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John Guandolo


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These Days It is Impossible to Stick Your Head in the Sand

by Caleb Collier

The radical left is coming for your jobs, your children, and your liberties.

Government officials and mainstream media propagandists are pushing the agenda that if you’re not vaccinated, then you are a danger to the community. Mandates are now being promoted in certain industries, and the infringement of personal rights is justified in the name of the greater good.

We cannot allow this to go unchecked.

In response to this egregious attack on our natural rights, Understanding the Threat (UTT) is co-sponsoring a rally for health freedom. This event is designed to push back against the lies, embolden and organize true patriots, and provide solutions at the local level where we will be most effective.    

We expect 10,000 to 15,000 people to attend the event. This has been verified by multiple sources, including local law enforcement who support our efforts.

Join forces with UTT and host your own rally in your community. Use this opportunity to network and build teams of trained individuals ready to fight for liberty. UTT calls them Liberty Teams. Now is the time!

To paraphrase Martin Niemoller: First they came for health care workers, and I did not speak out because I was not a nurse. Then they came for the educators, and I did not speak out because I was not a teacher. Then they came for the federal employees, and I did not speak out because I don’t work for the government. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me. Be brave or be a slave!

These are the times that try men’s souls. America is at a tipping point and She is in need of dedicated winter soldiers – men and women who will hear the call and respond accordingly. The country has moved well beyond infiltration, to full blown war.

We the People must unite and take the fight to our enemies. Understanding the Threat is uniquely positioned to do just that. UTT provides a game plan that preserves our God given liberties, exposes the fake news, and defeats corrupt local politicians. Our strategies have been tested and have proven to produce results.

There are plenty of good organizations out there who educate, but education doesn’t win wars.

There is no one out there who does what we do.

Now is the time to get trained and to get into the fight, or to fund the war effort. Be on the right side of history. Defend liberty for future generations!

Caleb Collier is the new Director of Recruitment for UTT. He served his country as a United States Marine, his community as a City Councilman, and the cause as the former Western Regional Field Director for the John Birch Society. Caleb is excited to join UTT’s ranks and take back this country!

45 Responses

  1. “This is Our New Declaration of Independence” – Wendy Rogers Unveils Letter Signed by 41 State Legislators From 15 States Calling For a Nationwide Audit and Decertification

    By Julian Conradson
    September 24, 2021

    “The letter was signed by legislators from 15 different states. Washington, Texas, Utah, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Colorado, Arizona, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, and Minnesota were all represented on the document.

    Rogers has been busy lately, traveling from state to state in order to convince other lawmakers to conduct forensic audits that mirror the ongoing one in Arizona. (Auditors in AZ are still looking at election data and equipment that has been withheld by the county)

    It looks like her efforts have been paying off, but we still have a lot of work to do.”

    Even without listing all of the issues that were uncovered, there were still too many discrepancies to declare an outright winner of Arizona’s electoral votes.

    Arizona MUST decertify.”

    Continued Here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/new-declaration-independence-wendy-rogers-unveils-letter-signed-41-state-legislators-15-states-calling-nationwide-audit-decertification/

    1. Jovan Pulitzer On Maricopa Audit

      by Sharon Rondeau

      (Sep. 24, 2021) —

      Bob Russell says on Tuesday, September 28, 2021:
      “Big tech is trying to keep the truth from coming out because they know their corrupt tactics will be a target to President Trump. The 2020 election was a Soviet style farce designed to overthrow the Republic and establish the global dictatorship so lusted for by globalist minions of satan!!!!!!!!!!”


    2. Read some of comments below this article to see how far the Lawless Serial Criminal Democrats, Globalists & RINO Cohorts who work in the Maricopa County, Arizona gov’t have agreed to work with Lawless Serial Criminal Democrats, Globalists, RINOs, Communists and Jihadists to Wage Their Lawless, Rampant, Terrorist 2020 Election Coup and War On The U.S. People To Seize, Usurp and Overthrow The Maricopa County, AZ’s Rules of Law & Gov’t, and To Seize, Usurp & Overthrow The U.S. Gov’t, The U.S. Constitution & U.S. Rules of Laws — With Their Urgently Dangerous Terrorist 2020 Election Coup & Rampant Daily War Crimes & Treasons Against the U.S.A.

      Here They Attempt to Hide Their Daily Acts of War Crimes On The U.S. People, The United States of America, & Humanity — With Their Daily Serial Public Lies, Aided By The U.S. Enemy Globalist Terrorist’s CIA Controlled Lying U.S. Mockingbird Propaganda Media. We Will Expose The Terrorist Serial Criminals, Crush Them & Defeat Them.

      Does Trump Know the Results?

      by Sharon Rondeau

      (Sep. 24, 2021) —


    3. Gov. Gavin Newsom Makes Universal Vote-by-Mail Permanent in California.

      “Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Monday signed legislation making universal vote-by-mail a permanent staple in California, celebrating it as a victory of “increasing voter access.”

      On Monday, Newsom signed Assembly Bill 37, which requires a mail-in ballot to be mailed to every registered voter in the state. This makes the Golden State the eighth state in the union to implement this type of law.”


    4. “We Were Threatened” – Exclusive Interview with Doug Logan from Cyber Ninjas on the Arizona Senate Forensic Audit

      By Jim Hoft
      September 28, 2021

      “We also asked Doug about several shocking revelations from the report including the entry that the Arizona audit could not find an identity match on 86,391 people. This is disclosed on Page 56 of the “Results Details” report.

      Doug agreed that this stunning revelation and several others need to be investigated. The reason the Cyber Ninjas did not look into this further is because ballot canvassing was not part of their Senate contract.

      The Attorney General must now canvass the thousands of questionable ballots that were listed in the final forensic audit report. The fact that the audit did not part of their contract hampered their investigation.

      Continued Here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/threatened-exclusive-interview-doug-logan-cyber-ninjas-arizona-senate-forensic-audit/

    5. BREAKING: AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend Files S.B. 1487 Against Maricopa County For Their Unanswered Questions From The July Hearing And About The Legal and Constitutional Arizona Audit Report

      By Jordan Conradson
      September 27, 2021

      “Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend has filed another 1487 request to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s office seeking answers to the questions raised by the Arizona audit.

      In August, State Senator Sonny Borrelli used this same law which requires the Attorney General to investigate a potential violation of the law and withhold 10% of state shared funds if the violation is not corrected within 30 days.”

      Continued Here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/breaking-az-state-senator-kelly-townsend-files-s-b-1487-maricopa-county-unanswered-questions-july-hearing-audit-report/

  2. @JacksonLahmeyer
    I’m glad to be on the RIGHT side of history.
    Election Integrity MATTERS.

    # # #

    25% of duplicates came in between Nov. 4 – Nov. 9th
    AFTER they knew how many ballots they needed!

    WOW! Look at the surge of duplicate ballots AFTER Nov. 3!
    96% of the ballots that came in on 2 of these days were DUPLICATES
    The same exact surge can be seen in blank ballot envelopes with no signatures,
    and scribbles, indicating a bad signature

    “It really boils down to making sure that our election systems are secure.
    “I will tell you that they were not based on any measure.”
    Shared passwords, shared user accounts, remote access, DELETED election data. Rigged!

    # # #

    I’ve been saying that this audit needs to expand to the rest of our counties.
    Now you know why — “Potentially as many as 5,047 individuals voted in more
    than one county for up to 5,295 votes” #azaudit

    Audit ALL 50!

    # # #

    #Fraud that must be decertified. I mean come on!!!

    # # #

    Get the Taliban out of our country!
    BREAKING: Assault on female US service member by male Afghan refugees at Fort Bliss under FBI investigation
    https: //twitter. com/RealKyleMorris/status/1441525854358605825

    # # #

    41 Lawmakers From 15 States Call For 50-State Audit & Decertification Where Appropriate Amid AZ Audit Report


  3. Arizona Senate Audit: Dominion Machines Contained Non-Maricopa County Data — From South Carolina and Washington State (VIDEO)

    By Jim Hoft
    September 24, 2021

    “Dominion is in Deep, Deep Trouble!

    On Friday the Senate auditors revealed they have proof of Maricopa County officials DELETING data from the Dominion voting machines.

    This was a HUGE announcement.”


  4. Doug Logan from Cyber Ninjas Speaks After Dr. Shiva – Uncovers Additional 57,000 Issues
    (Not Counting Shiva’s 17,000 Issues)

    By Joe Hoft
    September 24, 2021

    “Doug Logan began his presentation by providing an overview of the process his team took in performing their work related to the audit of the 2020 Election results of Maricopa County. Much of his team’s work was done at the Maricopa County Veterans Memorial Coliseum.”


    1. Audit ALL 50 states based on the verified legal forensic evidence of the 2020 election crimes and frauds in Arizona.

      DECERTIFY NOW – Americans Across the Country Call to Decertify the Fraudulent Election Results in Arizona

      By Joe Hoft
      September 24, 2021

      “Another individual summarized the many ways the election was stolen in Arizona by the Biden gang.

      Calls to decertify the Arizona 2020 Election results are coming in. Based on Dr. Shiva’s identified duplicate votes alone, Senator Wendy Rogers is calling to decertify the Arizona results.

      OAN’s Christina Bobb calls for decertification based on Cyber Ninja’s results alone.

      Boris Epshteyn also calls for decertification based on Cyber Ninja’s results alone.”

      Continued Here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/decertify-now-americans-across-country-call-decertify-fraudulent-election-results-arizona/

  5. Without a Shot Indeed: Inducing Compliance to Tyranny Through Conditioning and Persuasion

    By David Risselada
    May 24, 2021

    “Nikita Khrushchev proudly proclaimed the United States would one day awaken as a full-blown communist country. Americans are gullible, he said, the United States will be defeated without firing a shot. What did he mean by this? This book will attempt to answer this question by examining the social sciences used to study our behavior for the purpose of manipulating and changing it.”


    1. Wikipedia Co-founder Larry Sanger: Why Wikipedia Has Failed and What to Do About It

      American Thought Leaders
      Sept. 25, 2021

      “Wikipedia made a real effort at neutrality for, I would say, its first five years or so. And then … it began a long, slow slide into what I would call leftist propaganda,” says Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger.

      What was the original vision for Wikipedia? And why did its neutrality policy collapse?

      Sanger says he’s now working on creating a new decentralized network, a “superset of all encyclopedias.”


    1. JUST IN: Marjorie Taylor Greene SLAMS Democrats in Congress for RUINING American Lives By The Daily Growing Out-Of-Control U.S. National Debt As They Force A National Debt Onto The American People That Will Permanently Bankrupt and Overthrow The U.S. Government.

      Marjorie Taylor Greene: It Is Time For The Radical Wing of Congress To Stop Ruining The Lives of The American People.

      Sept. 27, 2021


  6. Coalition Forms To Curb Executive Branch Power & Presidential Overreach, Restore Checks & Balances

    “The Rutherford Institute as part of a coalition of more than 150 groups is calling on Congress to curb executive branch power, prevent future presidential abuses of power, restore checks and balances, and protect elections from foreign interference.”

    September 25, 2021


    1. More Than 3,000 Doctors & Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ (Video)

      “A document signed by more than 3,000 doctors and scientists internationally that accuses COVID policy makers of “crimes against humanity” due to preventing physicians from providing life-saving treatments for their patients, as well as suppressing open scientific debate surrounding not only COVID but treatments has been produced.”

      September 25, 2021




    Exclusive: Patrice Lewis Speculates About The ‘Breaking Point’ That Turns U.S. Into Australia, Or Worse

    By Patrice Lewis
    September 24, 2021

    “In short, never underestimate the power of people who simply want to be left alone.

    In a brief essay, a man named Wes Rhinier – whose wife is about to lose her nursing job due to vaccine mandates – echoes the sentiment above. He wrote: “It is a declaration of War against me and my family as far as I am concerned, and I know of only one way to respond should this come to pass. It will be time to eliminate these communists, actually it is well past time, but I am but one man. However I aim to erase their existence from History. No Mercy! No Prisoners! No Exceptions! Like a cancer, the communists need to be cut out and put down from the whole world in the hopes that they never rise again. Otherwise, these attacks on us will never end. They hate us and they want us dead. Fine I accept your challenge. Come and try.

    Remember, this is a man who simply wants to be left alone. He has just about reached his breaking point. How many other people does he speak for?

    I have great respect for the Rule of Law. I have no interest in an anarchist anything-goes society. But have we crossed the threshold? What happens when the government becomes like a predator stalking us on the African plains?”

    Continued Here: https://www.wnd.com/2021/09/just-leave-us-alone/

  8. ‘Crimes Against Humanity’: Thousands of Physicians Condemn COVID Policymakers.

    Declaration Issued After Global Summit of Health Experts in Rome.

    By Art Moore
    September 27, 2021

    “More than 4,000 scientists and physicians from around the world have signed a declaration condemning public policy makers of “crimes against humanity” for restricting life-saving treatments and quashing debate and scientific inquiry.”


  9. WATCH: AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake After AZ Audit Results – Calls For INDICTMENTS Against
    LYING Fake News: “We Should Look At CRIMINALLY Charging Them As Well”

    By Jordan Conradson
    September 28, 2021

    “As a former news anchor, “few can take on the Fake News Media like Kari”, said President Donald Trump.

    Kari Lake knows this election was stolen and she is calling for decertification.”


  10. Join: http://www.FreedomWatchUSA.org
    Join: http://www.UnderstandingTheThreat.com
    Join: http://www.ActForAmerica.org
    Join: Church Militant at: http://www.ChurchMilitant.com
    Join The Church Militant Christian Resistance at: https://www.CMResistance.com/

    These Days It is Impossible to Stick Your Head in the Sand

    By Caleb Collier (Sep. 23, 2021) —

    “To paraphrase Martin Niemoller: First they came for health care workers, and I did not speak out because I was not a nurse. Then they came for the educators, and I did not speak out because I was not a teacher. Then they came for the federal employees, and I did not speak out because I don’t work for the government. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me. Be brave or be a slave!”

    Continued Here: https://www.understandingthethreat.com/these-days/

  11. AG Merrick Garland Instructs FBI to Mobilize Against Parents Who Oppose Critical Race Theory, Covid Mandates in Public Schools

    By Cristina Laila
    October 4, 2021

    “The Biden Regime is targeting political opponents and using the might of the federal government to abolish the First Amendment by classifying dissent as “domestic terrorism.”

    US Attorney General Merrick Garland has instructed the FBI to mobilize against parents who oppose Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Covid mandates, citing ‘threats.’”

    Continued Here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/ag-merrick-garland-instructs-fbi-mobilize-parents-oppose-critical-race-theory-covid-mandates-public-schools/

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