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John Guandolo


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U.S. Airstrikes in Syria and the Broader War

The recent U.S. strikes in Syria in response to reported use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime has been met with relatively broad support among U.S. government officials and others.  UTT has a few questions for readers to consider in the event the United States considers the use military force in this “global war on terror” again.

  1. Since 9/11, the United States government has failed to identify the enemy in the global war in which we are engaged.  U.S. warfighting doctrine states the professional way to assess/analyze a threat is to begin with who the enemy says he is and why he is fighting.  Since 9/11, this has not been done.  It is why we lost the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan despite the fact the U.S. military crushed the enemy on the battlefield.  Why are we conducting ANY military operations before we identify the threat and understand the players on the battlefield?
  2. Prior to and since 9/11, the leadership in the U.S. Intelligence Community, and others, catastrophically failed to perform their duties.  Examples:  (1) Prior to 9/11 the U.S. intelligence was unable to identify nor thwart the attacks despite significant information available to leaders and analysts.  (2) After the U.S. lost the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, no U.S. military or civilian leader made an accurate assessment of WHY we lost.  This dooms the U.S. to making similar mistakes going forward. (3) Many of the military generals who lost the wars for America in Iraq and Afghanistan – because they failed to identify the threat – are now the very men President Trump has fighting the current war.  Why should Americans have faith the leaders of the U.S. Intelligence Community or U.S. military are getting it right this time?   Author’s Note:  In the fall of 2010, the Strategic Engagement Group (SEG) [John Guandolo’s previous organization] briefed Members of Congress about the coming Muslim Brotherhood led revolution in the Middle East, to include how it would happen, the nations involved, and why the Movement would get bogged down in Syria.  In January 2011, it came to pass, and continues to unfold as briefed.  In open testimony to Congress, Director of Central Intelligence Leon Panetta stated he had “no visibility” on this revolution prior to it occurring.  Knowing the enemy matters.
  3. Since the United States government has still not (1) identified the enemy in this war,  and (2) not created a coherent strategy for victory, it is not possible to win the war.  As stated above, U.S. warfighting doctrine requires us to analyze a threat based on who THE ENEMY says he is.  Our Islamic enemy – sunni and shia – clearly and unanimously states they are muslims waging jihad to establish an Islamic State (caliphate) under sharia (Islamic law).  We must deal with the threat with that as the starting point.  Can you defeat an enemy you refuse to identify?
  4. Over the past 16 years, the U.S. government has killed (Libya and Iraq) or removed from power (Egypt) leaders who kept the Muslim Brotherhood under heel.  Libya’s leader Qaddafi killed more Al Qaeda fighters than anyone else.  Eliminating these leaders was exactly what the Muslim Brotherhood wanted, and they got the U.S. government to do it for them in all 3 cases.  The is what the MB calls “Civilization Jihad by OUR hands.”  Is it reasonable to be concerned the United States is being guided in a similar way to take out Assad when, in fact, he and his father have a long history of crushing the Muslim Brotherhood efforts in Syria?
  5. Finally, all sides in the war in Syria are enemies of the United States.  While they fight each other they have one thing in common – their universal hatred of the U.S. and a clear objective of establishing an Islamic State under sharia (Islamic law) in the world.  Should the United States take any action that benefits either side in this war among Islamic armies?

Decisions to use the U.S. military are supposed to be based on the national security interests of the United States.  The questions raised here are professional questions that demand answers if America’s leaders want to send our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines into harms way again.

9 Responses

  1. Great work John . Keep it up . If you want a deeper understanding of what drives our governments decision making . Read a book called The Creature from Jekyll Island . It talks about the Fabian society created through out our government and other world governments and the Fed and other banking systems throughout the world . Sad state of affairs .

  2. Please Google, “Koran 9:111”

    The exact words above should be in your posting every time. It is definite, indisputable, and COMPLETE. It identifies the Koran as the enemy in fact.

  3. You are of a mind with Joel Richardson who said,…..both sides are evil, so which side should you support? Also, these horrible dictatorial monsters we’re not the ones killing Christians. So if Assad goes down, who will suffer but the Christians. And Iran is obviously trying to get a strong foothold in Syria and Iraq…… And Turkey’s drumming for war too.

  4. I agrre 100% with the analysis. Assad is the only Secular Government in the area,dictator or not.if USA continue its policy of regime change,will be a disaster for the Wester Civilization. Who will take over Syria ? No doubts will be ISIS..
    I encourage people to read the statement of Catholic and Christian Churches from Syria after the strike. It will give a lot of clarity about the status cuo in Syria.. Russia is around 3,360 miles from Syria; the criminal presence of ISIS close to Europe will be a bloody situation for East Europe, and a menance for the Western Civilization. The strike against Syria was a huge mistake of President Trump, as a mistake is to keep the incompetent,no diplomat at all representative of USA at United Nation. Don’t forget neither the huge responsability of United Nation for the calculated plan since 2000 of the Islamization of the world under its global agency,which promotes,replacement migration using the ‘refugee crisis” .


    Bearing in mind that since “truth” is the state of not being hidden, thus the timeless opposite of “truth” is concealment, accusations of “conspiracy theories” are more often than not, simply the alibies U.S. shadow-government political criminals have relied on since the Nazi era to ride-out the statutes of limitation for the treasonous crimes they commit, it is therefore, perforce, important to note that the 32 (among a total of 103) sea-launched missals which struck Syria, probably had nothing to do with the widely discredited British contrived false accusation of a “chemical attack”, but were intended instead to destroy Syria’s regional national-defense infrastructure in order to enable ISIS and other sharia-adherent Islamic killers with whom the United States has been engaged in a literal war of survival for 16.5 years, to successfully connive with the Pentagon again at the behest of Saudi Arabia, and now France, for continued backing in order to illegally depose the leadership of ostensibly sovereign Syria at the expense – as usual – of American armaments & American blood notwithstanding that no war exists between our two countries.

    Furthermore, lest anyone may have forgotten. the bogus denial that the country is engaged in an existential war* with Islam is belied by the latters Nazi-Germany-like tendency to painstakingly document in great detail their nefarious 14-century planned quest for world domination involving the imposition of a sociopathic draconian hell known as sharia, on the American people as well as all others, was serendipitously seized* by Special Agents of the FBI in 2004 from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia in compliance with a federal search warrant and thus is as damning as were the impeccable records of the WW-II German Gestapo which were used by American (et al) prosecutors at the Nurnberg war crime trials to convict (mainly) high ranking Nazis for their complicity in a variety of horrendous crimes against humanity.

    On the bright side of the convoluted political equation, Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch actually referred to the Constitution with respect to his vote on the recent immigration-related issue (with respect to which the government could not have chosen a weaker case to defend).I.e., his thesis portends love of country, and moreover, a respect for it’s people. On the other hand, it would appear that the president was hoodwinked by the shadow-government’s disingenuous support for said forgoing missal attack on Syria; I.e., he has effectively placarded his own back with the term “War Criminal”.

    *Anyone who wishes to peruse Islam’s declaration of war on the United States by virtue of requesting a personal Arabic-to-English verbatim translated copy of said document, may do so by contacting http://www.securefreedom.org to request (for a nominal handling & postage fee): GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.

  6. I wish you could advise. The most recent attacks in Syria..a chemical weapons site? I was not convined Assad had used the chemical weapons, it would not serve a purpose and more likely it could have been a rebel al queda or isis group who was able to acquire the weapons to weaken Assad, or worse a video, with omitted facts how or whom caused the injuries since the rebels against Assad often hit medical facilities, from the civilian statements I have read.
    The rapid response concerned me and I wondered if John Bolton had enough time to confer with the President or if it was too early to change a predetermined course of action. I know he did make a statement that showed his concern. Concerning Mike Pompeo is he as aware of the motivations and name of the enemy we fight and if not confirmed who else could be a informed choice.
    Your analysis seems so clear to me, and so well written…look who is on the cover of Time..and suggesting he could help Trump fight terror…and the control of the information battle space achieved thru omission is clearly a brick wall that is invisible in the white house.

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