Friday in Tempe, Arizona, UTT (Understanding the Threat) rocked the worlds of over 300 prosecutors and law enforcement officials by detailing the threat from the Islamic Jihadi Movement to the United States using facts and evidence.
The audience stated – without one dissenting voice – they were unaware of the information presented and the information is essential for them to protect the citizens of Arizona from the jihadi threat. Most attendees were shocked and angered this kind of training is not made available to every local, state, and federal law enforcement officer in the nation. They also realized why the specific Islamic organizations around Arizona so vigorously opposed the training…because it identifies those same organizations as a part of a massive jihadi network in America using facts and evidence.
Cries of bigotry and “islamophobia” rang out from the muslim community in Arizona led by Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood (MB) organizations like CAIR, MAS (Muslim American Society), the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix, and the Islamic Community Center of Tempe.
Local media outlets jumped in on the side of the jihadis by disparaging the training and its participants with ad hominem attacks without any mention of the massive amount of evidence which easily identifies these very organizations as Hamas/MB front groups.
A week prior to the event USA Today covered a story of the local NBC affiliate (Channel 12) which couldn’t event get the name of the UTT Founder John Guandolo right, referring to him as “Joe Guandolo.” In that report, filed by Brahm Resnik, the reporter stated Guandolo posted a blog calling local Muslim leaders of CAIR, MAS, and the Islamic Centers of Tempe and Phoenix “Hamas and MB” because they opposed the training program for the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office. In fact, one minute of research on Mr. Resnik’s part would have yielded evidence from the largest terrorism trials in U.S. history detailing that UTT posted this information because it is true and factual, not as a “smear” retort to pressure to shut the training down.
In fact, NBC Channel 12 used videos with the tagline “Courtesy of CAIR” on them, never once mentioning that CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) is one of four entities in America created by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee, which is Hamas in America. Nor did NBC Channel 12 or Mr. Resnik mention that CAIR’s entire purpose for being created is to serve Hamas in the U.S. and the discussion to created CAIR was at a 1993 meeting of the Hamas leaders in Philadelphia where the FBI tapped phones and microphones meeting rooms and discovered the founding leaders of CAIR (including their current Executive Director) are recorded in numerous conversations talking about all the things terrorists discuss when they don’t think anyone is listening.
Funny, but Mr. Resnik and NBC Channel 12 also failed to note that the U.S. Department of Justice stated in a December 2007 filing in a case of a jihadi caught overseas that “From its founding by the Muslim Brotherhood leaders, CAIR conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists.”
Several years ago the FBI cut off all formal contact with CAIR because of their ties to Hamas. I guess Mr. Resnik and Channel 12 are smarter than the FBI.
Immediately following the event, local Phoenix Fox News 10 reporter Mia Garcia participated in a propaganda piece for our enemies which detailed protests against the UTT training in Tempe by “Muslim student groups” and allowed an unidentified woman to rant about the training, even claiming Guandolo stated “all Muslims” are somehow connected to terrorism – which is an outright lie. UTT makes it clear during all training that there are a number of people who self-identify themselves as “Muslim” who do not subscribe to Sharia law or jihad and are not involved in these activities in any way.
What Ms. Garcia also failed to mention was the fact the Muslim “student group” protests were organized by the local Muslim Students Association (MSA). The MSA was the first national Islamic organization created in America in 1963 by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, and today serves as a primary recruiting node by the MB for student age Americans for jihad.
Interestingly, neither NBC Channel 12 nor Fox News 10 in Phoenix mentioned anything about the US v Holy Land Foundation trial – the largest terrorism financing and Hamas trial ever successfully prosecuted in U.S. history – which identified the largest Islamic organizations in America as a part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Movement here whose stated goal is to wage Civilization Jihad “eliminating and destroying Western Civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
The FBI 2004 raid in Annandale, Virginia where the archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America were discovered were was also left of the list of things these “news” outlets failed to note.
Had any of this come across their radar, they would have known that local Arizona representative of the Muslim American Society (MAS) that continues to loudly protest this training represents and organization which has been identified by the U.S. government as the “overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood” here.
A little more research would have given Mr. Resnik and Ms. Garcia some insight into the mountain of evidence that the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) was identified in the US v HLF trial as the bank for the Muslim Brotherhood on the continent. NAIT’s financial records demonstrated they sent large sums of money over a period of years directly to Hamas leaders and organizations overseas which is why NAIT is identified by the U.S. government as a Muslim Brotherhood organization and an unindicted co-conspirator in the HLF case (largest Hamas case in American history) because they gave money directly to a designated terrorist organization.
The properties of the Islamic Centers in Tempe and Phoenix are owned by NAIT.
In the law enforcement world this is called an “Investigative clue.”
While other media outlets in Arizona have also been negligent in their silence on this matter, these two networks in particular – NBC Channel 12 and Fox News 10 – could only be grossly unprofessional at what they do, or willing partners with easily identifiable jihadi (terrorist) organizations. Is there a third option?
That’s not a smear, these are facts. In the law enforcement and prosecutorial world, we also call this “evidence of a crime.”
UTT shed light on the truth this week. The enemy hates it which explains why they are so vehemently opposing it.
“Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear their deeds will be exposed.”

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
12 Responses
From the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association:
Phoenix Police Sergeants and Lieutenants Association Response:
This is absolutely infuriating. As police officers, we do not have the luxury to live in a notional world where Islamic Extremism is an invention of neo-conservatives. Shocking and disgusting. Kudos to our officers who attended. We have an essentially open border to our immediate south which is a debarkation point for transnational criminal organizations which are bent on destroying our way of life. If one of our patrol officers or supervisors come face to face with one of these animals, the Ministry of Propaganda’s Storm-troopers will be nowhere in sight. We will defeat our enemies in the dead of night because we live in the real world, and we are warriors protecting the American way of life in our homeland and our beloved city of Phoenix. God Bless America, and please maintain your fighting edge despite the best efforts of those who would have us ignore enemy intent, tactics, and capabilities.
From the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association:
Phoenix Police Sergeants and Lieutenants Association Response:
This is absolutely infuriating. As police officers, we do not have the luxury to live in a notional world where Islamic Extremism is an invention of neo-conservatives. Shocking and disgusting. Kudos to our officers who attended. We have an essentially open border to our immediate south which is a debarkation point for transnational criminal organizations which are bent on destroying our way of life. If one of our patrol officers or supervisors come face to face with one of these animals, the Ministry of Propaganda’s Storm-troopers will be nowhere in sight. We will defeat our enemies in the dead of night because we live in the real world, and we are warriors protecting the American way of life in our homeland and our beloved city of Phoenix. God Bless America, and please maintain your fighting edge despite the best efforts of those who would have us ignore enemy intent, tactics, and capabilities.
From the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association:
Phoenix Police Sergeants and Lieutenants Association Response:
This is absolutely infuriating. As police officers, we do not have the luxury to live in a notional world where Islamic Extremism is an invention of neo-conservatives. Shocking and disgusting. Kudos to our officers who attended. We have an essentially open border to our immediate south which is a debarkation point for transnational criminal organizations which are bent on destroying our way of life. If one of our patrol officers or supervisors come face to face with one of these animals, the Ministry of Propaganda’s Storm-troopers will be nowhere in sight. We will defeat our enemies in the dead of night because we live in the real world, and we are warriors protecting the American way of life in our homeland and our beloved city of Phoenix. God Bless America, and please maintain your fighting edge despite the best efforts of those who would have us ignore enemy intent, tactics, and capabilities.