After 9/11, the only Islamic organizations the FBI conducted “outreach” with were known enemies of the United States – Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Hamas, and Al Qaeda.
While individual agents work diligently to protect their communities, the FBI’s strategic response to the Global Islamic Movement has been destructive and incoherent.
Here are a few of the hundreds of examples:
On February 13, 2002, FBI Director Robert Mueller met at FBIHQ with a group of “national leaders of Arabs, muslims, and Sikh organizations.” All five (5) muslims present represented jihadi organizations. Specifically, they were: Nihad Awad, Executive Director of Hamas (dba CAIR) and the “Government Affairs Director” for Hamas (CAIR); two leaders from the Islamic Institute founded by Al Qaeda financier Abdurahman Alamoudi; one leader from the American Muslim Council founded by Al Qaeda financier Abdurahman Alamoudi; and the National Director of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muslim Public Affairs Council.
In November 2005, Special Agent in Charge of the Washington Field Office Mike Rolince gave an award to jihadi Imam Mohamed Magid, who was the Vice President then President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), identified by the Department of Justice as Muslim Brotherhood organization which funds the terrorist group Hamas.
FBI SAC Mike Rolince gives award to jihadi Imam Mohamed Magid at the FBI Washington Field Office
The FBI publishes recruiting ads in Islamic Horizons, the monthly publication for ISNA. According to the Department of Justice, ISNA is a Muslim Brotherhood organization which funds the terrorist group Hamas.
In the FBI’s publication celebrating it’s 100th anniversary, the FBI allowed ISNA (terrorist funding MB organization) to take out a half-page ad congratulating the FBI and stating boldly, “ISNA – Leading the Way.”
On dozens of occasions since 2002, Hamas (dba CAIR) conducted sensitivity training for FBI agents around the country.
In March 2008, the FBI’s Deputy Assistant Director for Intelligence Tim Healy and the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office conducted “outreach” at the Muslim Brotherhood’s All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Center in Sterling, Virginia, led by Imam Mohamed Magid, the former President of the largest Muslim Brotherhood organization in North America (ISNA) which finances the terrorist group Hamas. During this outreach, the FBI leaders told the audience, “One of the things the FBI believes in is diversity,” and went on to say the FBI was working hard to hire more Muslims.
That same year – 2008 – FBI Director Mueller presented a “Director’s Award” to senior Muslim Brotherhood jurist Imam Yahya Hendi, who is not only the Imam of the MB’s Islamic Society of Frederick (MD) but also sits on the MB’s Fiqh Council of North America.
FBI Director Robert Mueller presents Muslim Brother Yahya Hendi with award (2008)
On February 8, 2012, FBI leaders – including FBI Director Robert Mueller – joined a number of Muslim Brotherhood groups (ISNA, MPAC, Muflehun) to discuss “inflammatory training” that “offends muslims.” The FBI leadership ensured the jihadis the FBI would do all they could to appease them – and they did. The FBI no longer teaches anything about sharia, the MB networks, or the Global Islamic Movement.
On June 13, 2013 FBI Director Robert Mueller testified before the Judiciary Committee about the Boston Marathon Bombing and admitted he did not know the mosque the Tsarnaev brothers attended – Islamic Society of Boston/ISB (Muslim Brotherhood) – was founded by Al Qaeda financier Abdurahman Alamoudi. Director Mueller defended not sending FBI agents to the ISB after the bombing because the FBI was there before the bombing doing “outreach” with the Imam.
See a short video of that exchange HERE.
In April 2016, the FBI’s Washington Field Office presented the “Director’s Award” to the Muslim Brotherhood’s ADAMS Center (VA). On the same day, FBI Director James Comey presented the Director’s Award to jihadi Imam Mohamed Magid at FBI headquarters.
FBI Assistant Director Paul Abbate (left of jihadi) presents award to jihadi Mohamed Magid at ADAMS
FBI Director James Comey presents award to jihadi Imam Mohamed Magid (2016)
Today the FBI’s official outreach partners for the “Islamic” community only include Muslim Brotherhood organizations. Specifically, the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS), Muslim Advocates, and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).
Is it any wonder that 100% of the members of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) who attend Understanding the Threat’s 3-day training program universally state they have never heard the information presented, yet also state the information is “critical” to protecting their communities?
Is it any wonder the jihadis in the United States feel emboldened to confront elected officials, law enforcement leaders and others to “demand” such training be shut down because it “offends” them?
Is it any wonder that nearly all of the Islamic jihadis who have acted and killed in the name of Islam in the United States have been interviewed by the FBI, under investigation but deemed “not a threat,” or simply dismissed as having “mental issues?”
The FBI is in need of a bold and aggressive Director who will use the full power of the Bureau to destroy the Islamic Movement and its supporters in the hard-left socialist Movement to restore law and order in our Republic.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
14 Responses
This is sick to the point of causing me to vomit. It really is true: everyone can be bought even the exhaulted FBI. Sadly their price isn’t even money, its power. You people are sickening, peutrifying and disgusting. Wrinkled faces in empty suits, no soul. We the People actually depended on the FBI to be honest beyond reproach and willing to defend our citizens to the death against crime. Well you surely screwed that up. Now you’re just part of the SWAMP needing to be drained. Shame on the leadership and shame on the agents who were too gutless to speak up. How much is a job worth, YOUR SOUL?
This is sick to the point of causing me to vomit. It really is true: everyone can be bought even the exhaulted FBI. Sadly their price isn’t even money, its power. You people are sickening, peutrifying and disgusting. Wrinkled faces in empty suits, no soul. We the People actually depended on the FBI to be honest beyond reproach and willing to defend our citizens to the death against crime. Well you surely screwed that up. Now you’re just part of the SWAMP needing to be drained. Shame on the leadership and shame on the agents who were too gutless to speak up. How much is a job worth, YOUR SOUL?
Inasmuch as both former FBI Directors Mueller & Comey were quintessential non-entities with respect to any law-enforcement credential that position required, their ensuing alacritous willingness to then seriously endanger the country for years by virtue of contextual incompetence, not to mention their (above) delineated subversive proclivity for sucking-up to sharia-adherent Muslim organizational “leaders” who not only seek our destruction, but whose very existence thus represents a threat to the unique freedoms “we the People” enjoy, having been bequeathed by the founders, and in connection with which, incidentally, a demonstrable majority of the 1.6 billion sharia-adherent Muslims the world over are mandated by their quintet of draconian ideology called “Islam” to wage a savage war against the American people with an eye on the imposition of either of sharia-adherence, i.e. slavery. or death. And anyone who still doesn’t comprehend the fix said wastes have in large measure put the United States in by their relentless official malfeasance, might consider reading the U.S. District Court evidentiary document entitled: GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085/3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al. (accessible for nominal cost from:
The only explanation I’ve yet considered as plausible for the contextual conduct and resultant damage said binary of misfits in their turn managed to inflict on the country, thus on the American people, — both of which they ostensibly hate — was encapsulated in the gem of precaution the 17th century French philosopher “Voltaire”‘ left for posterity to watch for, I.e. “Evil hides in the mind, not on the face”.
Former directors Mueller & Comey were gifted with nominations to lead one of America’s most revered organizations from ocean-to-ocean, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and instead of leading it, they effectively presided over its pending destruction in behalf of separate presidential liars obsessed with the vision of eventual retribution, and who thus needed a perpetual cover the whole world would be willing to believe.
The only
Inasmuch as both former FBI Directors Mueller & Comey were quintessential non-entities with respect to any law-enforcement credential that position required, their ensuing alacritous willingness to then seriously endanger the country for years by virtue of contextual incompetence, not to mention their (above) delineated subversive proclivity for sucking-up to sharia-adherent Muslim organizational “leaders” who not only seek our destruction, but whose very existence thus represents a threat to the unique freedoms “we the People” enjoy, having been bequeathed by the founders, and in connection with which, incidentally, a demonstrable majority of the 1.6 billion sharia-adherent Muslims the world over are mandated by their quintet of draconian ideology called “Islam” to wage a savage war against the American people with an eye on the imposition of either of sharia-adherence, i.e. slavery. or death. And anyone who still doesn’t comprehend the fix said wastes have in large measure put the United States in by their relentless official malfeasance, might consider reading the U.S. District Court evidentiary document entitled: GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085/3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al. (accessible for nominal cost from:
The only explanation I’ve yet considered as plausible for the contextual conduct and resultant damage said binary of misfits in their turn managed to inflict on the country, thus on the American people, — both of which they ostensibly hate — was encapsulated in the gem of precaution the 17th century French philosopher “Voltaire”‘ left for posterity to watch for, I.e. “Evil hides in the mind, not on the face”.
Former directors Mueller & Comey were gifted with nominations to lead one of America’s most revered organizations from ocean-to-ocean, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and instead of leading it, they effectively presided over its pending destruction in behalf of separate presidential liars obsessed with the vision of eventual retribution, and who thus needed a perpetual cover the whole world would be willing to believe.
The only
Dear Mr. Guandolo:
I’d like to quote from this article in an article of my own for Independent Sentinel and others. You mention that “The FBI publishes recruiting ads in Islamic Horizons,” But I was unable to find an instance on ISNA’s website. Could you supply a link?
I’d greatly appreciate your help.
Bob Bennett
Bob, I emailed it to you. JG
Dear Mr. Guandolo:
I’d like to quote from this article in an article of my own for Independent Sentinel and others. You mention that “The FBI publishes recruiting ads in Islamic Horizons,” But I was unable to find an instance on ISNA’s website. Could you supply a link?
I’d greatly appreciate your help.
Bob Bennett
Bob, I emailed it to you. JG