by John D. Guandolo
A friend and colleague who has dedicated years of his life in the counter-jihad effort shared with me this week that he was shocked at just how deeply corrupted the U.S. military leadership is with their anti-American and pro-communist ideology.
His revelation came, in part, from reading Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier’s book Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.
Lohmeier is the U.S. Space Force officer who was relieved of duty because he dared to speak out about the Marxist indoctrination taking place across the U.S. military, and specifically, in his command.
What this incident revealed, once again, is that engaged, intelligent, and very knowledgeable individuals, like my colleague, have a very difficult time understanding how devastatingly penetrated the U.S. military leadership and all key components of the U.S. government are by Marxist ideology, and how devoid they are of any understanding of America’s founding principles.
This is the intentional outcome of a decades-long effort to get the U.S. military and America to this very spot.
What is the evidence of this?
Our communist and jihadis adversaries, working in tandem, control the narratives – the message – inside the U.S. government, and especially the U.S. military about the war in which we are engaged.
This is why 20 years after 9/11 you cannot find one 4-star general or admiral with who can identify the enemy in this war.
Critical Race Theory has permeated every corner of the U.S. military, yet the doctrinal drivers of the Islamic enemy with whom we have been at war for 20+ years is not taught anywhere inside the military.
The federal government is catastrophically broken, including the leadership of the U.S. military.
So if you wonder why the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Army General Mark Milley called supporters of President Trump “Brownshirts” and proclaimed he was going to ring Washington, D.C. with security to keep the “Nazis” out, now you know.
The enemies we face are serious, dedicated, and sincere about their efforts. The communists and jihadis have operatives in every component of the U.S. government. See UTT’s article here.
Not only are the communist and Islamic Movement individually well coordinated, they coordinate joint efforts at the local, state, national, and international level.
From communist Black Lives Matter working with the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas/CAIR to communist China entering into a strategic partnership with terrorist state Iran in August 2020, the level of detailed planning and coordination cannot be overemphasized.
Because of this state of affairs, the answer to this seemingly impossible task of countering the revolution initiated by America’s enemies in tandem with the U.S. democrat party is only possible by doing battle at the local level.
Local precinct chairs, local school boards, local city councils, local police departments, local chambers of commerce, and other key local government institutions must be led and controlled by Constitutionally minded Patriots.
Citizens must take back the schools from all government control and begin re-establishing America’s founding principles.
Hostile organizations in the community should be identified and shut down.
Understanding the Threat (UTT) is the only organization in America which empowers citizens to identify the sources of corruption in your local area and dismantle/remove the organizations and leaders behind it.
Join us today while we still have the ability to do so.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
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Italian Doctor Warns 18 Months After Taking “Vaccine” People Will Start Dropping Like Flies
By Tim Brown
July 24, 2021
Vaccine Lawsuit Filed: Insider Blows Whistle on Coverup — Exclusive Attorney Interview (Video)
By Tim Brown
July 24, 2021
Important Info In Video!
“Dr. Fauci is Culpable. He’s Lying About It. And He Needs to Be Held Accountable For It.” – Sen. Ron Johnson Says It’s Time to Go After Fauci for Funding Gain-of-Function Research, Lying About It Under Oath (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
July 21, 2021
From: Telegram
The Monica Matthews, [19.07.21 19:10]
[Forwarded from
Stew Peters
EXCLUSIVE! Dr. David Martin just ended it all.
The entire world will completely understand after viewing this interview.

Watch & Share!
Bill Gates and George Soros-Backed Organization Buys Out COVID-19 Testing Company
By Jack Phillips
July 20, 2021
From: Telegram:
Lin Wood, [22.07.21 23:30]
“We are living in extraordinary times which as Thomas Paine recognized “try men’s souls.” Women’s souls too.
Paine authored Common Sense and his quote about our souls being tried was dated 1776.
It is 1776 again.
This is the time to stand on your principles and not surrender to your preferences. I know that is easier said than done.
But I believe Patriots were born with a spirit that rejects surrender and a spirit that refuses to be controlled by the enemy.
We were born to fight for our freedom.
Patrick Henry said it best, when he cried out, “Give me liberty or give me death.” I suspect many of you have had enough and are ready to take the fight to another level. I urge you to continue to abide by the rule of law and let future events play out.
I have said it will get worse before it gets better. But I have consistently counseled that ALL will be well in the end.
The Lamb’s Book of Life was written before God created the world. We are living in a movie. God’s movie. And we each have a role to play.
Seek God’s will every day, one day at a time. Seek His counsel. Strengthen your faith. Your faith will give you the fortitude and courage to stand in the darkest of hours.
God works through His Children. Talk to Him and then listen for his instructions. You will find the answer in your heart, the words of another, an event, and so on. God works in mysterious ways. Listen for Him.
Speak TRUTH. Be Fearless. Trust God.
We are on the victory side.”
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Lin Wood, [22.07.21 23:51]
“I have shared with you the many battles in which I am engaged with the enemy. I do my imperfect best to be a role model
for you in shining light on darkness.
When I read your replies, I feel your weariness, your concerns, your impatience, I know how you feel. I experience the same feelings. But I fight on. So must you. The alternative is to surrender to the enemy and lose our freedom. Surrender is simply not an option.
This is not about just us although we as Patriots stand shoulder to shoulder for each other. It is about our children, our grandchildren, and generations beyond them. It is also about honoring the sacrifices of those who came before us who paid the price and allowed us to breathe the fresh air of liberty.
Walk forward by faith and not by sight. I know there are men and women who are ready to lead us to victory. Who will never stop fighting for freedom. I will never quit. Neither will you.
I continue to firmly believe that our President, Donald J. Trump, will never quit on We The People. I am sure that President Trump knows the pain the People are enduring. He promised the People that he would never quit. I believe him.
There are well over 100 Million Patriots in this country and the number is growing every day.
And always remember that God and one man is a majority.
We are on the victory side.”
More Political DOJ Attacks: President Trump’s Billionaire Ally Released on $250 MILLION Bond for
Allegedly Acting as Agent of UAE
By Joe Hoft
Published July 24, 2021
“The corrupt DOJ and FBI have never been more corrupt. They now remind average Americans of the rogue police forces used in corrupt nations throughout history.”
George Soros Funneled $1 Million to ‘Defund the Police’ Movement
By Andrew Jose
July 22, 2021
‘Americans Are Being Shot, Stripped, Searched, Choked, Beaten and Tasered’
Appeal Asks The Supreme Court For Help Protecting Police-Beating Victim’s Rights
By Bob Unruh
July 25, 2021
Muslims Slaughter 3,462 Christians, Kidnap 3,000, Attack 300 Churches in Nigeria So Far This Year
By Tim Brown
July 25, 2021
Bill Melugin: Border Patrol Apprehends 20,000 Illegal Aliens at Del Rio Crossing in ONE WEEK –
Enough to Fill Staples Center (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
July 25, 2021
Whistleblower Leaks Email Reveals The Lawless Serial Criminal Terrorist Usurper Biden & His Illegal Criminal Administration Is Committing Daily Great War Crimes & Treason’s On The U.S.A. & Is Using The U.S. Military To Aid & Abet Millions of Lawless & Dangerous Illegal Alien Serial Criminals and Terrorists To Invade The United States of America & To Secretly Move Millions of Lawless & Dangerous Illegal Alien Criminals & Terrorists Into The 50 States of Our United States of America
By Cristina Laila
July 14, 2021
Rep. Paul Gosar Introduces Bill Proposing Ten Year Halt on Immigration
By Cassandra Fairbanks
July 24, 2021
“Rep. Paul Gosar has introduced a bill to put a ten year moratorium on all immigration to the United States.
Gosar announced the bill in a tweet, writing “this week I sponsored a 10-year moratorium on immigration until we can figure out how to put Americans first.”
In a statement about the bill, Gosar wrote that “the current regime is ignoring and actively assisting the violation of our federal laws. The Biden administration has literally and figuratively opened the gates and is waving hundreds of thousands of criminals into our country. We are looking at 2 million criminals being let in this year alone. On top of over 30 million already here.
“Then to harm our people more, the Biden administration uses tax money to pay for transportation, fancy hotels (one in Scottsdale, Arizona), food and health care for these illegal aliens. Meanwhile Americans suffer with inflation and low wages,” the statement continued. ‘We can’t have legal immigration when we have rampant illegal alien invaders. This is a threat to our national security and our economy and to our citizens.’“
Continued Here:
The FBI Is Out of Control, The Light of Truth Will Destroy This Darkness
By Larry Johnson
Published July 22, 2021
“Today’s FBI is a nightmare. They have turned the FBI into a political force akin to the East German Stasi and the Nazi’s Gestapo. Instead of protecting American citizens they are spying on patriots and launching groundless cases, such as the bullshit charges brought against DEA Agent Mark Ibrahim: […].”
Millions of “Christians” Go to Hell Over THIS
America’s Chastisement and Abandonment | | Perry Stone
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How Communists Conquer A Country
Exclusive: Rohini DeSilva Sees Several Ways The ‘Collaborators’ Are Subverting The American People
WND Guest Columnist
Published July 23, 2021
By Rohini DeSilva
“Note: This is Part 2 of a two-part series. Read Part 1, “The CCP’s collaborators are helping destroy America.”
Hitler, Stalin and Mao, and other “socialist” dictators, all followed the same Socialist/Marxist/Communist playbook – and ended up killing millions.
First, the communists destroyed Christianity. They are now in the process of destroying Christianity in America, which is a precursor of what they will do to us. Christianity calls on us to unite behind our founding principles of honor and respect for our God and our country. The communists want us to treat them as gods, who will provide everything for the people, housing, health care, and will eliminate student loans and give them drug money.
But it never works. And, once a country is run by a dictator, it never reverts to an open and free society. Russia has been communist for 115 years; China for over 100 years; Hitler in 1932 and today, Angela Merkel, whose importation of illegals and speech-suppression agencies are run by her former colleagues in the East German Stasi – and Germany’s closest relationship is with Russia, on which Europe is dependent for its oil.”
Continued Here: