Not understanding national security threats to America has devastating consequences. Understanding Economic Warfare and sharia compliant finance is no exception.
Nine years ago, UTT President John Guandolo met with Kevin Freeman in Dallas, Texas to discuss Freeman’s research revealing the 2008 U.S. market downturn was probably an intentional economic attack from hostile foreign nations and others, during which the United States lost over $12.5 trillion dollars in wealth.
This meeting led to Freeman being contracted with the Department of Defense to write an official report on Economic Warfare.
In his report, Freeman describes three (3) phases of this economic attack as follows:
- A speculative run-up in oil prices that generated as much as $2 trillion of excess wealth for oil-producing nations, filling the coffers of Sovereign Wealth Funds, especially those that follow Shariah Compliant Finance. This phase appears to have begun in 2007 and lasted through June 2008.
- The second phase appears to have begun in 2008 with a series of bear raids targeting U.S. financial services firms that appeared to be systemically significant. An initial bear raid against Bear Stearns was successful in forcing the firm to near bankruptcy. It was acquired by JP Morgan Chase and the systemic risk was averted briefly. Similar bear raids were conducted against various other firms during the summer, each ending in an acquisition. The attacks continued until the outright failure of Lehman Brothers in mid-September. This created a system-wide crisis, caused the collapse of the credit markets, and nearly collapsed the global financial system.
- The risk of a Phase Three has quickly emerged, suggesting a potential direct economic attack on the U.S. Treasury and U.S. dollar…a bear raid against the U.S. financial system remains possible and may even be likely.
The evidence produced in Freeman’s report, and in his best-selling book Secret Weapon, make a strong case the 2008 U.S. financial crisis was primarily a result of economic warfare against the U.S. It also makes clear the United States is still critically vulnerable to such attacks in the future.
To get a copy of Secret Weapon, click here. Kevin Freeman can also be seen on his CRTV show Economic War Room.
With regards to Sharia Compliant Finance (SCF), it was under the George W. Bush administration the Treasury Department mandated SCF training for its employees.
Sharia Compliant Finance (SCF) refers to all financial mechanisms and transactions which are compliant with sharia.
Sharia is Islamic law, and all sharia mandates warfare against non-muslims until they convert to Islam or submit to sharia and pay the non-muslim poll tax (jizya).
All sharia mandates muslims to lie to non-muslims when the “goal is obligatory” which includes advancing the cause of Islam.
Sharia is the “law of the land” on the earth and in Islamic elementary and junior high schools in the U.S. muslim children are taught that dying in jihad is the only way to guarantee muslims will go to “paradise.”
The two men who brought Sharia Compliant Finance to Wall Street and the U.S. stock market are: Yusuf al Qaradawi, the senior Islamic jurist for the International Muslim Brotherhood; and Muhammad Taqi Usmani, a former justice on the Apellate Bench for Pakistan’s Supreme Court who openly calls for jihad to be waged and sharia to be implemented worldwide.
Not the men American financial leaders should be trusting with the U.S. financial system.
Today, many U.S. banks have funds and accounts which are compliant with sharia and SCF certified. This is what the Muslim Brotherhood calls “Civilization Jihad” by OUR hands.
Islamic Legal Scholar & Jurist Muhammad Taqi Usmani who brought SCF to Wall Street
Add to all of this that 1/8 of all zakat collected in U.S. mosques and Islamic organizations go to support “Islamic military operations” or what U.S. law calls “terrorism” and it is easy to see the United States is under financials assault at many levels.
Zakat is legally mandated giving by muslims and is one of the five pillars of Islam
The only answer to even begin to deal with this massive systemic assault on the U.S. financial system by the Global Islamic Movement is to know sharia.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
3 Responses
Nice work.
Thank you sir. JG
Inasmuch as: a) money is the “root of all evil”; b) Economics is conveniently characterized as an “inexact science”; and, c) treasonous war profiteers have never given a damn about National Security and morals, particularly with respect to the lives of other people, the only thing left to “understand”, as UTT puts it, is how much longer the United States can endure the ongoing invasion of sharia adherent Muslims who come here to either enslave us or kill us, and Central America’s (essentially) male paupers who refuse to fight for their God given rights in their own countries.
I.e., In the 1860’s, 75% of America’s southern-slave produced cotton crop was transported to British mill owners aboard ships owned by the New York based “Brown Brothers” investment firm. Furthermore, e.g., not only was the infamous Oswiecim, Poland based Nazi concentration camp known as Auschwitz purposely positioned above coal deposits capable of rendering additives needed for the production of aviation gasoline required by Hitler’s Luftwaffe, but by virtue of a sales transaction resulting in total ownership of what had been their steel & coal conglomerate, Nazi industrialists Fritz Thyssen & Friedrich Flick sold all of their shares to American buyers Prescott Bush & Averell Harriman, who thus became co-owners of a WW-II German slave-labor & human-liguidation camp, the name of which was changed to the “Silesian American Corporation” and as such became a part of the Union Banking Corporation of New York.
Too, given that it was allegedly a trio of former college acquaintances comprised of Karl Rove, Grover Norquist and Jack Abramoff who ostensibly came up with the looney-tune idea that since U.S. Democratic politics were suspected of being historically funded big-time by American Jews, sharia adherent Muslims represented, perforce, a lucrative tit-for-tat Republican bonanza, (notwithstanding volumes of sharia-adherent related data to the contrary), is it thus any wonder that G. W. Bush muscled the Treasury Department into propagandizing its civil-service contingent into line; particularly in view of his treasonous trip to the Massachusetts Avenue mosque to announce – effectively to the world — that Islam was a religion of peace, notwithstanding that according to the arcane “28-pages” it was the Saudi Arabian government who financed the 9/11 attacks, which clearly equated to a declaration of war* and took the lives of more (mainly) American citizens than did the Empire of Japan’s airborne naval attack on Pearl Harbor.
Anyone wishing to have an Arabic-to-English translated, verbatim copy of said declaration of war, which was seized from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia in accordance with a federal search warrant by Special Agents of the FBI in 2004, can contact: and request (for a nominal handling & postage fee), GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.