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John Guandolo


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Islamic Jihadi Attack at NAS Pensacola An Occasion to Remember Saudi Arabia is Our Enemy

Written by John D. Guandolo

Jihadi Attack at Naval Air Station Pensacola
On Friday December 6, 2019, a Saudi Arabian Air Force Officer – 2nd Lieutenant Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani – carrying a pistol and several loaded magazines, open fired on military students at the Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola (FL), killing three and wounding many others.

Alshamrani was killed by local deputies at the scene after several short gun battles in which two deputies were wounded.

Six Saudis were arrested after the attack, including three who were witnessed filming the attack. Currently, ten (10) Saudi Arabian military personnel are being held in connection to this attack.

[Author’s note: UTT has been training police, first responders, and others for years that when arriving at the scene of such an attack where the perpetrators is muslim – ie a jihadi – immediately look for the best vantage points and send officers there looking for individuals filming the attack.]

It was discovered that the night before the attack Alshamrani had a party at his house where he and his guest, presumably many of the men involved in the attack, watched videos of mass killings.

Reports indicate Alshamrani entered the United States in August 2017 and was relatively new in the aviation training pipeline at Pensacola.

Jihadi who killed three (3) at NAS Pensacola was 2nd Lieutenant Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani (Saudi Air Force).

Alshamrani did tweet that the United States commits crimes against muslims. Specifically, he wrote:

“O American people, I’m not against you for just being American, I don’t hate you because every day you supporting, funding and committing crimes not only against muslims but also humanity. I’m against evil, and America as a whole has turned into a nation of evil.”

Alshamrani’s uncle told reporters his nephew was a “likeable kid” who did “nothing suspicious” before moving to the United States.

Saudi Arabia Directly Complicit in 9/11 Attacks
1. 15 of the 19 hijackers/jihadis who conducted the 9/11 attacks were Saudi nationals.

2. A CIA memorandum dated July 2, 2002, stated unequivocally that the connections found between the 9/11 hijackers, the Saudi embassy in Washington, D.C. and the Saudi consulate in Los Angeles are “incontrovertible evidence that there is support for these terrorists within the Saudi government.”

3. Saudi Ambassador to the United States at the time of 9/11 – Prince Bandar – sent money directly to a handler (Omar Bayoumi) for two of the 9/11 hijackers from his personal bank account.

4.FBI files show Saudi agent Omar al-Bayoumi provided ‘substantial assistance’ to Saudi hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi after they arrived in San Diego in February 2000. Hazmi was the leader of the cell that attacked the Pentagon, while Mihdhar was one of that cell’s muscle hijackers. The two even stayed at Bayoumi’s apartment, working out in his gym. At the same time he was aiding the hijackers, Bayoumi was getting large salary increases from a Saudi defense front company tied to Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, where he worked as a ghost employee. Another alleged Saudi intelligence officer who handled the hijackers, Osama Bassnan, worked closely with Bayoumi.”

5. An unlisted phone number connected to Prince Bandar’s Aspen chalet was found in the phone book of senior al Qaeda operative Abu Zubaida when he was captured in Pakistan in 2002. Also in Zubaida’s phone book was the number for Bandar’s bodyguard at the Saudi Embassy.

President George W. Bush (L) and Saudi Ambassador to the United States Prince Bandar

6. Three (3) of the 9/11 hijackers – Saeed Alghamdi (UA FLT 93), Ahmad Alnami (UA FLT 93), and Ahmed Alghamdi (UA FLT 75) – used Naval Air Station Pensacola as their address. Military records reveal all three used 10 Radford Boulevard, in Pensacola as their address, which is on NAS Pensacola. Saeed Alghamdi registered two vehicles to this address.

7. In 2017, lawyers representing 1,400 victims of the 9/11 attacks in a lawsuit against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cited FBI documents in their updated complaint which alleges that Saudi students Mohammed al-Qudhaeein and Hamdan al-Shalawi were in members of “the Kingdom’s network of agents in the US,” and participated in the terrorist conspiracy.

Al-Qudhaeein and al-Shalawi trained at al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan at the same time some of the hijackers were there, and had regular contacts with a Saudi hijacker pilot and a senior al Qaeda leader from Saudi incarcerated at Gitmo in 2017.

Both Qudhaeein and Shalawi worked for the Saudi government. Qudhaeein was employed at the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, and Shalawi was also “a longtime employee of the Saudi government.” The pair were in “frequent contact” with Saudi officials while in the US, according to the filings. During a November 1999 America West flight to Washington, Qudhaeein and Shalawi are reported to have tried multiple times to gain access to the cockpit of the plane in an attempt to test flight-deck security in advance of the hijackings.

8. Saudi Arabia is the center of the Islamic world and its schools of jurisprudence teach muslims are commanded by their god “Allah” to wage war against non-muslims until the entire world is under the control of “Allah’s divine law” which is sharia. This is taught all over the world in Saudi funded schools, including inside the United States.

In 2005, the Freedom House published a report entitled “Saudi Publications on Hate Ideology Invade American Mosques.” The Chairman of the Freedom House Board at the time was former Director of Central Intelligence R. James Woolsey. The report details teachings inside Saudi funded U.S. Islamic schools, mosques, and even publications with the imprimatur of the Saudi Arabian government.

“Our doctrine states that if you accept any religion other than Islam, like Judaism or Christianity, which are not acceptable, you become an unbeliever. If you do not repent, you are an apostate, and you should be killed because you have denied the Koran.”

Saudi Ministry of Religious Affairs

Among other things, these Islamic schools/materials across America teach: muslims who leave Islam are apostates and must be killed; jihad is one of the three duties of all muslims; muslims must wage war to establish “Allah’s divine law”/sharia in the land; and many other such ideas. See the full Freedom House Report here.

U.S. Government Response to NAS Pensacola Attack

After this past Friday’s attack on NAS Pensacola, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper told a gathering of top US defense and military officials, “I can’t say it’s terrorism at this time.”

The FBI did not decide to presume the attack in Pensacola was “terrorism” until Sunday evening.

Over the weekend President Trump tweeted: “King Salman of Saudi Arabia just called to express his sincere condolences and give his sympathies to the families and friends of the warriors who were killed and wounded in the attack that took place in Pensacola, Florida…The King said that the Saudi people are greatly angered by the barbaric actions of the shooter, and that this person in no way shape or form represents the feelings of the Saudi people who love the American people.”

The evidence is overwhelming that the government of Saudi Arabia knowingly and intentionally supported the 9/11 attacks, and yet has been left unscathed in America’s 18 year “war on terror.”

It is easy to point to Iran – also complicit in the 9/11 attacks – and determine they are an enemy of the United States. The fact Saudi Arabia is an enemy of Iran does not make Saudi Arabia a friend of the United States.

It is high time Saudi Arabia pay a brutally high price for what they have done against the interests of the United States – on 9/11/01 and on 12/06/19.

Thanks to the incredible work by investigative journalist Paul Sperry who diligently brought much of the information about the role Saudi Arabia played in the 9/11 attacks to light. You can find his work on twitter at @paulsperry_

9 Responses

  1. Taqiyya. Taqiyya. Taqiyya. The Saudis have been lying in the service of Islam since they could speak English! The Saudis are not our friends – they use us and abuse us. The Saudis and the Qataris are the biggest funders of anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, pro-Muslim indoctrination through university chairs at our elite universities. Can you imagine any Muslim nation allowing Americans to dictate curriculum content at their universities??? Not a chance!. The Saudis are playing chess while the Americans are playing checkers. Islamists are not our friends in the long term – only in the short term.


    The USS Monterey (CVL 26), the hull of which was originally laid down as a light cruiser, i.e., the USS Dayton (CL-78), was a recommissioned WW-II aircraft carrier which I served aboard as an American sailor for a year in the 50s while she was attached to the Naval Training Command at NAS Pensacola, training aviation cadets to become either Navy or Marine Corp, pilots, and naval reserve pilots to hone their carrier-landing skills before they shoved-off for Korea to fly combat missions in Douglas AD dive bombers) while the Marine Corp graduates after receiving their wings were usually assigned to fighter squadrons on the beach,, which mainly flew Chance-vought F4U fighters.

    But the Monterey not only had one of the most impressive WW-II combat records in the United States Navy, an eventual U.S. President who served aboard her as a gunnery officer during the war, came within an inch of losing his life while the ship was at general-quarters one day (i.e., battle stations), when he was nearly swept overboard after being ordered to go below during a 100 mile-an-hour typhoon named “Cobra” to assess the progress of a fire. His name was Gerald R. Ford..

    The gates to NAS Pensacola in those days were closely guarded day & night by U.S. Marines who were charged with monitoring our sobriety, uniform-condition and liberty-card as we exited the base, though simply our liberty card when we returned; as were either the Master-at-Arms or O.D. when we went ashore and when we returned to the ship. And had that kind of fundamental security existed on U.S. military installations prior to the Pensacola jihadi attack I doubt that it would ever have happened.

    Furthermore, with respect to the identity of the Saudi Ambassador to the United States at the time of the 9/11 attacks i.e. “Prince Bandar”; according to the infamous “28-pages” it was his government which actuallly funded those atrocities, And according to the 2016 current affairs book entitled “The Bush Crime Family”; chapter 31; “43: WORST EVER?”, page 323: by virtue of his closeness to said “Family” was once “dubbed” Bandar Bush, presumably to indicate he belonged.

    Thus, in view of their response to the Pensacola attack, anyone interested in the prevention of crime who finds it odd , as I do, that the current FBI director and the Secretary of Defense-one of whom has taken to advertising via magazine ads for sharia-adherent Muslims to fill special agent,trainee vacancies while over at the Pentagon, the latest misfit to arrive has effectively admitted with respect to our national defense that he couldn’t track a bleeding elephant in a snow storm, might wish to support an EEO initiative targeted on the appointment by the president of the first woman in history to occupy the directorship of the FBI, and what about Sidney Powell for the job, now there’s an idea!

    *Fill your mind with truth for a change by reading Islam’s 22 May 1991 declaration of war on Western civilization, which includes the minds of your children, i.e., for a nominal handling and postage fee you can order your personal verbatim copy of an Arabic-to-English translation of the original document of evil which was seized in accordance with a federal search warrant from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia USA in 2004 by special agents of the FBI, the endgame of which is to either enslave you or kill you unless you bow to tne core demands of the draconian ideological hell known as Sharia. I.e., simply contact http://www.securefreedom.org, for: GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.

  3. I am fightened by these events, opening the largest mosque in the western hemisphere Turkish Islamic center, diy- a-net, yes it is a net all right, in Maryland, Erdoghan visits..the press clueless. The quickening of the presence of mosques in every city for calling people from all Islamic nations. To know the ideology, is in alignment with declaration (fatwah) of a war a Western civilization and the deception of a religious cover to a game of chess is very accurately describing moves while we think diversity but they use diversity to sieze a country. While they quietly cheer at the attempted impeachment of a President and a nature quided by a book of warfare, to pressure agreements of a trade deal from Mexico, a nation really at the mercy of cartels and mosques to the north with Trudi as clueless as they come leading a pray in a mosque and a Pelosi open border. Coordinated for the stupid, the CVE….with denied intelligience hidden in the basement. A story of Pensacola Saudi shooter…on a military base the unknown intention of 9/11 and the walk in conquest. Act “cool” ,”act concerned”,”speak pleasantly”, ‘ claim peacefulness,” deny facts, play victim, they will eat it up, apparently we did. It seems the ten year plan was not just for religious speech restriction about Islam, it is sedition with a deceptively pleasant scorpion asking for a ride on a frogs back across a river. It can’t keep a promise to not sting the frog, it’s in his nature. We must learn from the frog.

  4. Paul…I didn’t read the whole article, but never saw this on the news as a significant terrorist attack on our own land, in a military installation. The song comes to mind, “When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn?”
    We are still at war with those who are at war with us in our own country.

  5. Yesterday the impeachment articles filled the news, days before it was the Saudi soldier attacks on a Pensocola Military base and the discovery of other Saudi’s soldiers filming the event..this past year a Prince who is young and striking is filling the news and heads the S.A. military, one moment he denies that he may had ordered Khashoggi’s punishment to be killed while at the same time appearing to be pulling a release valve on Islamic sharia law adherence to show modernization away from brutal Islam. I know about the HLF trial, the election of Obama and the purging of the 9/11 Commission Report that clearly points to Islam declaring war on the United States prior to the attacks. Then as our first black President who hide his Islam until the times was right and the conclusion of the trial not much was done or acted on, the legal matter went out of site and dormant. So dormant no one was able to any longer be educated on Islam and the 9/11 report was purged into pudding. Knowing Islam, aware that deception is a critical component of Islam, it will enter into agreements, just to.wait it out….but could never submit to adherence and fooling the kaffar once again or is he….? How to agree that the U.S, should keep S.A. as asset partner as they hit all markers in the Islamic goals of conquest and sedition. I just heard the contrary, but it does not sit well, as a likely outcome of changing Islam to not be the aggressor certainly would contradict the Quran…and most of it’s history. It comes at a time very likely just like the last impeachment we look weak and disorientated the worst type of image pulling down the only President who gave out clues he was aware of the problem…..and then got elected to prevent the take down of the U.S. by Islam. What is going on now is serious….just hope the best decisions and the first comments by President Trump will return, we know why they hate us, it is Islam.

  6. Interesting information about Pres. G. Ford, who by your description was a patriot, and during the battle accurate, heroic, the deep state press was not good to President Ford, and used typical, nasty democratic ridicule of a Republican President and the press fell right in line with the left to make sure he never received any good press.

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