JG Blog

John Guandolo


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The Effectiveness of UTT

by John D. Guandolo In August 2014, 75 communist and jihadi organizations sent a letter to President Obama’s Counterterrorism Advisor Lisa Monaco asking the Obama administration to shut down Understanding the Threat (UTT) President John Guandolo and his training programs, and “Implement a mandatory retraining program for all federal, state and local law enforcement officials” […]

Patriots Stand For Liberty in Spokane

by Caleb Collier This past Saturday, September 25th, nearly 5,000 Patriots rallied together in downtown Spokane, Washington to promote and defend medical freedom. This was an event designed to bring families together, to network with the likeminded, and to be a united voice in opposition of tyranny. The event featured face painting for the kids, […]

Criminal Negligence & Treason Are Not Limited to Federal Officials

by John D. Guandolo As America’s last military transport left Afghanistan today, leaving many U.S. citizens behind, the criminally negligent and traitorous behavior of military and civilian leaders is on display for all the world to see. UTT recently wrote about the criminal negligence of U.S. military leaders during the last 20 years of war […]

The Enemy is On the Move: UTT’s Intel Update

The following is a summary of Understanding the Threat’s assessment of current events, intelligence gathered, and analysis as of today, 8/5/2021: Backdrop *Inside the FBI, Counterintelligence matters are being given a lesser priority than they have ever been to date. As UTT has previously published, it is our professional opinion that the U.S. counterintelligence apparatus […]

It is Worse Than You Think

by John D. Guandolo A friend and colleague who has dedicated years of his life in the counter-jihad effort shared with me this week that he was shocked at just how deeply corrupted the U.S. military leadership is with their anti-American and pro-communist ideology. His revelation came, in part, from reading Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier’s […]

UTT Bids Farewell to 2 Members of Our Family

by John D. Guandolo The UTT family recently lost two of our team members who have contributed a great deal to our growth, operations, and direction over the last several years. Stephanie Ameiss Stephanie Ameiss, UTT’s Director of Investigations, left our team in pursuit of new adventures. Stephanie has been with UTT since the fall […]

Fairfax Virginia Reaps The Treasonous Seeds It Sowed

by John D. Guandolo Why are some citizens in Fairfax, Virginia “shocked” the graduation speaker at Justice High School openly supports jihad, and the student leading the Pledge of Allegiance included the phrase “…one nation under allah?” The graduation speaker, Fairfax County School Board Member and sharia-adherent muslim Abrar Omeish, told the audience in English, […]

Police Should Not Enforce ALL Laws, Only JUST Laws

by John D. Guandolo In the years Understanding the Threat (UTT) has been teaching and training police officers, federal agents, prosecutors, and others whose duties include enforcing laws, I have been struck by the large number of these people who have little understanding of the underpinnings of their Oaths of Office and the foundation of […]

The Constitutional Oath Mandates Adherence to Republican Form of Government

by John D. Guandolo Many Americans have been shocked over the last several months by the number of U.S. leaders at the local, state, and federal levels who are unwilling to do their legal duty to defend the Constitution and ensure every state in these United State operates under a republican form of government. Because […]