America’s Department of Defense Moves Against the President
by John D. Guandolo When history records the details of the Marxist-Islamic revolution in America, people will be astounded at the number of military generals and republicans who stood with America’s enemies against the President of the United States. From the time he became the Republican nominee for President, Donald J. Trump came under assault […]
Communist Insurrection
by John D. Guandolo The violence across America over the last few days does not represent a “hijacked peaceful protest.” This was and continues to be a synchronized, organized, and well coordinated nationwide violent assault against American cities by communists and jihadis working together to bring down the Republic. The communists in Antifa and Black […]
Does the U.S. Agreement with the Taliban Matter Since the U.S. Lost the War in Afghanistan in 2004?
Written by John D. Guandolo One hundred percent (100%) of Islamic jihadis fighting the United States say they are fighting for an Islamic State (caliphate) ruled by “Allah’s divine law”/sharia. The Taliban is no exception. The Taliban states the reason they fight the Americans in Afghanistan is because foreigners in muslim lands must be removed […]
Targeting “Violent Extremism” Means Targeting Nothing – Targeting Nothing Means Losing the War
Written by John D. Guandolo Last week Understanding the Threat (UTT) published an article detailing the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) STRIVE training program at the Carrollton (Texas) Police Department (Feb 11-12) focused on eliminating “violent extremism.” UTT has learned the FEMA representative at the training was asked at the end of the program why […]
The Disinformation Campaign at the Ground Level: Carrollton, Texas
Written by John D. Guandolo FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is hosting a “collaborative FEMA-approved training event” called STRIVE (Strategic, Tactical, and Resilient Interdiction of Violent Extremism) at the Carrollton (TX) Police Department this week (February 11-12) to teach police, community leaders, and government officials how to “prevent terrorism and counter violent extremism (CVE).” Let’s […]
At the Core of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Movement is Deception
Written by John D. Guandolo For the Islamic Counter-State in the United States, lying and deception are not merely tactics, they are well thought out drivers of the overall totalitarian ideological strategy to bring down America’s Republic. The record of the years since 9/11/01 is replete with examples of Islamic leaders in the United States […]
Meanwhile, Back in America
Written by John D. Guandolo While the U.S. government decides on a course of action with regards to Iran, the Islamic and Marxist Counter-States inside America continue to roll forward unimpeded. If U.S. leaders understood America is in a war against Marxists and jihadis joined together in a knock-down-drag-out fight to destroy liberty and the […]
Islamic Jihadi Attack at NAS Pensacola An Occasion to Remember Saudi Arabia is Our Enemy
Written by John D. Guandolo Jihadi Attack at Naval Air Station PensacolaOn Friday December 6, 2019, a Saudi Arabian Air Force Officer – 2nd Lieutenant Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani – carrying a pistol and several loaded magazines, open fired on military students at the Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola (FL), killing three and wounding many others. […]
Gulen Movement Paves Way for Islamic Domination in America
by John D. Guandolo There are many parts to the Islamic Counter-State inside the United States, each with a role to play in overthrowing the U.S. government and establishing an Islamic State under “Allah’s divine law”/sharia. One key element of the enemy’s effort is the Gulen Movement here in the homeland. The Gulen Movement is […]
“Human Rights” in Islam Means Slavery, Death, and Destruction
Written by Peggy Mast The American form of government – Constitutional Republic – is superior to all others, not only in its longevity, but primarily because America’s Founding Fathers understood the self-evident truth that all humans are born with unalienable rights which come from God. So America’s Founders created a federal government and a nation […]