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John Guandolo


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Criminal Negligence & Treason Are Not Limited to Federal Officials

by John D. Guandolo

As America’s last military transport left Afghanistan today, leaving many U.S. citizens behind, the criminally negligent and traitorous behavior of military and civilian leaders is on display for all the world to see.

UTT recently wrote about the criminal negligence of U.S. military leaders during the last 20 years of war in multiple countries after the United States was attacked by Islamic jihadis on 9/11/01. See the article HERE.

Despite the fact the Taliban has 2 of its branches designated as Foreign Terrorist Organizations, is the jihadi organization which fights alongside Al Qaeda and other military jihadi organizations against U.S. forces, shares Al Qaeda’s objectives, and commits acts of horrific violence against non-muslims, the commanders of CENTOM – General Kenneth McKenzie (USMC) – and U.S. Special Operations Joint Task Force Afghanistan – Rear Admiral Peter Vasely – refer to the Taliban as “our Afghan partners.”

In fact, these military leaders shared intelligence with the Taliban and relied on them to “protect” U.S. forces at the Kabul airport. 13 of our servicemen are now dead along with approximately 160 Afghans because of this catastrophically horrific decision-making.

The Biden regime reportedly launched a strike to kill those who planned the attack in Kabul. Since U.S. military leaders gave the Taliban lists with the names of U.S. citizens and their addresses as well as names and addresses of Afghans who helped the United States, it is not to far a stretch to imagine the Taliban provided the U.S. with the “intelligence” the U.S. used for its military strike which appears to have killed innocent civilians according to media reports.

U.S. military and civilian leaders have no idea what they are doing because they have no idea what they nor our adversaries are fighting for.

America’s Islamic foes state they want an Islamic State ruled by “allah’s divine law” – sharia.

What is it the Taliban seeks? An Islamic State ruled by sharia.

What is Al Qaeda’s objective? An Islamic State ruled by sharia.

What is the objective of ISIS? An Islamic State ruled by sharia.

What is the Muslim Brotherhood’s objective? An Islamic State ruled by sharia.

What does every Islamic nation under the banner of the Organisation (sic) of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) officially state is their blueprint for understanding “human rights” between the muslim and non-muslim worlds?


Yet, none of our generals or civilian leaders appear to have even a clue about what sharia actually is and how it drives our enemies. Our leaders exclusively rely on sharia-adherent muslims (aka jihadis) to tell them how to fight this war.

Hence, we continue losing.

Officials from the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA are giving classes to the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood leadership to show them how to get federal grant money to FORTIFY their mosques.

In legal terms, this is “giving aid and comfort to the enemy.” It is also entering a conspiracy to overthrow the United States, since that is the overtly stated goal of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.

There is so much incompetence, corruption, criminal negligence, and treason for Americans to see right before their eyes today. However, this negligent and treasonous behavior is not limited to federal officials alone.

While Americans are paying attention to the implosion of Afghanistan thousands of miles away, here at home jihadis similar to the ones who defeated the United States in Afghanistan are preparing for war.

Leaders unwilling to identify real threats in their communities from Taliban-like jihadis and their growing networks ignore these grave dangers to the peril of American citizens in all 50 states.

What are governors, state legislators, mayors, city/county councils, police chiefs, and community leaders doing to root out this cancer?

Sunday, a sharia-adherent muslim from Garland, Texas named Imran Ali Rasheed killed his Lyft driver and then drove her car to the Plano Police Department where he began shooting at PD employees.

Rasheed was shot and killed by police.

The FBI’s Special Agent in Charge of the Dallas Field Office Matthew DeSarno says Rasheed “may have been inspired by foreign terrorists.”

Jihadis do not need to be affiliated with or “inspired by foreign terrorists.” They merely need to be sharia-adherent doing what normative and universally taught Islamic doctrine commands them to do.

Where did Imran Ali Rasheed learn that it is a command from god (allah) to wage war on non-muslims until “allah’s divine law” (sharia) is the law of the land on the earth?

Al Azar is the oldest and most authoritative school of sunni Islamic jurisprudence in the world.
The most widely used text book for 7th graders in U.S. Islamic schools

Where did Imran Ali Rasheed learn that non-muslim police are evil and are enemies of Islam?

“Giving Directions to Someone Who Wants to Do Wrong: It is not permissible to give directions and the like to someone intending to perpetrate a sin, because it is helping another to commit disobedience…Giving directions to wrongdoers includes: Showing the way to policemen and tyrants when they are going to commit injustice and corruption.” [Note: anyone enforcing any law outside sharia commits injustice and corruption in Islam].

Um dat Al Salik (Reliance of the Traveller) – A Classical Manual of Islamic Sacred Law, r7. Amana Publications, Beltsville, MD.

Since all of the mosques, Islamic schools, and Islamic organizations in the Dallas – Fort Worth area teach the purpose of Islam to wage war against non-muslims until sharia is imposed on every human, maybe Rasheed, who lived in Garland (TX), was not “inspired by foreign terrorists” but was simply taught to do what he did at the local Islamic organizations.

Maybe this “terrorist” was simply following normative and universally taught Islamic doctrine.

Islamic Centers/Mosques in a portion of the DFW area that teach what the Taliban teach. Source: Salatomatic.com

Maybe Rasheed learned to kill infidels and police at the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic Society of Mesquite.

Maybe Rasheed learned to kill infidels and police at the Mesquite Islamic Center.

Maybe Rasheed learned to kill infidels and police at the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas’ Islamic Association of Mesquite.

Maybe Rasheed learned to kill infidels and police at the Garland Makkah Masjid.

Maybe Rasheed learned to kill infidels and police at Hamas’ Islamic Association of North Texas.

Maybe Rasheed learned to kill infidels and police at the Dallas Islamic Center.

Did Rasheed volunteer at the Islamic Services Foundation? If he did, maybe he learned to kill infidels and police there since it is a Muslim Brotherhood owned organization?

Did Rasheed ever work on Goodfellow Air Force Base in San Angelo, Texas where jihad against Americans was taught at the “muslim prayer room” there?

Maybe Rasheed went to events hosted by the Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), read their literature, and followed their teachings.

This is the same Hamas/CAIR which hosts “Muslim Day” at state capitals around the United States while state legislators do little to stop it.

Is the Texas Department of Public Safety aware Texas is a major center for jihadi activity in the United States?

Has the Texas Department of Public Safety opened up a statewide conspiracy investigation on the terrorist support network primarily operated by the Muslim Brotherhood? If not, why not?

Since there have been more jihadi – “terrorist” – attacks in Texas than any other states, it seems reasonable to ask what measures Texas Governor Greg Abbott has taken to dismantle the jihadi network in Texas?

The simple answer is that Governor Abbott, like other governors, has done nothing.

While it is true many U.S. generals, admirals, and federal officials and civilian leaders should be prosecuted for criminal negligence and, in some cases, treason, many more police chiefs, mayors, state law enforcement agencies, state legislators, and governors bear responsibility for allowing Taliban-like networks to sprout up in their states and cities while doing nothing but “outreaching” to them.

How long will local and state officials “keep an eye” on these American Taliban fighters?

If you want to protect your community and do what none of the law enforcement and government agencies in your state are willing to do – deal with these threats now – UTT remains the only organization in America which empowers you to do so.

Contact UTT today and begin your journey to true liberty in our INTO ACTION training program so you and your neighbors can take the fight to the enemy and put FREEDOM back on the offensive where it belongs.


23 Responses

    We have received assurances from the Taliban. …we have the clear expectation of and commitment from the Taliban…
    [Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge. Prov 14:7]

  2. “I would Not Trust America under This Administration”
    – Nigel Farage: Great Britain Will Refuse Any New
    Military Interventions While Biden Is in Charge

    By Jim Hoft
    Published August 30, 2021

    “Former British politician and Brexit leader Nigel Farage joined Carl Higbie on The Kelly Report on Monday to discuss Joe Biden’s historic failures in Afghanisan.

    During their discussion on the US exit from Kabul Nigel Farage warned that the UK will refuse any military interventions with the US as long as Joe Biden is in charge.

    Nigel Farage: “When Boris Johnson made a desperate phone call to Biden he didn’t get a response for 40 hours… The result of this is any new military engagements that they want us to engage in we simply will not do with this man in charge… I can’t even see a future for NATO… I would not trust America under this administration.”

    Continued Here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/not-trust-america-administration-nigel-farage-great-britain-will-refuse-new-military-interventions-biden-charge/

    1. [VIDEO] Just 12 Days Ago on ABC News, Joe Biden Made a Promise to America That He’s Already Broken. It only took 12 days for Biden to break this promise he made to the American people on ABC News.

      By Wayne Dupree
      August 31, 2021

      “In the clip from 12 days ago, when Biden’s asked about Americans stranded in Afghanistan, he vowed that we would stay as long as it took until all Americans were out.

      He lied.

      We left last night, and there is still an unknown number of Americans, Afghans who helped us, (and service dogs) left behind.

      This man is a monster.

      You can watch the video below:”

      Continued Here: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/08/video-just-12-days-ago-on-abc-news-joe-biden-made-a-promise-to-america-that-hes-already-broken/

    2. Please read and share this great information and great warnings with others.

      Viganò: Considerations on the Great Reset and the New World Order

      “Only by turning to Christ can the wicked project of the New World Order be defeated and
      the Holy Church be purified of traitors and renegades.”

      (LifeSiteNews) – Editor’s Note: the following is a speech delivered by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on August 28, 2021.

      “We should have understood – I wrote it some time ago – that the Great Reset plan was not the result of the ravings of some “conspiracy theorist” but the crude evidence of a criminal plan, conceived for decades and aimed at establishing a universal dictatorship in which a minority of immeasurably rich and powerful people intends to enslave and subjugate the whole of humanity to the globalist ideology.”


      “Our response to the crisis of authority”

      “The corruption of authority is such that it is very difficult – at least in human terms – to hypothesize a peaceful way out. In the course of history, totalitarian regimes have been overthrown by force. It is difficult to think that the health dictatorship that has been established in recent months can be fought differently, since all the powers of the State, all of the means of information, all the international public and private institutions, all of the economic and financial potentates are complicit in this crime.

      Faced with this bleak scenario of corruption and conflict of interest, it is indispensable that all those who are not subservient to the globalist plan unite in a compact and cohesive front, in order to defend their natural and religious rights, their own health and that of their loved ones, their freedom, and their goods. Where authority fails in its duties and indeed betrays the purpose for which it has been established, disobedience is not only lawful but obligatory: non-violent disobedience, at least for now, but determined and courageous. Disobedience to the illegitimate and tyrannical diktats of ecclesiastical authority, wherever it shows itself to be an accomplice of the infernal plan of the New World Order.”

      Continued Here: https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/vigano-considerations-on-the-great-reset-and-the-new-world-order/

      1. A Harvard Professor’s Conversion to Catholicism | Roy Schoeman | Jesus, My Savior
        Nov 19, 2019

        “Meet Roy Schoeman, a former Professor at Harvard Business School, as he speaks about his acceptance of atheism when he went to university and how it dragged him into a pit of hopelessness. He shares how God personally intervened in his life in a miraculous way. Now working as a catholic speaker and inspiring thousands of believers and nonbelievers with his story, he has found the true meaning of life and the overflowing ocean of God’s Love.”


  3. UTT says;
    What are governors, state legislators, mayors, city/county councils, police chiefs, and community leaders doing to root out this cancer?
    Whell they are not doing too much.

    So we need to replace all those Lefties and Rinos from positions of power so we can do what needs to be done.We need to take back our country and do it sooner than later. All Patriots need to join a local organization that is fighting the good fight and work with these organizations. They are popping up across the country. Just make contact and ask what you can do to help. Our opinions are important but it will not remove the useless people. More direct action is needed.
    Northstar-Communicating a strategic direction to protect America’s freedom.

  4. Pineapple Express, The Sequel: Rogue Heroes Launch Phase II to Rescue Americans Left Behind by Biden;
    State Department Still Refuses to Provide ANY Assistance

    By Julian Conradson
    Published September 3, 2021

    “The Pineapple Express , a group of highly trained US military veterans who risked their lives conducting secret rescue missions behind the Biden State Department’s back, is going back to Afghanistan for the next phase of their mission — getting the hundreds of Americans left behind by Biden out, and bringing them back home.

    During the first phase of their mission they were able to help almost 700 US citizens and allies get to their evacuation flights at the airport safely. The special operators used their contacts in and outside of Afghanistan to transport people safely and even worked with US troops on the ground who had to disobey orders to help the rogue rescue effort.”

    Continued Here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/pineapple-express-sequel-rogue-heroes-launch-phase-ii-rescue-americans-left-behind-biden-state-department-still-refuses-provide-assistance/

  5. LOST BALLOTS in Arizona, Wisconsin And Nevada Exceed Biden’s Victory Margins: “MARICOPA COUNTY Alone Has Admitted That They Sent 110,000 Mail-In Or Absentee Ballots To What Turned Out To Be The WRONG Addresses”

    By Jordan Conradson
    Published September 3, 2021


    1. The Eternal Jihad

      By Raymond Ibrahim
      August 31, 2021

      “Although August 15, 2021, will forever live in infamy as the date the Taliban reconquered Afghanistan, for over 13 centuries that date was famous for another event — Constantinople’s defeat of the caliphate, August 15, 718. While these two events separated by exactly 1,303 years are vastly different in nature — not least that in 718 Islam lost, while in 2021 it won — they both confirm one irresistible point that the confident West should take to heart: the tenacity of Islamic jihad — this relentless snake of war that always bides its time, even if by remaining coiled for many centuries, before striking.”

      Continued Here: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/08/the_eternal_jihad.html

  6. If Biden’s ‘Mission Accomplished’ Was Referring to His Efforts
    to Destroy America and Set the World on Fire – Then ‘Yes’ It Was a Success

    By Joe Hoft
    Sept. 6, 2021

    “Senile and Corrupt Joe Biden claimed ‘Mission Accomplished’ in relation to his efforts in Afghanistan. Was this in reference to his efforts or Obama’s?

    When Obama was elected in 2008 he promised massive change. Unfortunately, Americans had no idea that the change Obama wanted was the destruction of America, the fundamental change of the freest country in history into another communist hellhole. Only the devil would want such a thing.”


    Obama led to the election of President Trump.

    Obama couldn’t have Trump win another term so he and his henchmen corrupted and stole the 2020 Election. Immediately the Biden/Obama Administration went back to its task of destroying America and the world.

    After overturning Trump’s actions that gave America energy independence, rolling out trillions in spending, and setting the US again on a course of destruction, Biden/Obama went global – Afghanistan was the result. For starters, the American military was put to shame. On September 1, 2021 Alan Bergestein wrote in Arutz 7, an Israeli publication: […].”

    Continued: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/bidens-mission-accomplished-referring-efforts-destroy-america-set-world-fire-yes-success/


    Since adequate police protection at major sporting events in the United States is a thing of the past; at about 2020hrs this evening when a new NFL season kicks off in Tampa, Florida, thanks to the thirty-two team owners who have allowed, or in some cases encouraged, their respective stadiums to become pre-game altars of unmitigated hate of our flag, our people and our beloved country at the hands of a relatively small group of well organized multi-millionaire players; the most dangerous place in the country to be with ones family or loved ones amidst a hoard of 65,000 other people will be at an NFL football game as, lets say, a pair of choppers laden with aerosol anthrax comes flying by, No you say? read Chapters 7 & 8 of “Defending Against Biothreats” by Dr. Ken Alibek, the former research director of the Soviet Union’s biological weapons of mass casualties program (available via: securefreedom.org).

    God bless America and President Donald J Trump and HAIL TO THE REDSKINS!

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