by John D. Guandolo

America’s military leaders, Generals and Admirals, have consistently demonstrated they have no understanding of the enemies with whom we have waged war for nearly 20 years, nor do they have an understanding of the direct threats to the United States from the global communist and Islamic Movements.
As Americans watch military leadership claim “climate change” is the greatest threat to America, appease our Islamic foes, or as they watched H.R. McMaster traitorously undermine the President of the United States, Patriots know our military leaders are corrupted.
When I was recruited out of the FBI by the Department of Defense at the end of 2008, I was asked to brief a large number of senior U.S. government officials, including several 3 and 4 star generals and admirals.
Not one of theses generals/admirals had any knowledge or understanding of sharia, the enemy’s threat doctrine in wars we had been fighting for almost 7 years at that point,despite the fact they were the Commanding Officers of major military commands.
U.S. warfighting doctrine requires professionals to analyze threats based on WHO the threat says he is and WHY he states he is fighting us.
100% of the enemy America faces on the battlefields of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, and all the jihadis who have been killed and captured on the streets of Europe and America state they fight to impose sharia on every human on earth, and sharia is the blue print jihadis use for war.
Yet, since 9/11/01 nearly all generals and admirals have failed to professionally assess the threats based on who they say they are and why they say they are fighting. This is grossly unprofessional.
A recent example of this unprofessionalism is America’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Milley.
General Milley began his June 23, 2021 testimony before Congress by admitting he had no idea what “Critical Race Theory” is, despite the fact it is being used by enemies of the United States to undermine our law and government to overthrow our Constitutional Republic.
For the record, Critical Race Theory is the purest form of Marxism. See Stephen Coughlin’s presentation on it here.
UTT President John Guandolo produced a video commenting on General Milley’s testimony. See that video here.
In addition, UTT has not found one place inside the U.S. military where standard training includes a truthful course on America’s Foundation in Law & Government, specifically as it pertains to the Oath of Office.
The IDEAL of America is the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution cannot be understood outside of that ideal.
The Declaration identifies “Law of Nature and of Nature’s God” as the bedrock upon which our nation rests. Each of these terms – “The Law of Nature” and “The Law of Nature’s God” – were both legally defined at the time of the founding of America.
Does General Milley know these legal definitions? Do any generals and admirals in the U.S. military? Based on his comments during his testimony, Milley does not understand America’s history nor the foundation upon which our nation’s law and government rest.
[Get your copy of “WHO WE ARE” – UTT’s video on America’s Founding Principles – here now!]
As July 4th approaches, Americans must come to terms with the truth that the George Pattons, Omar Bradleys, Chester Nimitz’s, Dwight Eisenhowers, and others cut from their cloth, are no more.
America did not lose the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and other parts of the world because our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines failed to do their duty. We lost because our generals and admirals failed to do theirs.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
8 Responses
“Stanek believes that we all have the right to express our views but it should be done in a civil manner, without resorting to personal attacks or physical violence…”
Where’s Stanek? He attacks first and that’s considered civil but then if someone defends themselves and says something about Islam that means it’s fine according to American—Not Sharia—law.
Excerpt taken from:
Odd how that firm labels John as a “socialist,” personal injury lawyers are the easiest category for them as many make their money off car accidents with little to no effort at real cases.
Obama purged so many of the best top brass of the military under his office and Biden is doing the same…many what is left are weak and communist…
By Milley’s logic drinking poison is fine as long as it doesn’t kill you because we need to know how it tastes. I don’t like betting but I doubt Milley or any of those political appointees actually read the books they force feed to others. Milley’s being played like a fiddle.
Milley’s not being played, he’s auditioning for a job with the likes of Raytheon once he retires. Pure milicrat.
Well said Ranger
That’s also highly possible. There seems to be a pattern among ex-directors and general officers going to mega-defense contractor corporations after losing their federal positions for some reason. It’s almost as if they were getting paid off by those third parties while in the federal positions to do and say certain things in favor of the upper donors—aka globalists, chicoms, suit wearing jihadis, and the rest. Example: Comey goes to Lockheed Martin shortly after getting sacked.