From “The Good Shepherd Lays Down His Life for the Sheep” To “The Shepherd Lays Down the Sheeps’ Lives”
by John D. Guandolo “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” Jesus of Nazareth as recorded in John 10:11 Today, Good Friday, the Christian world remembers the day Jesus laid his life down for the sake of his flock. Jesus spoke truth boldly, called out hypocrites and […]
American Christians Build Bridges to Nowhere
by John D. Guandolo “The chasm between Islam and Jahiliyyah (the world of gross ignorance and unbelief) is great, and a bridge is not to be built across it so that the people on the two sides may mix with each other, but only so that the people of Jahiliyyah may come over to Islam.” […]
Interfaith Outreach: The Leading Edge of the Enemies’ Efforts in America
by John D. Guandolo “Interfaith Outreach” is the place where the Islamic Movement, the communist Movement, those collaborating with both of these Movements, and the financiers all meet and merge while steamrolling over Christian and Jewish leaders and their flocks. Where there is interfaith outreach, there you will always find communist leaders and organizations working […]
Biden’s Info Ops Have Patriots Chasing Their Tails
by John D. Guandolo How is it the same Patriots who recognized the intentional lies of “Russia Collusion”, “Systemic Racism,” “Covid Lockdowns,” and “January 6th Insurrection” are jumping on the “Support Ukraine Against the Evil Putin” band wagon? The cognitive dissonance is staggering. To be clear to all of you Patriots out there: the same […]
What is the U.S. National Security Interest in Ukraine?
by John D. Guandolo “Of Woodrow Wilson’s successors, only the first three escaped the role of war president. While these leaders have committed America to the pursuit of peace, they have involved us in seemingly endless wars. The American foreign policy establishment’s several “schools” have jointly misguided our presidents with myths that have worsened these […]
The Other Shoe Drops: Biden’s Kabuki Theatre in Ukraine is Cover for Destroying U.S. Economy
by John D. Guandolo For those wondering why the entire U.S. establishment turned on a dime and got in line behind the “Defend Ukraine” bandwagon, the other shoe has dropped. We now know the Biden Regime is using Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine as cover for destroying America’s economy via the New Green Deal policies […]
Real Communists Intend to Destroy America
by John D. Guandolo In 1922, Alexander Trachtenberg served the U.S. communist party on the American delegation to the 4th Congress of the COMINTERN (International Communist Party), and made clear the communists intend to bring down the United States.’ From the publication of Communist Manifesto (communist doctrine) to Rules for Radicals, which operationalizes the revolutionary […]
The Jihadi Movement is Alive and Well and Untouched in America
by John D. Guandolo While the federal government and many state governments across the United States impose Stalinist policies to smother citizens’ unalienable rights, the Islamic Movement rolls forward unimpeded. Just because jihadis are not currently blowing themselves up in U.S. malls or schools, or storming the gates of military posts (today), Americans should still […]
Policy Change Will Not Win This War
by John D. Guandolo The well-entrenched communist and jihadi Movements in the United States – whose stated objective is the overthrow of the American Republic – will not be defeated by new or different policies. Part of the modus operandi of both of these hostile Movements is to overload America’s political system at the federal, […]
These Days It is Impossible to Stick Your Head in the Sand
by Caleb Collier The radical left is coming for your jobs, your children, and your liberties. Government officials and mainstream media propagandists are pushing the agenda that if you’re not vaccinated, then you are a danger to the community. Mandates are now being promoted in certain industries, and the infringement of personal rights is justified […]