JG Blog

John Guandolo


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“Capitol Punishment” Opens Texans’ Eyes To Truth of January 6th

by John D. Guandolo Sunday evening, Women for America First hosted a screening of the movie “Capitol Punishment” – called “the most censored film in American history” – at Glenn Beck’s Mercury Studio in Irving, Texas to a crowd of Texans who were both moved by the emotional power of the film and angered by […]

Policy Change Will Not Win This War

by John D. Guandolo The well-entrenched communist and jihadi Movements in the United States – whose stated objective is the overthrow of the American Republic – will not be defeated by new or different policies. Part of the modus operandi of both of these hostile Movements is to overload America’s political system at the federal, […]

Understanding Why HR 5665 Confirms Victory and Liberty Are in the Hands of Patriots

by John D. Guandolo Since writing the article last week entitled, “Traitorous Democrats Unanimously Vote with IS, Al Qaeda, and MB” some questions have been asked which must be answered. A former U.S. Attorney General told me not to worry because the bill will never get through the Senate. This comment seems to miss the […]

Hamas Again Threatens John Guandolo and UTT

by John D. Guandolo The designated Foreign Terrorist Organization Hamas doing business as CAIR stepped out again and threatened UTT President John Guandolo.  They must be getting bored with harrassing and threatening UTT Vice President John Bennett these days. Monday, Hamas’ National U.S. office (CAIR), along with their Dallas affiliate, identified John as an “Islamophobe,” […]

UTT’s Open Letter to America’s Governors

by John D. Guandolo Since 9/11, no governor in any state in America has dismantled the jihadi network in their state in order to remove the support network for Islamic attacks in the U.S. while simultaneously defending their citizens. Below are the contents of an open letter to America’s governors which UTT will be sending […]

UTT’s Training Provides Americans the Best Resource for Winning the War

by John D. Guandolo The utter lack of understanding of threats facing America I experienced inside the government in 2002 has continued through today, and will be the undoing of America’s Constitutional Republic unless Patriotic citizens and leaders get educated and trained. UTT is the best resource in America to do just that. In 2006, […]

The Enemy is On the Move: UTT’s Intel Update

The following is a summary of Understanding the Threat’s assessment of current events, intelligence gathered, and analysis as of today, 8/5/2021: Backdrop *Inside the FBI, Counterintelligence matters are being given a lesser priority than they have ever been to date. As UTT has previously published, it is our professional opinion that the U.S. counterintelligence apparatus […]

It is Worse Than You Think

by John D. Guandolo A friend and colleague who has dedicated years of his life in the counter-jihad effort shared with me this week that he was shocked at just how deeply corrupted the U.S. military leadership is with their anti-American and pro-communist ideology. His revelation came, in part, from reading Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier’s […]

UTT Bids Farewell to 2 Members of Our Family

by John D. Guandolo The UTT family recently lost two of our team members who have contributed a great deal to our growth, operations, and direction over the last several years. Stephanie Ameiss Stephanie Ameiss, UTT’s Director of Investigations, left our team in pursuit of new adventures. Stephanie has been with UTT since the fall […]

Celebrate July 4th By Advancing Liberty

by John D. Guandolo America’s Declaration of Independence is 1 of 4 documents identified in U.S. Federal Code as the basic for U.S. Organic Law. The Declaration is the IDEAL for our law and government. The Declaration states that every human being is born with unalienable rights given to us by God. America’s Founding Fathers […]