In Light of Jeremiah Wright’s Comments UTT Asks: Was Jesus a Muslim?
Saturday at the Nation of Islam event titled “Justice or Else!” President Obama’s pastor Jeremiah Wright stated Jesus was a “Palestinian.” This is historically untrue, but it opens up a door for a deeper discussion. In light of a nationwide push by Muslim Brotherhood organizations to propagate the message that Jesus of Nazareth was a Muslim, it is […]
Jihadi Information Operation in Irving Texas
The Muslim Brotherhood in America rarely does things willy nilly. The case of the young Muslim arrested in Texas last week by Police for bringing a device to school – that very closely resembles a detonator – is no exception. Whether his parents put him up to it on their own, they acted under guidance […]
Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga is an Enemy Outpost
Mohammed Abdulazeez killed 4 Marines and 1 sailor on July 16, 2015. He was a Muslim who attended the Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga, which is a Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood center. This was an act of jihad doing what the Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga teaches people to do. It is a jihadi center as […]
Remembering America’s Independence in an Era of Tyranny
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That […]
Liars and Lunatics
In the wake of the jihadi attacks last week in France, Kuwait, and Tunisia, the reality of the Islamic threat is as clear as it could possibly be, yet our enemies continue to use the same tactics and the leadership in the West regurgitates the obvious lies fed to them. Western leaders continue to delude […]
Give Somalis in Minnesota What They Want – The Exit Door
Film-maker Ami Horowitz produced a 4-minute film that is gold, and gives us all a clear understanding of what we are up against in the Muslim community. Horowitz walks around Minneapolis, Minnesota and asks simple questions of Muslims about America, Sharia, and Somalia. The Muslims speak their minds freely. They say that those who insult […]
Facts & Evidence Expose MB/Hamas in Arizona While Local Media Collaborators Defend Stealth Jihadis
Friday in Tempe, Arizona, UTT (Understanding the Threat) rocked the worlds of over 300 prosecutors and law enforcement officials by detailing the threat from the Islamic Jihadi Movement to the United States using facts and evidence. The audience stated – without one dissenting voice – they were unaware of the information presented and the information […]
Honor the 9/11 Dead: Defeat the Enemy & Punish Those Supporting Them
It is 13 years after September 11, 2001. How are we honoring those slain on that day? How are we honoring those in uniform who have given the last full measure of devotion for a cause they believed is truly right and just? In preparation for his speech Wednesday night (9/10/14), America’s President sought council […]
Sharia Adherence Means Danger in Your Community
by John D. Guandolo As Americans come to better understand sharia is real law and jihadis intend to impose it on all muslims and non-muslims alike, it becomes important to know when sharia adherence is increasing in a particular area because it indicates violence from the jihadis will soon follow. As police and military units […]
VA Scandal Just Tip of Iceberg
In the ongoing war against the Global Islamic Movement, the most important weapon in our arsenal is the Military Warrior. The U.S. government spends a great deal of time and money to recruit, train, and outfit America’s warriors. For the men in Special Operations units, the cost can reach over a million dollars per man […]