Film-maker Ami Horowitz produced a 4-minute film that is gold, and gives us all a clear understanding of what we are up against in the Muslim community.
Horowitz walks around Minneapolis, Minnesota and asks simple questions of Muslims about America, Sharia, and Somalia. The Muslims speak their minds freely.
They say that those who insult the Prophet Mohammed should be killed.
They say clearly that Sharia should be the law of the land, and they would rather live in Somalia than the United States.
Fine by us. The exit door is open. Please leave.
Please take your entire families, your four wives, your culture of death, your hatred for all that is good, and your desire to conquer, and leave.
Take your Sharia, your hatred for homosexuals, your desire to kill Jews, and your love of death and leave.
Take your enslavement and beating of your women, your marriage to 7 year old girls, your murder of those who leave Islam, and your genital mutilation and get out.
Take your whining, your laziness and your desire to get from and not give to our society and go.
Take all of the Muslim Brotherhood leaders with you too. Please take all the leaders of ISNA, ICNA, MAS, MSA, CAIR, NAIT, IIIT, MPAC, USMCO, AFP, your Islamic Centers and the other thousand jihadi/terrorist organizations to Somalia with you.
While you’re at it, please take all of your allies with you. Take the entire staff of MSNBC, Code Pink, the National Council of Churches, the USCCB, the entire State Department, John Boehner, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Mitch McConnell with you. America will be better off without them.
We do not want you here destroying our nation and our way of life any longer.
Please, Somali Muslims of Minneapolis, go back to Somalia as you desire.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
12 Responses
Thank u so much for all the information from your presentation last night. I had no idea that Islam had spread
into MN and the rest of the country that fast! I will do everything I can to “wake people” up to this very dangerous and alarming information. I’m planning on going to my Carver County Sheriff’s office on Monday with book in hand. I pray that our police across the nation educate themselves on this. I realize we can’t do
this without them.
Rebecca Belden
Thank u so much for all the information from your presentation last night. I had no idea that Islam had spread
into MN and the rest of the country that fast! I will do everything I can to “wake people” up to this very dangerous and alarming information. I’m planning on going to my Carver County Sheriff’s office on Monday with book in hand. I pray that our police across the nation educate themselves on this. I realize we can’t do
this without them.
Rebecca Belden
Thank u so much for all the information from your presentation last night. I had no idea that Islam had spread
into MN and the rest of the country that fast! I will do everything I can to “wake people” up to this very dangerous and alarming information. I’m planning on going to my Carver County Sheriff’s office on Monday with book in hand. I pray that our police across the nation educate themselves on this. I realize we can’t do
this without them.
Rebecca Belden
Said letter is inspirational and reflective of a demonstrable A-list leader–i.e. one among a reletive few who has actually led others in mortal combat in defense of his country; and a more powerful reason to follow another man’s lead doesn’t exist.
Said letter is inspirational and reflective of a demonstrable A-list leader–i.e. one among a reletive few who has actually led others in mortal combat in defense of his country; and a more powerful reason to follow another man’s lead doesn’t exist.
Said letter is inspirational and reflective of a demonstrable A-list leader–i.e. one among a reletive few who has actually led others in mortal combat in defense of his country; and a more powerful reason to follow another man’s lead doesn’t exist.
Unfortunately. the tide is going the other way….I of course agree with you, however as we know Somali’s, Syrians are here to as “refugee’s with a possible deadly purpose, sent to further Islam…and its all well according to the liberal left and press. i am concerned about reports from Fox describing the Christian influx…I am not sure they are able to get out and worry about who goes with them. But you know help may come from funny sources…although mocked by CNN,The Trump, is letting slip some very good truths. All though the rush to discredit him will be swift he at least knows his cards and may deliver some facts. Also too the distraction of the Confederate flag may make some conflated news until the Isis flag gets discussed and revealed…especially since it pops up in NYC etc.
I have a concern about Greece and the financial crisis, a small country but I think about Isis marching in with the big bucks (money) to aid, the signed them up for a new caliphate. This seems to be how they do it…of course with suits at first. if so Cameron may notice….if he knows about influence and the m brothers….
Hopefully you are OK, waiting for new blog…like your work. Also saw the video of SC, wish more people could hear your older security video…13 parts. I still think is was really well explained. Take care/ cl
Unfortunately. the tide is going the other way….I of course agree with you, however as we know Somali’s, Syrians are here to as “refugee’s with a possible deadly purpose, sent to further Islam…and its all well according to the liberal left and press. i am concerned about reports from Fox describing the Christian influx…I am not sure they are able to get out and worry about who goes with them. But you know help may come from funny sources…although mocked by CNN,The Trump, is letting slip some very good truths. All though the rush to discredit him will be swift he at least knows his cards and may deliver some facts. Also too the distraction of the Confederate flag may make some conflated news until the Isis flag gets discussed and revealed…especially since it pops up in NYC etc.
I have a concern about Greece and the financial crisis, a small country but I think about Isis marching in with the big bucks (money) to aid, the signed them up for a new caliphate. This seems to be how they do it…of course with suits at first. if so Cameron may notice….if he knows about influence and the m brothers….
Hopefully you are OK, waiting for new blog…like your work. Also saw the video of SC, wish more people could hear your older security video…13 parts. I still think is was really well explained. Take care/ cl
Unfortunately. the tide is going the other way….I of course agree with you, however as we know Somali’s, Syrians are here to as “refugee’s with a possible deadly purpose, sent to further Islam…and its all well according to the liberal left and press. i am concerned about reports from Fox describing the Christian influx…I am not sure they are able to get out and worry about who goes with them. But you know help may come from funny sources…although mocked by CNN,The Trump, is letting slip some very good truths. All though the rush to discredit him will be swift he at least knows his cards and may deliver some facts. Also too the distraction of the Confederate flag may make some conflated news until the Isis flag gets discussed and revealed…especially since it pops up in NYC etc.
I have a concern about Greece and the financial crisis, a small country but I think about Isis marching in with the big bucks (money) to aid, the signed them up for a new caliphate. This seems to be how they do it…of course with suits at first. if so Cameron may notice….if he knows about influence and the m brothers….
Hopefully you are OK, waiting for new blog…like your work. Also saw the video of SC, wish more people could hear your older security video…13 parts. I still think is was really well explained. Take care/ cl