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John Guandolo


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Celebrate July 4th By Advancing Liberty

by John D. Guandolo

America’s Declaration of Independence is 1 of 4 documents identified in U.S. Federal Code as the basic for U.S. Organic Law. The Declaration is the IDEAL for our law and government.

The Declaration states that every human being is born with unalienable rights given to us by God. America’s Founding Fathers built a government around this self-evident truth.

As identified in the Declaration, the “Law of Nature and of Nature’s God” is the bedrock of our law and government, and it was legally defined in the Founding Era as “the will of God (as he reveals himself in his creation)” and “Holy Scripture.”

Thus, the moral standard for our Constitutional Republic is clear.

The same law – Blackstone’s Commentaries – which legally defined “the Law of Nature and of Nature’s God” stated clearly no law can be legislated which violates these principles.

Constitutionally-minded Americans know their leaders at the federal and, in many cases, state level are trampling their unalienable rights. 

These “leaders” are self-serving, incompetent, criminally negligent, and, in some cases, willingly taking actions which endanger our nation.  Working with a variety of hostile networks, these corrupt leaders not only fail to do their duty, they actively advance our enemies’ agendas every day.

As can be witnessed at school board and city council meetings across the nation, citizens are rising up. They are rising up because they are tired of tyrants stealing their money and propagating unvarnished lies in schools and in local communities, such as “Critical Race Theory.”

Average Americans are smart enough to know when they are being sold a load of garbage, and some are taking action at the local level to stop it.

Many people, however, feel the problem is too big or they have no real power.  The question many ask is:  “What can I do?”

Understanding the Threat (UTT) is the answer to that question.  We educate, train, and equip Americans with the tools they need to take power back at the local level. 

UTT empowers citizens with the tools to identify, map out, and dismantle the hostile networks at the local level.

Understanding the Threat is the only organization in America doing this, and our team is built with experienced patriotic professionals from the counter-intelligence, counter-insurgency, and asymmetric warfare communities.

With God’s grace and support, Americans will retake America from the ground up – community by community and county by county.

Getting trained in UTT’s 3-day “Into Action” program is the first step in taking back your community, your state, and our nation. Learn how to build a Ground Team in your community to coordinate efforts against the enemies of liberty.

Celebrate this 4th of July by advancing liberty.

We at UTT encourage you to:

  1. Read the Declaration of Independence and watch UTT’s “Who We Are” with your family, and have a discussion afterwards. Click HERE to download “Who We Are.”
  2. Click HERE and let us know you want to join our next INTO ACTION training program and become a part of the team taking the fight to the enemy and putting FREEDOM back on the offensive where it belongs.
  3. Fund the war effort by clicking HERE and joining our Freedom Fund by donating some amount each month.

Click HERE to read “The Battle Cry in America Once Again is Liberty or Death”

4 Responses


    Since the chief mandate of both open-ended loyalty oaths I’ve been privileged to recite require lifelong unmitigated allegiance to both the United States and the protection of American lives at the cost of my own if need be, I would be remiss were I not to express this alert via nationally familiar content found in the 1st Amendment’s right to freedom of speech.

    I.e., since the unalienable right to “Life” Thomas Jefferson addressed in the 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of Independence became the law of the land in1776, two hundred and forty-five years ago, the U.S. Attorney General who, tacitly or otherwise, has steadfastly refused to vouchsafe the lives of the American people amid what has obviously become an orgy of wanton slaughter of piteous victims ranging in age from the first year of their life to their eighties, he should at least be impeached, if not indicted for the abetment of treason in time of war* in view of Islam’s 9/11 attack which claimed the lives of 2,777 mainly American lives sans, as yet, even an iota of retribution.

    *Anyone who wishes to own – perhaps for familial tutoring sessions – an Arabic-to-English translated copy of Islam’s 21 May 1991 declaration of war on Western civilization, the original of which was seized in accordance with a federal search warrant from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia USA by special agents of the FBI in 2004, may do so (for but a nominal postage and handling fee) by connecting with http://www.securefreedom.org to request: GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.

  2. For secure comms get a voip app – run nord double vpn – get mobile Wi-Fi – turn cell service off ( make sure your voip service has texting if you need it ) phone will be safe and secure from the various threats that exist – off the surveillance world of communists and others – FYI

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