JG Blog

John Guandolo


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U.S. Election Fraud – National Security Crisis

by John D. Guandolo In the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, America faces the culmination and natural outcome of a 100 year effort by the Communist Counter-State and a 60 year effort by the Islamic Counter-State. The response by America’s national security apparatus reveals America has a significant national security crisis that must be met with […]

A Call for Total Victory in This War

by John D. Guandolo When faced with a determined enemy who seeks your destruction, appeasement has never and will never work. America has been at war for over 20 years with the Global Islamic Movement, yet the U.S. government has not put America on a war footing. Because the U.S. has failed to identify this […]

When the Government Fails In Its Primary Duty, The People Will Defend Themselves

Written by John Guandolo, President/Founder of Understanding the Threat (UTT) 100% of Islamic Law (sharia) mandates warfare against non-muslims, and obliges stoning, crucifixion and beheading for certain crimes.  Islam’s prophet – a “beautiful pattern of conduct” for all muslims for all times – himself tortured, killed, took sex slaves, waged war on non-muslims, lied, and […]

UTT Reviews Final Republican Presidential Debate of 2015

Last night (Tuesday) in Las Vegas, Nevada the Republican candidates for President met for their last debate of 2015.  The focus of the debate was national security with a large portion of the discussion dedicated to ISIS and the jihadi threat. UTT now offers a few comments on this debate and each candidate specifically as it […]