by John D. Guandolo
Since writing the article last week entitled, “Traitorous Democrats Unanimously Vote with IS, Al Qaeda, and MB” some questions have been asked which must be answered.
A former U.S. Attorney General told me not to worry because the bill will never get through the Senate.
This comment seems to miss the point that the bill was put forth in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate to begin with, which signals a level of hostile influence inside our Legislative branch of government that is disastrous to liberty.
The fact this bill – aimed at crushing the unalienable right to free expression – was passed in the House should be enough to shake Americans loose from their slumber.
The republican response to the bill is more proof the GOP is incapable of speaking clearly and defending liberty even on matters when democrats openly rape the Republic and its founding principles.
The authors of HR5665 include jihadi Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (MN) who works directly with the designated Foreign Terrorist Organization Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), and communist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (IL).
The U.S. federal government is catastrophically corrupted and is not going to right this ship.
Which governor in America is actually identifying and dismantling the jihadi and communist Movements in their states?
None of them are, and that leaves the the American people shouldering the responsibility to liberate this nation.

Understanding the Threat’s mission is to organize local communities into operational forces to identify roots of corruption, dismantle the hostile networks behind the corruption, and re-establish a republican form of government at the county level.
By flushing the enemies of liberty out of your county and re-establishing a republican form of government undergirded by America’s founding principles, you fortify your county and can begin getting adjoining counties to do the same.
In this manner we take back the Republic one state at time.
This is the only path to victory in this war – at the LOCAL level.
Click HERE to contact UTT and bring our INTO ACTION training program to your town to begin taking back your county.
Support these local teams around the country by donating to Americans for America on behalf of UTT by clicking HERE.
The time is now. Get in the fight or fund the war effort today!

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
15 Responses
Recognize the Peace Agreement that Starts the Final Seven Years
The Perverse Profanities and Warped Logic of Islam’s Defenders
by Raymond Ibrahim
Dec. 21, 2021
“A Coptic Christian priest from Egypt, now in his mid-eighties, Fr. Zakaria has for over two decades been appearing on satellite television, examining and exposing Islam’s many problematic doctrines—for example, sex slavery—often in comparison to the doctrines of Christianity. Although some of his episodes appear under provocative titles—such as “Was Muhammad a Messenger from God or Satan?” or “On the Perverse Sexual Habits of Muhammad”—his mission, as he has repeatedly stated, “is to attack Islam, not to attack Muslims but to save them because they are deceived. As I love Muslims, I hate Islam.”
His approach, as might be imagined, has been received in diametrically opposed ways: some Muslims, who left Islam, love and credit him with leading them to Christ; others—arguably the majority—despise him and call for his death (radical outfits including al-Qaeda issued fatwas calling for his murder, with hefty rewards).”
Continued here:
The Islamic strategy to run and win political candidates here has paid off handsomely with this legislation. At the same time they are sitting back and watching the America Republic destroy itself so at some time in the future they will be closer to achieving their goal of Sharia Law here. Your strategy of taking them on at the local level makes sense. A point of contact could be the School Boards where Critical Race theory is being successfully dealt with. As we get Marxism out of our schools we should get Islam out also.
Agree 110 % ….Sharia law slowly would implements barbaric laws, remove Constitutional laws that were useful to establish it
itself then create laws against freedom of religion, would not allow freedom of speech, in time it could convince many to justify immoral behavior, discredit Christian values, reduce freedoms for woman….present themselves as the best of all people,and punish those in time who do not convert. The middle eastern money and influence allows them to “run and win political candidates”, without full disclosure of sharia law mandates by presenting a friendly and popular faces and denying the dark side or calling critics racist or islamophobes in my opinion. Clever and resolute with denial about any connections to the very military groups it funds if resistance is reinforced with doctrine and facts. Be advised it is not moderate.
Biden Bans Conservatives & Christians from the Military
by Daniel Greenberg
Dec. 23, 2021
“If you “like” a pro-life group on Facebook, the new woke military will purge you.
In Disloyal: How the Military Brass is Betraying Our Country, the David Horowitz Freedom Center had warned that the Countering Extremist Activity Working Group imposed by the Biden administration and headed by Bishop Garrison, a racist who constantly accused Republicans of racism for the most frivolous reasons, was preparing to purge conservatives from the military.”
Scriptural Rosary: How To Pray The Rosary And Meditate On The Mysteries, Including Bible Verses, Art, Reflections, and the Fatima Story. Must Read & Pray! =>
Catholic Prayers – Paperback –
by Thomas A. Nelson
Prayer of reparation to avoid purgatory
The Second Advent of Christ: The End Time Signs Preceding The Last Judgment!
Please Listen:
Life, Liberty & Levin 12/26/21 | BREAKING | December 26, 2021
Suffering is Not For Nothing | Full Movie | Elisabeth Elliot
July 16, 2013 … Our Lady’s call to conversion is urgent. Our Lady The Virgin Mary says. “With prayer and fasting you can ward off and stop wars, and suspend natural laws.” “Dear children, today I call you to read the Bible everyday in your homes and let it be in a visible place so as always to encourage you to read it and pray.” (October 18, 1984)
“The power of satan is destroyed by prayer and he cannot harm us if we pray. No Christian should be afraid of the future unless he does not pray. If he does not pray, is he a Christian? If we do not pray, we are naturally blind to many things and cannot tell right from wrong. We lose our center and our balance.” “Every family must pray family prayers and read the Bible.” (February 14, 1985)
Our Lady Calls Us to Prayer and Fasting
It is refreshing to see that Wayne Root is not too arrogant or self-serving to publicly speak his opinions. Wayne Root said, “The vaccine is killing the American people.”
To help wake up and warn deaf, dumb, and blind people who lie in the shadow of death, and to also warn and instruct many ignorant people, I shared a great inspirational video here about William Tyndale who knew what he was doing, who was willing to suffer anything including getting burned at the stake to bring God’s Holy Bible words in English to billions of people.
I also shared an inspirational short video about an illiterate slave named Harriet Tubman who was willing to suffer and to risk death on many occassions for years to get her own freedom, and to bring civil rights and freedoms to many cruelly tortured and abused people in order to save the lives of many enslaved people on the underground railroad.
I also shared some warnings of the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, Our Lady, to the world as she is trying to convert and to save billions of sinners lives and souls for eternity, and to bring billions of people to her Divine Son, LORD JESUS CHRIST, our GOD and Savior. What I post here I post at many websites to reach people.