Newsweek Hit Piece Means UTT is Right Over the Target
Written by John D. Guandolo Yesterday (12/19/19), Newsweek published a hit piece on me (John Guandolo) referencing a comment I made on the UTT Radio Show on December 9th calling for retaliation against Saudi Arabia for being the center of the global jihad against the West. It should be no surprise to UTT followers that […]
“Human Rights” in Islam Means Slavery, Death, and Destruction
Written by Peggy Mast The American form of government – Constitutional Republic – is superior to all others, not only in its longevity, but primarily because America’s Founding Fathers understood the self-evident truth that all humans are born with unalienable rights which come from God. So America’s Founders created a federal government and a nation […]
“Freedom & Justice” in Islam Have Nothing to Do with Liberty & A Genuine Respect for People
The United States of America stands as a beacon for the world because its founders understood true equality comes from the self-evident truth that God created all humankind in his likeness and, therefore, we all have inherent value, dignity, and worth. As creations of the Creator, we all possess unalienable rights which no man nor […]
Islamic Infiltration: Suit-Wearing Jihadis Own the FBI
Written by UTT President John Guandolo When I arrived in Saudi Arabia in early 2002 on a trip with the FBI Director, which included approximately a dozen countries across the Middle East and beyond, I was shocked to learn that both the FBI’s Legal Attache and the Assistant Legal Attache to Saudi Arabia converted to […]
Islamic Infiltration Drastically Affects U.S. Transportation Security
The fact the son (Suhail Khan) of one of the most prolific Muslim Brotherhood (MB) leaders in the U.S. – Mahboob Khan – had a security clearance and worked directly for two successive Secretaries of Transportation under the George W. Bush administration is evidence enough the U.S. government’s vetting process is broken and our critical […]
Former Muslim Lauds UTT & John Guandolo in American Thinker Article
Former Iranian muslim and outspoken critic of Islam and its barbaric sharia, Amil Imani, penned an article today lauding the efforts of Understanding the Threat (UTT) and its founder John Guandolo in the American Thinker. In the war of survival against militant Islam, there are very few people in this country who truly understand the […]
When the Worst Case Scenario is the Most Likely Scenario
Keys to victory in war include knowing the enemy, knowing yourself, and understanding the battlespace in which the war is to be fought. At the operational level, militaries aim to maintain the high ground, gather intelligence on their enemies, control key nodes of communications, control logistics routes and means, and get inside their enemy’s decision-making […]
Austin Mayor Adler Joins Growing Number of Texas Politicians Overtly Aiding & Abetting Terrorists
This past weekend, Austin (TX) Mayor Steve Adler (democrat), a Jew, was the Guest of Honor at the 4th Annual Austin City Wide Iftar Dinner, at which jihadi Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was the Keynote Speaker. Most notable is the fact the event was “presented by” the terrorist group Hamas doing business as EMGAGE, with one […]
Muslim Brotherhood’s MAS Teaches Islam & America is Shocked
Why are U.S. leaders and citizens shocked when Islamic mosques, schools, and organizations teach Islam? This past weekend, a story broke in the media revealing children at the Muslim American Society’s (MAS) Islamic Center in Philadelphia sang a song praising jihad and jihadis, and called for chopping off heads of non-muslims. Why would a Muslim […]
Ilhan Omar – Traitor?
All currently available evidence reveals Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is conspiring with hostile foreign powers against the United States and its interests to overthrow the U.S. government in violation of federal law and the oath she took to protect and defend the Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” In addition to Ilhan Omar’s 2013 arrest […]