat Members of Congress including Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren participated in a conference call with the Iranian regime’s propaganda front group National Iranian American Council (NIAC), and the call was hosted by the Soros-funded Marxist group MoveOn.org.
MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews likened Specially Designated Global Terrorist Qasem Soleimani to Elvis Presley and Princess Diana, and called Soleimani a “beloved hero of the Iranian people.”
January 9, 2020
Asia Siddiqui, a muslim female, was sentenced in the federal courthouse in Brooklyn, New York to 15 years’ imprisonment by United States District Judge Sterling Johnson Jr. for her role in planning to build a bomb for use in a terrorist attack in the United States. See DoJ Press Release here.
Charges were updated for 25 year old muslim man Osama E. El Hannouny who was originally charged in November 2019 for slashing 19 tires at two Christian churches in Palos Hills, Illinois. Hannouny admitted he did it because he hates Christians, so officials added 14 hate crime counts to his violations.
January 11, 2020
Over a dozen Saudi Arabian military personnel are being expelled from the United States in the wake of the jihadi attack on Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida perpetrated by a Saudi military officer which left three people dead and others wounded.
Meanwhile, UTT has received information that the U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback is circulating a petition in support of Fetullah Gulen, an enemy of the United States.
As the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Islamophobia” campaign intensifies, so will violence in the U.S. and political pressure for U.S. leaders to find refuge with the most moderate appearing muslim.
No muslim leader working with senior U.S. government officials are friendly to the cause of liberty or America’s founding principles.
Yet, U.S. leaders, desperate to find a road forward that does not include waging war against clear and present dangers to America such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar, and others, will continue to lean on suit-wearing jihadis to “help them” find solutions without ever identifying the problem – Islam.
And this is exactly how the Islamic Counter-State intends to win this war.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
6 Responses
You don’t really believe our leaders do not understand the threat. Come on, they are using it to advance their cause!
Actually, I have briefed senior members of our government, including a briefing in the last 8 months of senior members of Congress. They were shocked to learn how bad the threat is and how ingrained it is in our society. This problem WILL NOT be fixed in Washington, DC. That is why UTT exists. We give YOU citizens – and any of your local leaders willing to DO something – tools to empower you to ID and dismantle these Marxist and jihadi networks at the local level.
When one branch of government holds the cards for prosecution and is able to pass law, acts corrupted or have power to be blind or above the law, interfers with the safety of this country ,they go after President Trump to hide their own sedition and offenses in my opinion. Democrats follow like ducklings to avoid being eaten and keep the cash flow safe and continue or allow open border mass line invasion register voters travelers a Maoist strategy while accusing a President of collusion, but will not talk about sending money to terrorist on pallets no problem, and drugs flow freely. Hopefully the Republicans can get the message out to an important state and President Trumps impeachment attempt will end. The country is sitting on the edge of a takeover by Islam, and if the jihad attacks are misnamed as mental illness we may not survive with a Constitution that dems have stretched to a breaking point, to break our country.