Last night (Tuesday) in Las Vegas, Nevada the Republican candidates for President met for their last debate of 2015. The focus of the debate was national security with a large portion of the discussion dedicated to ISIS and the jihadi threat.
UTT now offers a few comments on this debate and each candidate specifically as it relates to their positions on the Islamic threat.
Sadly, there were several illogical streams of thought from the candidates with regard to the Global Islamic Movement, the most obvious of which was the focus primarily on ISIS and the concerns surrounding that, and no spoken understanding of the larger Islamic Movement.
The candidates generally proclaimed:
- We cannot defeat ISIS without partnering with the Muslim world and using Arab forces
- Banning Muslim immigration to U.S. will hurt us in defeating ISIS
- ISIS is “radical” and the threat is primarily “over there”
- There was no mention of sharia as the enemy threat doctrine
- The Saudis are our friends
- There was no mention of destroying Iran’s military capability
- There was no mention that most Islamic Centers/Mosques and Islamic organizations in America are hostile/jihadist and, therefore, pose a threat to the American people.
- There was no mention that all of the recent jihadi attacks in America are directly tied to the Muslim Brotherhood’s network here
The following are key quotes from the candidates with brief comments by UTT included:
Senator Ted Cruz: Senator Cruz seemed to understand the jihadi threat better than the other candidates, and gave a more narrow definition of the threat than we have heard thus far. He also mentioned the Muslim Brotherhood and called them a “terrorist organization.” Senator Cruz highlighted the absurdity of an American government relying on “moderate Muslims” to change the course of the war, and made clear that border and port security were high priorities.
“Its not a war on a faith, its a war on a political and theocratic ideology that seeks to murder us…what (carpet bombing ISIS in their capital) means is using overwhelming air power to utterly and completely defeat ISIS…we need to use overwhelming air power, we need to be arming the Kurds, we need to be fighting and killing ISIS where they are.”
“We keep hearing from President Obama and Hillary Clinton, and Washington Republicans that they’re searching for these mythical moderate rebels. Its like a purple unicorn – they never exist. These moderate rebels end up being jihadists.”
“(Immigration) is directly related to what we have been talking about, because the front line with ISIS isn’t just in Iraq and Syria. Its also in Kennedy Airport and the Rio Grande. Border security is national security.”
In making the comment that Muslims in India are not prone to the type of activities we see from ISIS, Senator Cruz showed a lack of understanding of the Muslim community there, as many do support and are involved in the jihad. Overall, however, he clearly understands this threat better than the others.
Donald Trump: Mr. Trump stated he is willing to take the fight to the enemy by destorying ISIS using all means necessary, but did not demonstrate an understanding of the nature of the threat here in the United States. He reaffirmed his commitment to pause immigration of refugees and Muslims.
When asked about his ban on Muslims and refugees Mr. Trump stated, “We are not talking about isolation. We are talking about security. We are not talking about religion, we are talking about security…as far as other people like in the migration, where they are going, tens of thousands of people having cell phones with ISIS flags on them…they are not coming to this country…and if Obama has brought some to this country, they are leaving, they are going, they’re gone.”
Mr. Trump left little doubt he will address this threat head-on, and will do what needs to be done to protect America, regardless of what critics say.
Dr. Ben Carson: On two occasions, Dr. Carson called for Congress to declare war on ISIS, and was the only candidate to mention the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic document discovered at the 2004 FBI raid in Annandale, Virginia where the archives of the MB were found. Many of these documents were entered into the US v Holy Land Foundation trial which was the largest terrorism financing and Hamas trial in American history (Dallas, 2008). None of the candidates explained the MB network here or layed out the evidence from the HLF trial other than Dr. Carson’s brief comment.
“We need to be on a war footing. We need to understand that our nation is in grave danger….What the Muslim Brotherhood said in the Explanatory Memorandum that was discovered during the Holy Land Foundation trial is that they will take advantage of our PC attitude to get us.”
We have to “shut down all the mechanisms whereby they can disperse money because they go after disaffected individuals all over the place…”
Governor Chris Christie: Governor Christie emphasized his experience as a federal prosecutor, and it is a pretty strong record on which to stand. However, his record of defending suit wearing jihadists is also clear, and he has demonstrated his lack of understanding of Islam and sharia. This means if he is put in a position of leadership at the federal level, he will likely continue the Bush administration’s practice of focusing on jihadis who want to shoot people and blow things up while the suit-wearing jihadis write American foreign and domestic policy on these matters.
“On ISIS, lets be clear, the President needs to be a force that is trusted in the world…if you’re the King of Jordan, if you’re in the royal family in Saudi Arabia, and he’s made this deal with Iran which gives them $150 billion to wage a war and try to extend their empire across the Middle East, why would you want to do it (fight in a coalition against Asad’s forces) now? But I’ll tell you this, when I stand across from King Hussein of Jordan and I say to him you have a friend again sir who will stand with you again to fight this fight, he’ll change his mind.”
Governor Christie also proclaimed that ISIS was formed because of Iran, again highlighting his lack of understanding that jihad is an obligation for all Muslims until the world is under Islamic rule.
“ISIS is created and formed because of the abuse that Asad and his Iranian sponsors have rained down on the sunnis in Syria…we need to focus our attention on Iran, because if you miss Iran you are not going to get ISIS. The two are inextricably connected because one causes the other.”
Governor Christie was strong and resolute on not allowing Syrian refugees into the US because the FBI Director says the FBI cannot vet them.
Senator Rand Paul stated the United States needs to “defeat terrorism” and that “Regime change hasn’t won. Toppling secular dictators in the Middle East has only led to chaos and the rise of radical Islam.”
This again reveals a strategic misunderstanding of what we are dealing with. The rise of the Islamic armies is a function of sharia, not of Israel, toppling dictators, Iran, or anything else. Our mis-steps hurt us strategically, but these events are not the driving force behind the global jihad – Islamic doctrine is.
“We get so distracted by all of the information, we are spending time getting specific information on terrorists…by arming the allies of ISIS, the Islamic rebels against Asad, that we created a safe space or made that space bigger for ISIS to grow. I think those who have wanted regime change have made a mistake.”
It should be noted, however, that UTT believes “regime change” should not be the focus, but destroying the enemy in all forms should. Our objective was to help establish democratic-style governments in Afghanistan and Iraq, and today they are Islamic Republics under sharia.
Governor John Kasich’s perspective of wanting to unify Republicans and Democrats seems to ignore the reality that the Democrat party at the federal level is now a socialist-based party with no desire to defend American principles or our national security.
“We need to unify” with democrats.
He also verbalized his approval of trusting and working with Saudi Arabia – the largest funder of the global jihad besides Iran. “The Saudis have organized 34 countries who want to join in the battle against terrorism. First and foremost, we need to go and destroy ISIS, and we need to do this with our Arab friends and our friends in Europe.”
“(Asad) has to go. Asad is aligned with Iran and Russia. The one thing we want to prevent is we want to prevent Iran being able to extend a shia crescent all across the Middle East. Asad has got to go. And there are moderates there. There are moderates in Syria we should be supporting….At the end, the Saudis have agreed to put together a coalition inside of Syria to stabilize that country.”
While Governor Kasich stated he does not support allowing Syrian refugees into the United States, his desire to rely on “moderate” Muslims in places like Syria reveals a grave lack of understanding of the threat.
Carly Fiorina: Mrs. Fiorina seems focused on using technology to win the war, which is not surprising given her background. However, her common sense approach to most things may mean she is likely open to the truth at a deeper level.
Her desire to have Muslims in the coalition, again, highlights a lack of strategic understanding of this threat. “We must have sunni Arabs involved in this coalition.”
“We need to deny (ISIS) territory. Here at home we need to do two fundamental things…we need to recognize that technology has moved on…and the terrorists have moved on with it…We now learn that DHS says ‘no we can’t check their social media.’ For heaven’s sake, every parent in America is checking social media and every employer is as well, but our government can’t do it…our government has become incompetent, unresponsive, corrupt. And that incompetence, ineptitude, lack of accountability, is now dangerous…One of the things I would immediately do, in addition to defeating them here at home, is bring back the warrior class.”
Mrs. Fiorina understands we need warriors to lead this fight. UTT only slightly disagrees with her specific comments in that we need more warriors/leaders like General Mattis and less like General Petraeus.
Governor Jeb Bush: Governor Bush believes the Arab world needs to create the strategy to defeat ISIS without acknowledging the Muslim world is conflicted because what ISIS is doing is often right in line with Islamic doctrine. He strongly disagrees with Mr. Trump’s proposal to ban Muslim immigration for a time period specifically because – according to Mr. Bush – it will hurt America’s ability to engage the Muslim world. Governor Bush seems to be unaware that a large portion of the Muslim world is already at war with us.
“We need to destroy ISIS in the caliphate. That should be our objective. The refugee issue will be solved if we destroy ISIS there…All of that has to be done in concert with the Arab nations. And if we’re going to ban all Muslims, how are we going to get them to be part of a coalition to destroy ISIS…This is not a serious proposal. In fact, it will push the Muslim world, the Arab world, away from us at a time when we need to re-engage with them to be able to create a strategy to destroy ISIS…Banning all Muslims will make it harder for us to (destroy ISIS)…The main thing we should be focused on is a strategy to destroy ISIS.”
Senator Marco Rubio: Senator Rubio stated that sunni Arabs reject ISIS ideologically without providing further details. In fact, the Arab world is concerned because ISIS is calling out Arab leaders who are not abiding by sharia, and the Global Islamic Movement is currently focused on holding those leaders accountable and overthrowing governments in order to make sharia the law of the land. His plan also mandates our enemies in the Islamic world be a part of the coalition to defeat ISIS, and also believes ISIS was created for some other reason other than the truth that Islamic law requires it.
“We have to understand who ISIS is. ISIS is a radical Sunni group. They cannot just be defeated through air strikes. Air strikes are a key component of defeating them, but they must be defeated on the ground by a ground force. And that ground force must be made up of sunni Arabs themselves. Sunni Arabs who reject them ideologically and confront them militarily…Asad is one of the main reasons ISIS exists to begin with. Asad is a puppet of Iran. And he has been so brutal towards the sunni within Syria, that he created the space that led for the people of Syria themselves to stand up and try to overthrow him. That led to the chaos which allowed ISIS to come in and take advantage of that situation and grow more powerful.”
Overall, the candidates did not acknowledge the reality that the war against us is a Global Islamic Movement, not merely ISIS. Did Al Qaeda evaporate from the planet by the way?
Many of the candidates also proclaimed we must use Muslim forces to defeat Muslim forces. This is not rational on the face of it. America must do what we need to do to defend our sovereignty, our government, our people, and our way of life.
Additionally, none of the candidates spoke truth into the massive jihadi network here in America that is much more of an imminent threat to all of us than ISIS in Syria is.
The good news is, the needle has moved and the discussions are getting closer to the truth. Most of that is because Mr. Trump has forced these discussions, and that is good for American national security and our future.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
27 Responses
I don’t understand why people don’t understand what is happening! And, when I try to explain what’s going on in our Whitehouse they think I’m fanatical. I just want America back! I don’t want my children and children’s children to live in an archaic society.
Thank you for doing what you do!!
I don’t understand why people don’t understand what is happening! And, when I try to explain what’s going on in our Whitehouse they think I’m fanatical. I just want America back! I don’t want my children and children’s children to live in an archaic society.
Thank you for doing what you do!!
I don’t understand why people don’t understand what is happening! And, when I try to explain what’s going on in our Whitehouse they think I’m fanatical. I just want America back! I don’t want my children and children’s children to live in an archaic society.
Thank you for doing what you do!!
cogent analysis. however, you neglected to mention that chris christie was also wrong about saying something to king hussein, unless he can communicate with the dead. king hussein died 4 years ago.
cogent analysis. however, you neglected to mention that chris christie was also wrong about saying something to king hussein, unless he can communicate with the dead. king hussein died 4 years ago.
cogent analysis. however, you neglected to mention that chris christie was also wrong about saying something to king hussein, unless he can communicate with the dead. king hussein died 4 years ago.
Christie’s comments on ISIL being a creation based on the actions of Iranian support for Assad???
Who does he blame for the Ikwahn’s takeover of Libya or Egypt?
He needs a good course on the Islamic infiltration, their stated goals, and he needs to sit and listen to a full week to 6 people at a minimum on this, with reading material to be tested on in the next session!
Christie’s comments on ISIL being a creation based on the actions of Iranian support for Assad???
Who does he blame for the Ikwahn’s takeover of Libya or Egypt?
He needs a good course on the Islamic infiltration, their stated goals, and he needs to sit and listen to a full week to 6 people at a minimum on this, with reading material to be tested on in the next session!
Christie’s comments on ISIL being a creation based on the actions of Iranian support for Assad???
Who does he blame for the Ikwahn’s takeover of Libya or Egypt?
He needs a good course on the Islamic infiltration, their stated goals, and he needs to sit and listen to a full week to 6 people at a minimum on this, with reading material to be tested on in the next session!
Your analysis of last night’s debate only underscores to me the high level to which ‘political correctness’ has penetrated the American psyche; even to the point that so-called conservatives are reticent to go for the jugular of our mortal enemy. Sad, truly very sad! I am not sure if there exists enough old-fashioned ‘Yankee Ingenuity’ left in today’s America to get us out of this mess. I am very pessimistic. God Help us!
Your analysis of last night’s debate only underscores to me the high level to which ‘political correctness’ has penetrated the American psyche; even to the point that so-called conservatives are reticent to go for the jugular of our mortal enemy. Sad, truly very sad! I am not sure if there exists enough old-fashioned ‘Yankee Ingenuity’ left in today’s America to get us out of this mess. I am very pessimistic. God Help us!
Your analysis of last night’s debate only underscores to me the high level to which ‘political correctness’ has penetrated the American psyche; even to the point that so-called conservatives are reticent to go for the jugular of our mortal enemy. Sad, truly very sad! I am not sure if there exists enough old-fashioned ‘Yankee Ingenuity’ left in today’s America to get us out of this mess. I am very pessimistic. God Help us!
None of the current Republican or Democratic candidates are willing to register ALL Muslims, and put them on a “Watch List.” Why? Because Islam is still perceived as just a religion instead of an international crime syndicate with a religious front. Our political leaders do not recognize the fact that Imams are local godfathers, and individual Muslims are members of a crime family.
If Islam were just a religion, it would not have an inseparable totalitarian religious civil government with a paramilitary component to enforce its barbaric system of coercive discipline upon those who violate its theocratic Sharia Mafia family code of behavior. No other organized group that calls itself a “religion” tortures, maims and/or executes those who violate their religious law. Take a look at a field copy of their code book, “Reliance of the Traveller.” It has a categorical index listing every aspect of how Muslims are commanded to live. It is their totalitarian social code. It contains commands for every aspect of their behavior, who they are required to love and who to hate, who to enslave, rape, torture, pillage and murder. It is a summary of what is taught in the Quran and the ahadith (traditions of Mohammad), and has been approved by the four major Sunni schools of religious law. It is their handbook that was written to inculcate an entire society with the mindset of ultimate intolerance of human freedom with the ultimate goal of subjugating the entire human race under an Islamic world government. Both our political leaders and the American people are so self-absorbed and without discernment that they will NOT call a viper what it is. America is being invaded by poisonous snakes, and we treat them as a “protected species.”
What FOOLS we are! Muslims should ALL be registered, rounded up and DEPORTED enmasse. If we don’t, they will kill us, or we will have to kill them, but not before they have inflicted a huge amount of death and destruction to this country. They are incorrigible, dedicated enemies of America and every other nation of the world. They need to be permanently removed from America…..NOW!
None of the current Republican or Democratic candidates are willing to register ALL Muslims, and put them on a “Watch List.” Why? Because Islam is still perceived as just a religion instead of an international crime syndicate with a religious front. Our political leaders do not recognize the fact that Imams are local godfathers, and individual Muslims are members of a crime family.
If Islam were just a religion, it would not have an inseparable totalitarian religious civil government with a paramilitary component to enforce its barbaric system of coercive discipline upon those who violate its theocratic Sharia Mafia family code of behavior. No other organized group that calls itself a “religion” tortures, maims and/or executes those who violate their religious law. Take a look at a field copy of their code book, “Reliance of the Traveller.” It has a categorical index listing every aspect of how Muslims are commanded to live. It is their totalitarian social code. It contains commands for every aspect of their behavior, who they are required to love and who to hate, who to enslave, rape, torture, pillage and murder. It is a summary of what is taught in the Quran and the ahadith (traditions of Mohammad), and has been approved by the four major Sunni schools of religious law. It is their handbook that was written to inculcate an entire society with the mindset of ultimate intolerance of human freedom with the ultimate goal of subjugating the entire human race under an Islamic world government. Both our political leaders and the American people are so self-absorbed and without discernment that they will NOT call a viper what it is. America is being invaded by poisonous snakes, and we treat them as a “protected species.”
What FOOLS we are! Muslims should ALL be registered, rounded up and DEPORTED enmasse. If we don’t, they will kill us, or we will have to kill them, but not before they have inflicted a huge amount of death and destruction to this country. They are incorrigible, dedicated enemies of America and every other nation of the world. They need to be permanently removed from America…..NOW!
None of the current Republican or Democratic candidates are willing to register ALL Muslims, and put them on a “Watch List.” Why? Because Islam is still perceived as just a religion instead of an international crime syndicate with a religious front. Our political leaders do not recognize the fact that Imams are local godfathers, and individual Muslims are members of a crime family.
If Islam were just a religion, it would not have an inseparable totalitarian religious civil government with a paramilitary component to enforce its barbaric system of coercive discipline upon those who violate its theocratic Sharia Mafia family code of behavior. No other organized group that calls itself a “religion” tortures, maims and/or executes those who violate their religious law. Take a look at a field copy of their code book, “Reliance of the Traveller.” It has a categorical index listing every aspect of how Muslims are commanded to live. It is their totalitarian social code. It contains commands for every aspect of their behavior, who they are required to love and who to hate, who to enslave, rape, torture, pillage and murder. It is a summary of what is taught in the Quran and the ahadith (traditions of Mohammad), and has been approved by the four major Sunni schools of religious law. It is their handbook that was written to inculcate an entire society with the mindset of ultimate intolerance of human freedom with the ultimate goal of subjugating the entire human race under an Islamic world government. Both our political leaders and the American people are so self-absorbed and without discernment that they will NOT call a viper what it is. America is being invaded by poisonous snakes, and we treat them as a “protected species.”
What FOOLS we are! Muslims should ALL be registered, rounded up and DEPORTED enmasse. If we don’t, they will kill us, or we will have to kill them, but not before they have inflicted a huge amount of death and destruction to this country. They are incorrigible, dedicated enemies of America and every other nation of the world. They need to be permanently removed from America…..NOW!
This is the most succinctly relevant analysis I have encountered.
This is the most succinctly relevant analysis I have encountered.
This is the most succinctly relevant analysis I have encountered.
With the exception of the two “Patriot” bookends (Trump & Carson), all of the ones in between were less than impressive.
Thus, since time is of the essence, why not try these:
a) A Joint Congressional Committee charged with the production of a comprehensive mandatory course of instruction for the rest of the Congress focused on the Global Islamic Movement/worldwide Christian Holocaust.
b) Amend Article-III, Section-III of the Constitution to redefine the definition of treason to meet contemporary necessities vis-à-vis national security. And specify the death penalty for treason as a penalty option.
c) Restore to FBI training & operational data the 1600 pages previously removed at the behest of the Islamic CIA Director due to their references to Islam and all things to which that term may apply. Furthermore, strictly enforce laws which prevent malicious prosecutions, e.g. for the exercise of exercising ones right to freedom of speech.
d) Create a nationwide FBI element of special agents dedicated to the investigation of subversion & treason, and for the monitoring of mosques & Islamic Centers for incidents of incitement to lethal violence against American citizens et al.
e) Review the security clearances of every naturalized Muslim currently employed by the federal government.
With the exception of the two “Patriot” bookends (Trump & Carson), all of the ones in between were less than impressive.
Thus, since time is of the essence, why not try these:
a) A Joint Congressional Committee charged with the production of a comprehensive mandatory course of instruction for the rest of the Congress focused on the Global Islamic Movement/worldwide Christian Holocaust.
b) Amend Article-III, Section-III of the Constitution to redefine the definition of treason to meet contemporary necessities vis-à-vis national security. And specify the death penalty for treason as a penalty option.
c) Restore to FBI training & operational data the 1600 pages previously removed at the behest of the Islamic CIA Director due to their references to Islam and all things to which that term may apply. Furthermore, strictly enforce laws which prevent malicious prosecutions, e.g. for the exercise of exercising ones right to freedom of speech.
d) Create a nationwide FBI element of special agents dedicated to the investigation of subversion & treason, and for the monitoring of mosques & Islamic Centers for incidents of incitement to lethal violence against American citizens et al.
e) Review the security clearances of every naturalized Muslim currently employed by the federal government.
With the exception of the two “Patriot” bookends (Trump & Carson), all of the ones in between were less than impressive.
Thus, since time is of the essence, why not try these:
a) A Joint Congressional Committee charged with the production of a comprehensive mandatory course of instruction for the rest of the Congress focused on the Global Islamic Movement/worldwide Christian Holocaust.
b) Amend Article-III, Section-III of the Constitution to redefine the definition of treason to meet contemporary necessities vis-à-vis national security. And specify the death penalty for treason as a penalty option.
c) Restore to FBI training & operational data the 1600 pages previously removed at the behest of the Islamic CIA Director due to their references to Islam and all things to which that term may apply. Furthermore, strictly enforce laws which prevent malicious prosecutions, e.g. for the exercise of exercising ones right to freedom of speech.
d) Create a nationwide FBI element of special agents dedicated to the investigation of subversion & treason, and for the monitoring of mosques & Islamic Centers for incidents of incitement to lethal violence against American citizens et al.
e) Review the security clearances of every naturalized Muslim currently employed by the federal government.