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John Guandolo


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Islamic Infiltration Drastically Affects U.S. Transportation Security

The fact the son (Suhail Khan) of one of the most prolific Muslim Brotherhood (MB) leaders in the U.S. – Mahboob Khan – had a security clearance and worked directly for two successive Secretaries of Transportation under the George W. Bush administration is evidence enough the U.S. government’s vetting process is broken and our critical infrastructure penetrated by hostile jihadis.

Case in point: Mohamed el Sharkawy is the former leader of the Foreign Terrorist Organization Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Arizona. He also happens to be an “Airbus Maintenance Training Specialist” for American Airlines at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix, Arizona, and previously worked as an “Aircraft Maintenance Instructor” for U.S. Airways, also at Sky Harbor Airport.

El Sharkawy’s online profile states he also worked on NASA’s space shuttle and on former President Clinton’s helicopters.

Hamas leader Mohamed el Sharkawy was honored by American Airlines for his work at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix. See the full story HERE.

Additionally, the obvious increase in sharia-adherent muslims working in baggage claims in airports across the U.S. and wearing TSA uniforms reflects the negligent and unprofessional actions of U.S. security officials.

In January 2010, the Foreign Terrorist Organization Hamas, doing business as CAIR, protested TSA’s new regulations for screening and claimed it was biased against muslims.

Hamas/CAIR complains about TSA’s security policies in January 2010.

TSA’s answer? Nine months later, TSA responded by allowing the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) to train over 2200 TSA officers.

What could go wrong?

To add to the problem, inspections of airports across the nation reveal the Transportation Security Administration is incompetent and incapable of fulfilling its basic duties.

A 2015 internal TSA investigation revealed 95% of mock weapons, including hand-grenades got through TSA’s screening at airports all over the United States.

A 2017 internal TSA investigation revealed TSA failed over half of the time in preventing contraband from getting through security checkpoints at airports all over the United States.

The PROBLEM: a gross lack of understanding of the threat of sharia-adherent muslims to the safety of America and our transportation system.

The SOLUTION: Understanding the Threat.


5 Responses

  1. What a STUPID decision!! Why, in the name of GOD do American co. do whatever Muslims whine and complain about???? I’ve stopped flying because the TSA “security” people are Muslims. Do U think they would stop other Muslims who had bombs, knives or guns when getting on Airplanes???? Then U R stupid also!!! Wake up folks. Muslims are here to take over!!!! Don’t hire anyone who gives allegance to a spiritual/political dogma that is anti-American and or anti-Constitutional!!! STOP giving in to their complaints. Ask Constitutional citizens what they want.


    Inasmuch as it was Sharia adherent Muslims who chose to initiate the ongoing existential war* we find ourselves in by means of the Saudi Arabian government funded 9/11attacks, the question of where one of said ideological nut cases is from is frivolous. I.e., NONE should be allowed to casually enter our country, PERIOD. Furthermore, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection landing card (CBP Form 6059B), as amended, should carry a warning to that effect; i.e., “to do so illegally will result in immediate deportation”.

    As for the Constitutionally suicidal cause of U.S. inaction in the face of an ever expanding existential disaster which the presence of said ideological killers and their 3200 hegemonic indoctrination centers aka “mosques” which are already here represent, there isn’t a dimes worth of difference between their looney-tune quest for global domination and the self-serving master/slave one-world secretive thesis of the so-called Bilderberg group whose strategically positioned “Deep State” members (Yale “Bonesmen” tried and true from Skull & Bones Chapter 322) act anonymously as anarchical manipulators in their respective federal leadership roles. I.e., the “inaction” which has led to the debacle America is in must stem from an alliance; in plain English the federal government and the Muslim Brotherhood have apparently joined forces against the American people.

    *Anyone who senses that the literal end of the United States as a free country is destined to become a reality in the not too distant future, who may also wish to own (for a nominal handling & postage fee) a personal copy of Islam’s declaration of war on America’s entire non-Muslim population, which was seized in accordance with a federal warrant by special agents of the FBI from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia in 2004, need simply contact http://www.securefreedom.org to request: GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.

  3. America, we need to read our history with Shariah/Islamic law and their desire to form a global Caliphate, an Ummah ruled by Shariah law which includes America!

    They need to start with March 28, 1786, written by John Adams Thomas Jefferson outlining a meeting they had with a Tripoli ambassador who explained to them why it was their right to hijack American merchant ships! Their ultimate goal was outlined then and it appears it still holds true now. They just changed tactics and strategy to the point they have already infiltrated our federal, state and local government, media, law enforcement, etc. and our USELESS politicians have never held hearings on our Founders letter nor how their inattention to their oath of office/affirmation, our Constitution and our national security is in danger has allowed our enemy to form a political party, write a plan they call their “civilization-jihadist process plan” to slowly infiltrate America and then destroy us from within.
    Who said this, to whom, when, why and what have we ever done about it? Would you consider this statement to be contrary to our Constitution, our way of life, a danger to our National/Homeland Security and the preservation of our Constitution? Would you think these are words of an enemy? Surely, both the House and the Senate studied this but where are the reports?
    “The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the Laws of their prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every musselman [muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.” http://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/01-09-02-0315

    This statement was a part of a March 28, 1786, letter from John Adams and Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, the United States Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Continental Congress, concerning their conversation with Tripoli’s to London, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman as to why his pirates/terrorists hijacked our merchant ships, stole the ships and cargo while holding the sailors for ransom.

    If you are afraid to go directly to the weblink just Google March 28, 1786, letter from John Adams and Thomas Jefferson to John Jay.

    Why are we failing to mention the obvious issues in the 1786 letter that still exists today? Here are the main points in 1786; are they the same today with the Muslim Brotherhood in America and their plan they wrote to destroy us?
    In their letter to John Jay who, at the time served as Secretary of Foreign Affairs, directing United States foreign policy under the Articles of Confederation government.
    The Ambassador answered us,
    a. that it was founded on the law of their great Profet:
    b. that it was written in the Koran,
    c. that all Nations who should not have acknowledged their Authority were sinners:
    d. that it was their right & duty to make war upon them whenever they could be found, &
    e. to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners; &
    f. that every Mussalman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise
    g. That it was a Law, that the first who boarded an Enemy’s Vessell should have one slave, more than his share with the rest, which operated as an Incentive to the Most desperate Valour & Enterprize.
    h. That it was the practice of their Corsairs to bear down upon a ship; for each sailor to take a Dagger in each hand & another in his Mouth & leap on board, which so terrified their Enemies, that very few ever stood against them,
    i. That he verily believed the Devil assisted his Country-men, for they were almost allway’s successfull—

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