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John Guandolo


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When the Worst Case Scenario is the Most Likely Scenario

Keys to victory in war include knowing the enemy, knowing yourself, and understanding the battlespace in which the war is to be fought.

At the operational level, militaries aim to maintain the high ground, gather intelligence on their enemies, control key nodes of communications, control logistics routes and means, and get inside their enemy’s decision-making process to influence them into making decisions beneficial to friendly forces and opposed to their intentions.

The military which can achieve these strategic and operational objectives will have a high likelihood of winning the war.

Today, the Islamic Counter-State in America has achieved all of these strategic and operational milestones.

The Islamic Counter-State has penetrated all levels of the U.S. government including all U.S. intelligence, defense, enforcement, and administrative agencies with access to all systems used by these agencies. This gives them intelligence and the knowledge of U.S. government activities. Therefore, this enemy knows our current operations and will be able to alert their network when significant movements in U.S. planning/strategy take place.

The Islamic Counter-State primarily wages this war in the Information Battlespace and, as of today, has dominance in this battlespace over U.S. assets. U.S. leaders have an understanding of Islam which is exactly the opposite of what muslims teach their children in U.S. Islamic schools.

Page 1 of the Muslim Brotherhood’s document “Phases of the World Underground Movement Plan” which can be found at UTT’s website HERE

The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood claims it has established a “Shadow Government” inside the U.S. government whose responsibilities include gathering intelligence and influencing decision-making at the strategic and operational levels. Having Al Qaeda operative Abdurahman Alamoudi advising President Clinton, Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Magid working on the Homeland Security Advisory Committee with a secret clearance, or the Department of State training ISIS military commander Colonel Kalminov on five (5) separate occasions between 2003 and 2014, are indicators the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood has decisive influence in the government and unfettered access to major components of the government.

Al Qaeda financier Abdurahman Alamoudi (center) – now in federal prison – served as the Islamic advisor to Vice President Gore (L) and President Clinton (R)
Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Magid served on the Homeland Security Advisory Committee with a secret clearance under President Obama

An significant increase in the number of sharia adherent muslims in positions of authority over local water reservoirs and power grids raises serious security concerns. The statistical probability that sharia adherent muslims are managers/assistant managers in the majority of the largest hotels in American cities is zero. Therefore, their presence in these positions must be intentional and calculated.

The number of sharia adherent muslims purchasing smaller local hotels, gas stations, and mini-marts across America, again, points to an intentional strengthening of their logistical infrastructure.

If, in fact, the Islamic Counter-State is actually doing what its doctrine sharia mandates – warfare against the non-muslim community – then, militarily, all of these actions constitute the development of key logistical nodes critical to them in time of war.

If mosques are what Islam teaches they are – seats of the Islamic government where sharia is adjudicated, jihadis are housed/trained, weapons are stored, and battles planned – then it begs the question: “Why are there 72 mosques within 20 miles of Houston’s city-center, and what is the strategic importance of this?”

Mosques within 20 miles of Houston’s city-center.
Source: Salatomatic.com

The best case scenario for any military to prepare a battlefield/battlespace for victory is to have significant strategic influence in the enemy’s camp, a well-developed intelligence network, a strong logistical train, and troops in place for when the battle kicks off.

The Islamic Counter-State has all of these in place right now. Their best case scenario is now our worst case scenario.

What can citizens do to be a part of victory at the local level? Join UTT and let us help you develop the strategy for your local community to identify current threats, shore up your defenses, and give you a plan of action for victory.

8 Responses

  1. The best I’ve seen ever from John Guandolo. Anyone should be able to read and understand exactly what he is saying. He is clearly sounding the shofar, calling our attention to war that is being waged against humanity by the Global Islamic movement. AND to make matters worse. Our government’s leaders seem to be either willfully blind, or criminally negligent. BUT that’s not all. The Marxists counter state is succeeding in their work virtually undetected in all areas of education, Congress, and the mainstream news media. It’s total war against the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America.


    UTT’s thought-provoking narrative revealing that 72 of the now 3200 U.S. mosques have chosen to cluster together in Parisian like no-go zones against a backdrop of major oil refineries and a dangerously porous Mexican border where a horde of line-jumping invaders are being ignored due to the malfeasance of Congress, are probably additional features of the anarchical “new world order” initiative being sponsored by George Schwartz (aka “Soros”) and the secretive Bilderberg Bunch for the incremental advancement of its looney-tune dream of a Master/Slave one-world arrangement similar to the one historically populated by “good birth, near royalty” operatives of Yale’s Chapter 322 of the “Skull and Bones” society, one of whom is reputed to be FBI Director Christopher Wray.

    As to the critical importance of accurate intelligence which UTT points out: When Japanese Fleet Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto of the Imperial Japanese Navy presented his master plan for the December 7th Pearl Harbor attack, although it included the obligatory Nippon reminder that any hope of winning the impending war* with the United States would depend on time & unlimited access to oil, it failed to task Japanese naval intelligence with maintaining absolute accuracy regarding the presence (or absence) of American aircraft carriers at Pearl Harbor, which though the main intended targets of the attack, on December 7th were at sea nowhere near the Hawaiian Islands. Upon thus learning from returning pilots of the tactical disaster, instead of re-arming his airplanes for a second-wave attack he secured from flight quarters, ordered a 180 degree course correction and at flank speed beat straight for Japan. By virtue of having attended Yale University and served as the Japanese naval attache in Washington DC, Yamamoto understood the American mentality, which on the way back impelled him to assure his celebratory pilots that due to the “sneak attack” nature of the strike, all they had actually achieved at Pearl Harbor was to “awaken a sleeping giant, and fill him with unquenchable rage”.

    *Anyone wishing to become factually acquainted with Islam’s comprehensive declaration of war on Western civilization, the original of which was seized in accordance with a federal search warrant from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia by special agents of the FBI, in 2004, may order a verbatim Arabic-to-English translated copy of said document (for a nominal handling & postage fee) by contacting http://www.securefreedom.org to request: GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.

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