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Islamic Jihadi Attack at NAS Pensacola An Occasion to Remember Saudi Arabia is Our Enemy

Written by John D. Guandolo Jihadi Attack at Naval Air Station PensacolaOn Friday December 6, 2019, a Saudi Arabian Air Force Officer – 2nd Lieutenant Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani – carrying a pistol and several loaded magazines, open fired on military students at the Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola (FL), killing three and wounding many others. […]

Islamic Infiltration: Suit-Wearing Jihadis Own the FBI

Written by UTT President John Guandolo When I arrived in Saudi Arabia in early 2002 on a trip with the FBI Director, which included approximately a dozen countries across the Middle East and beyond, I was shocked to learn that both the FBI’s Legal Attache and the Assistant Legal Attache to Saudi Arabia converted to […]

Islamic Infiltration Drastically Affects U.S. Transportation Security

The fact the son (Suhail Khan) of one of the most prolific Muslim Brotherhood (MB) leaders in the U.S. – Mahboob Khan – had a security clearance and worked directly for two successive Secretaries of Transportation under the George W. Bush administration is evidence enough the U.S. government’s vetting process is broken and our critical […]

When the Worst Case Scenario is the Most Likely Scenario

Keys to victory in war include knowing the enemy, knowing yourself, and understanding the battlespace in which the war is to be fought. At the operational level, militaries aim to maintain the high ground, gather intelligence on their enemies, control key nodes of communications, control logistics routes and means, and get inside their enemy’s decision-making […]

Ilhan Omar – Traitor?

All currently available evidence reveals Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is conspiring with hostile foreign powers against the United States and its interests to overthrow the U.S. government in violation of federal law and the oath she took to protect and defend the Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” In addition to Ilhan Omar’s 2013 arrest […]

UTT is Taking the Fight to the Enemy

Because of the nature of the war being waged by the Islamic & Marxist Counter-States, Understanding the Threat (UTT) firmly believes this war will be won at the local level by citizens who understand the threat and understand the strategy to defeat the threat. UTT is the only organization in America empowering: (1) Police with […]

Terrorists in the “Best Small Town in America”

Denton, Texas was ranked the Number 1 “Best Small Town in America” by Rand McNally and USA Today in 2012. Today, Denton and Denton County are home to several terrorist front organizations, including the Islamic Society of Denton. The Islamic Society of Denton was formed in 1980 and opened its doors in the summer of […]

Why Are We Surprised When A Muslim Congresswoman Adheres to Sharia and Hates Jews?

On Monday February 11th, sharia-adherent Congresswoman Ilhan Omar publicly acknowledged her anti-Semitic comments, but stood by her criticisms of Israel. The real question is: “Why is anyone surprised a sharia-adherent muslim hates Jews?” The Koran, which according to Islam contains the uncreated words of Islam’s god Allah, reveals a systemic hatred for Jews. “For them […]

Will 2018 Mid-Term Elections Bring the Reckoning ?

Today, Tuesday November 6, 2018, is election day across America, and there is much at stake. Will this day be the beginning of the true reckoning to hold accountable those guilty of sedition, treason, and plotting to overthrow the government of the United States? While it may exciting for some to read Tony Shaffer’s tweet […]

UTT Continues to Answer the Critics

Because of the significant support and attention UTT received from this past Tuesday’s article entitled “UTT Answers the Critics” we are re-publishing a video from UTT’s YouTube Channel in which UTT President John Guandolo refutes the lies from an Imam who also happens to be a State Legislator from Iowa.   We hope this video […]