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John Guandolo


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American Christians Build Bridges to Nowhere

by John D. Guandolo

“The chasm between Islam and Jahiliyyah (the world of gross ignorance and unbelief) is great, and a bridge is not to be built across it so that the people on the two sides may mix with each other, but only so that the people of Jahiliyyah may come over to Islam.” Sayyid Qutb, Milestones

When American Christians participate in “Interfaith Outreach” programs, they do so at their own demise because the interfaith network was created by the communists of Saul Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), and is now completely controlled by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.

Both communists and jihadis seek the destruction of Christianity, therefore, the purpose of “Interfaith Outreach” has always been the destruction of the Christian Church.

Pastors who participate Interfaith Outreach, participate in the destruction of their church and their flock, as a matter of course.

The fight is already lost once a pastor or rabbi enters the enemies’ battlespace, which is the Interfaith Outreach realm.

Those who think they are “outsmarting” the other side are delusional, as evidenced by the results of the last 20 years of outreach.

Interfaith Outreach is where the communist and Islamic Movements come together with the most force and effectiveness. It is the pointy end of the enemies’ spear.

This hostile line of effort by liberty’s enemies would not be so effective, however, if Christian leaders were not so easily duped by people who speak nicely, but lie directly in pastors’ faces.

“Few people have the toughness of mind to judge critically and to discern the truth from the false…Soft-minded persons have revised the Beatitudes to read, ‘Blessed are the pure in ignorance; for they shall see God.”

Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Strength to Love

There is a reason, for instance, why the Coptic Church does not allow muslim “converts” to Christianity to have positions of authority or leadership in their church until decades pass after their conversion. It is because Coptics know the level of deceit in Islam runs deep.

Have American Christians forgotten that communists penetrated Catholic and then protestant seminaries beginning approximately 90 years ago?

Many American pastors seem to prefer getting along with others over following the truth. UTT intends to expose some of the Christian and Jewish leaders who are aiding and abetting the enemies of liberty and the Church.

We do so because at some point a pastor or rabbi does not get to say, “I did not know the wolf was a wolf, so it’s no my fault my entire flock is lost.”

At Understanding the Threat, we have produced reports totaling over 400 pages detailing the inner workings of the U.S. Interfaith Outreach.

We will continue to publish short articles as we finalize our Executive Summary and ready it for publication.

In the meantime, UTT encourages all of you to continue to be open to the fact that many of your “beloved” pastors are in bed with the wolves from which they are supposed to protect you.

For instance, if a pastor openly praises a “muslim convert to Christianity” without first understanding Islam to discern if it is a real conversion, good money bets on a false conversion full of lies.

Christians who joyfully praise this “conversion” as “sweet” or “beautiful” or “brought tears to my eyes” may want to consider more than emotions for a moment and remember God gave us all a brain for a reason.

For further reference, see the following UTT articles:

“Interfaith Outreach” Movement Led by Marxists and Jihadis (2015)

Civilization Jihad at Upstate New York’s Chautauqua Institution (2017)

The Foxes Run the Henhouse: Suit-Wearing Jihadis Control the Narrative (2020)

Which U.S. Muslim Leader Isn’t A Terrorist? (2021)

Jihadi Attack on Synagogue Highlights Info War & Massive Islamic Movement Operations in Texas (2022)

Interfaith Outreach: The Leading Edge of the Enemies’ Efforts in America (2022)

27 Responses

    1. Rep. Jim Jordan Summarizes the Nightmare War Crimes the Terrorist Serial Criminal Democrats, Globalists, RINOs, Communists, Jihadists & Other Servants of Evils, Lies & Satan the Devil Are Being Allowed to Create in America, & Commit Against the U.S. American People. The American People Must Repent & Daily Consistently Send Prayers to ALMIGHTY GOD The Savior Messiah of Humanity, LORD JESUS CHRIST in The ETERNAL & INFINITE ALMIGHTY CREATOR GOD The Father, Son & Holy Spirit and Daily Work Together To Obey, Honor, & Serve ALMIGHTY GOD, LORD JESUS CHRIST, & To Rid America of The Terrorists In & Out of Our U.S. Gov’t and America To Defend, Protect & Save Our Country, America, & The U.S. American People & Humanity ~ In CHRIST The LORD’s MOST HOLY, MOST PURE, ETERNAL, FOREVER ALIVE, ALWAYS FAITHFUL & TRUE, ALMIGHTY AUGUST MAJESTY & INFINITE POWER & CONSTANT MIRACLES & GRACES.

      April 7, 2022


    2. Stephen Gash • commented, “Don’t state legislatures determine how state elections are to be conducted, not governors?
      Seems like these two are overreaching their authority. I tell you what, from this side of the pond, it is patently clear that RINOs and Democrats do exactly what they want, even when it breaks the law, and the right let them get away with it. They even allow their supporters to be shot dead without the culprits even being indicted. The Moral Majority has become the Whiny Handwringers. It’s pathetic.”

      Johnny Belinda • commented, “They killed [Governor Kemp’s] daughter’s boyfriend on the way to a rally. His car BLEW UP and he was thrown 1200 feet away from the car. It sent a message, 3rd world style. He’s still a POS for not being brave enough to side with his own political party but I get why he’s afraid. Like Seth Rich’s family……….. afraid to talk.”

      Georgia’s Corrupt Governor Kemp and Lt. Gov. Duncan Block Election Integrity Bill

      By Joe Hoft
      April 7, 2022


    3. President Trump Speaks About the Documented New Evidence That Details How the Globalist Zuckerberg Aided & Abetted Democrats to Commit Rampant 2020 Domestic Terrorist War Crimes & Frauds in A 2020 Presidential Election Coup to Aid The Democrats and Globalists to Seize, Usurp & Steal Control of The U.S. Government Power From The U.S. American People In Widely Publicly Witnessed & Documented Democrat and Globalist Domestic Terrorist Coup d’état Crimes On The U.S. American People, and On Our Nation, The United States of America


  1. Brothers and Sisters,

    CAIR is pursuing a strategy known as “lawfare,” which is forcing communities who do not want a mosque in their town to either give in or pay exorbitant legal.fees to fight. Horn Lake, Mississippi is a recent example.

    So as turnabout is fair I am pursuing my own anti-Islamist lawfare campaign. Of course I was forced to embrace this strategy because of the City of Northglenn’s flagrant suppression of my First Amendment rights. Right now there are four cases pending. I am not optimistic as every court has so far sided with the idea that a City can deprive a citizen of their Constitutional rights as long as they employ any pretense no matter how ham-handed or ridiculous. Fortunately as I am representing myself I know that I am costing the enemy high legal fees and the fact that at least one person in each court will have to read over my complaints.

    The suit against the mosque is currently in Colorado Court of Appeals, the one against the City and their two officers will shortly be in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. I also have filed a libel suit against the Northglenn/Thornton Sentinel newspaper for a libelous article they wrote about me and on Monday of this week I filed a suit against a Colorado interfaith organization called “Together Colorado,” for an even more libelous article they published about me, falsely portraying me as 1. an extortionist 2. a hatemonger 3. a “xenophobe,” 4. a bigot. Pretty harsh for people pretending to be “faith leaders.”

  2. ALMIGHTY GOD’s Holy Bible’s Forever Alive, Forever Living, & Forever Life-Giving Eternal
    Covenant Words & Faithful & True Promises To Us:

    Hebrews 4:12: https://biblehub.com/hebrews/4-12.htm
    Romans 12:2: https:// biblehub. com/ romans/ 12-2.htm
    Ephesians 4:22: https:// biblehub. com/ ephesians/ 4-22.htm
    Ephesians 4:23: https:// biblehub. com/ ephesians/ 4-23.htm

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