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John Guandolo


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The Other Shoe Drops: Biden’s Kabuki Theatre in Ukraine is Cover for Destroying U.S. Economy

by John D. Guandolo

For those wondering why the entire U.S. establishment turned on a dime and got in line behind the “Defend Ukraine” bandwagon, the other shoe has dropped.

We now know the Biden Regime is using Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine as cover for destroying America’s economy via the New Green Deal policies which will cost over $2 trillion, deepening the already insurmountable $30 trillion U.S. debt.

This is intentional economic warfare by Mr. Biden against his own country.

See related stories here, here, and here.

As a reminder, when it comes to the enemy cabal – communist & Islamic Movements, and their collaborators and financiers – they do what they do intentionally in furtherance of their stated objective of bringing down America’s Constitutional Republic.

“Kabuki Theatre” is the phrase that not only describes what the Biden regime is doing, it reminds us our adversaries are liars and deceivers who point one way, but attack on another line of effort.

With regards to the Ukraine, UTT raised the red flag alert the moment George Soros, democrats, the traditional media, Sean Penn, and establishment republicans stood and announced they were all standing with the great Ukrainian patriots fighting against the tyrannical Russians.

Why this lockstep action?

As CDC and NIH reports, Department of Defense reports, funeral home numbers, insurance adjuster figures, and other facts become public, it becomes clearer to many Americans that the covid vaccines are killing and injuring many people, covid is not a “deadly pandemic” and America is being lied to on a grand scale.

The covid operation is failing to adequately keep American citizens in line and focused elsewhere while the adversary destroys America, so, a new distraction is required – Ukraine.

When all of the usual suspects, as if on command, announce that Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine is the most important thing to average Americans since World War II, pardon us if we hesitate to get in line to board those box trains to nowhere.

5 Responses

  1. Partial TRUTH that “the Biden Regime is using Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine as cover for destroying America’s economy via the New Green Deal policies which will cost over $2 trillion, deepening the already insurmountable $30 trillion U.S. debt.” This is intentional economic warfare by Mr. Biden against his own country. And the primary target is the oil industry:

    From Senator Ted Cruz: This is the MOST important 3:25 message you will ever hear regarding the Democrats’ phony and disingenuous narrative on rapidly rising gas prices in America.


    But wait, there’s more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fQWv2ici84

  2. Actually… I was hoping the U.S. military would assist Ukraine in it’s survival. Putin has never looked more evil, his actions were despicable “Fox News” had constant coverage and interviews, with one especially heartbreaking interviews with a Ukraine woman with three children (1 three months old) interviewed daily that asked “will Biden send planes that we could fight back to stop this destructiion? It seemed to be’ scorched earth’ for Putin and the population was a target. The answer was a constant “no’. These people were beautiful and I wonder if Biden didn’t want to upset the left or his reckless spending left the government with his green agenda priority. The bombing hits at night and day as families are destroyed as the strengh of America slips away.

    1. This article titles from Fox News says a lot:

      “Saving Ukraine: Looking for a world leader to stand up”

      Then the narrative:

      “The world has rallied behind the Churchillian figure of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the defense of his country”

      Is Zelensky really a hero?

      But, as far as Putin? “Putin welcomes volunteers from the Middle East to join his war on Ukraine.” … 16,000 volunteers, in a “liberation movement”. Syrians are already there, but now the
      promise of even more being on their way, from “across the middle east”.

  3. John, what is the significance of middle eastern individuals having a green light shining through windows of their homes during the night? I recently noticed this.

    Thanks in advance for your answer.

    I agree about the article. I, along with a few others I know, failed to get into lockstep with the msm narrative.

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