It has been 16 years since 19 jihadis from Saudi Arabia flew airplanes into the Twin Towers in New York, the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and tried to reach the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. but failed because of the heroic efforts of American citizens.
Since that day, America has fought and lost two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, not because of a failure of Marines, soldiers, sailors, or airmen, but because American political and military leaders failed to do their legal duty to KNOW the enemy.
Since that day, many American pastors and rabbis have misinformed their flocks and told them the god of Islam – allah – is the same as the God of Israel and the Father of Jesus the Christ of Nazareth.
Since that day, American political leaders have attacked and derided citizens who speak truthfully about the threat of the Global Islamic Movement, defended known suit-wearing jihadis, and even awarded these “terrorists” for being “helpful” in the “Global War on Terror.”
Since that day, U.S. government analysts across the board have attempted to identify the threat without including Islam in the analysis because Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama told them the threat comes from “Violent Extremism” not from Islam.
Since that day, many American citizens have come to understand the core doctrine of Islam – sharia (Islamic Law) – commands muslims to wage jihad (warfare) until the entire world is under Islamic rule.
Americans are realizing Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas, Iran, Saudi Arabia, other Islamic nations and jihadi groups as well as the pinnacle of Islamic jurisprudence – Al Azhar (Egypt) – are all correct in their doctrinal understanding of Islam.
Americans are also coming to realize their leaders are catastrophically clueless about this enemy.
Sixteen years after 9/11/01, the United States government has not identified the threat nor the enemy threat doctrine (sharia), and has no coherent strategy for victory.
If we want to honor the nearly 3,000 Americans who perished on 9/11/01 and all of the servicemen and women killed and wounded in combat, we must not rest until our leaders at the local, state, and federal level do their duty to protect America against “all enemies foreign and domestic” and identify and obliterate the jihadi network in the United States, and all of those Aiding and Abetting them.
To read UTT’s 9/11/2016 blog entitled “This 9/11 Anniversary is a Call to Action” click HERE
To hear UTT’s Special Edition 9/11/17 Radio Broadcast click HERE and then click “Listen” under “John Guandolo”
To read about UTT President John Guandolo’s 9/11/01 experiences as an FBI Special Agent click HERE

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
3 Responses
Thank you!!
– Muslims are making non-muslims suffer in sweden
– Non-muslims are protecting muslims in sweden
– Muslims are making non-muslims suffer in france
– Non-muslims are protecting muslims in france
– Muslims are making non-muslims suffer in in germany
– Non-muslims are protecting muslims in germany
– Muslims are making non-muslims suffer in england
– Non-muslims are protecting muslims in england
– Muslims are making non-muslims suffer in in belgium
– Non-muslims are protecting muslims in belgium
– Muslims are making non-muslims suffer in in russia
– Non-muslims are protecting muslims in russia
– Muslims are making non-muslims suffer in america
– Non-muslims are protecting muslims in america
– Muslims are making non-muslims suffer in netherlands
– Non-muslims are protecting muslims in netherlands
– Muslims are making non-muslims suffer in india
– Non-muslims are protecting muslims in india
– Muslims are making non-muslims suffer in thailand
– Non-muslims are protecting muslims in thailand
– Muslims are making non-muslims suffer in canada
– Non-muslims are protecting muslims in canada
– Muslims are making non-muslims suffer in norway
– Non-muslims are protecting muslims in norway
All over the world, muslims are making non-muslim suffer. And all over the world, the insane non-muslims are protecting muslims though their own laws, through their own constitution, and through their own principles of – No-discrimination, equal rights and religious freedom. And muslims have been given complete and unrestrained liberty to practice and grow islam inside non-muslims nations.
This phenomenon exhibited by non-muslims universally, falls into the category of anti-survival. From an evolutionary perspective therefore, non-muslim civilizations are not worthy of survival, and deserve to fall to islam, the followers of which, are pro-survival.