Written by John D. Guandolo

“Rise from your knees and from your lethargy or you will be crying over your children every day…It needs to be said clearly and directly: This [Islamic migration] is an attack on Europe, on our culture, on our traditions.”
Poland’s Prime Minister Beata Szydło
“But I can only speak for the Hungarian people and they do not want migration…We are talking about the country’s sovereignty and cultural identity. We have to protect the right to be able to decide who can live in Hungarian territory. We believe that a high number of muslims necessarily leads to parallel societies, because Christian and muslim society will never connect. Multiculturalism is just an illusion. We don’t want that. And we don’t want anything to be imposed on us.”
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán
“Islamization starts with a kebab and it’s already under way in Bratislava. Let’s realize what we can face in five to 10 years … We must do everything we can so that no mosque is built in the future.”
Slovak National Party Chairman Andrej Danko
In November 2016, the Slovak Republic passed legislation blocking Islam from becoming a recognized religion in that country. The Slovak Republic is the only country in the European Union with no mosques, and now new mosques cannot be built.
In November 2015, the largest march in Poland’s history took place to defend Christian Poland’s sovereignty, and declare freedom from the barbaric oppression of Islam and its sharia.
See UTT’s video HERE beginning at 7:47.
Why are Poland, Hungary, and the Slovak Republic so opposed to receiving muslim immigrants as permanent residents?
According to their leaders, who have won their elections in massive landslides, it is because they do not want to allow people into their countries whose beliefs call for them to change the country over time into Islamic Republics under Islamic rule/sharia.
If you read their statements and listen to their speeches, it is clear the leaders of these nations understand Islam is an existential threat to civil society, human dignity, and liberty. They are following the will of their people, and, as it turns out, have had ZERO “terrorist” attacks.
Compare that to England, Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and elsewhere in Europe where communities are overrun by jihadis, rapes of non-muslim women have skyrocketed, attacks on non-muslims in general have skyrocketed, and muslims are openly calling for the overthrow of the European countries who took them in as “refugees.”
Is there a lesson for America here?

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
4 Responses
Eastern European nations are honestly evaluating the consequences of the Mass Migration of Islam to their Western Judeo Christian Societies. The EU is creating the environment for a clash of cultures, and death is the result of this idiocracy.
“These things we do, that others may live”
“Is there a lesson for America here?” Yes! But, too many in America wish to remain “willingly ignorant” (2 Peter 3:5) of this perilous THREAT.
And, until they are ready to hear the message, they will continue to lack in ‘Understanding The Threat’.
“How shall they hear without a preacher”? (Romans 10:15) That’s where you, John, and Understanding The Threat come in AND ALL THE REST OF US that understand.
WE the People need to join in to spread the message and support UTT and each other with our time, talent, and treasure.
The patriots of America are not ignorant about the dangers we face from islam. Our problem is that we do not know what we should do to defend our homeland. Our government is no help; unlike in Poland, Hungary and Slovak. The patriots of america are praying that a pathway to defend our Judeo Christian way of live will be forthcoming. i will continue to send donations to JG so he can continue to fight for us.