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John Guandolo


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Austin Mayor Adler Joins Growing Number of Texas Politicians Overtly Aiding & Abetting Terrorists

This past weekend, Austin (TX) Mayor Steve Adler (democrat), a Jew, was the Guest of Honor at the 4th Annual Austin City Wide Iftar Dinner, at which jihadi Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was the Keynote Speaker.

Most notable is the fact the event was “presented by” the terrorist group Hamas doing business as EMGAGE, with one of the partners being the Turkish Muslim Brotherhood in the form of the Turkish Raindrop Foundation.

By publicly promoting and participating in this Hamas event, Mr. Adler is promoting Hamas, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization, and advancing the Muslim Brotherhood’s hostile efforts in Texas in opposition to his Oath of Office.

Mr. Adler is not the only elected official in Texas working for terrorists.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner (democrat) declared December 9, 2018 as “CAIR-Texas Day” in Houston. With over 70 jihadi mosques in and around Houston, it would seem the Houston mayor would find more productive ways to protect the citizens of that fair city.

CAIR was created by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee, which is Hamas in the United States.

For more information that CAIR is Hamas, including details of Hamas leaders who have participated in acts of terrorism and funding terrorism, click HERE.

U.S. Congresswomen Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX 30th District, democrat) and Sheila Jackson Lee (TX 18th District, democrat), along with former U.S. Congressman Gene Green (TX 29th District, democrat) all wrote letters in support of Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Hamas is a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.

It is worth noting that Congresswoman Bernice Johnson was the Member of Congress who invited Muslim Brotherhood/jihadi leader Omar Suleiman to give the invocation two weeks ago inside the U.S. Capital in the House of Representatives.

There is a counter-intelligence investigation and/or Material Support charge waiting to happen here. Will the FBI or Texas DPS open investigations on these elected officials who appear to be committing sedition and treason?

Let us not forget that several months ago Hamas/CAIR held “Muslim Day” inside the Texas State House.

Texas is in real trouble, but Understanding the Threat (UTT) continues to work across Texas to identify and dismantle these networks at the local level.

This effort would be much easier without elected officials aiding and abetting America’s enemies.

To help UTT in its mission to take the fight to the enemy and put FREEDOM back on the offensive where it belongs, please click HERE or go to UnderstandingtheThreat.com.

10 Responses

  1. Can we charge them with plotting against the US,? We all know this is a plot for One World Government and coup to destroy Trump.

    1. The Islamic Movement is violating numerous federal and state laws, not the least of which is Material Support for Terrorism, Advocating the Overthrow of the US Government, Sedition…

  2. Im tired of hearing about these muslims and what there doin.Im not goibg to change to islam. Jesus Christ is my saviour. Time to take a stand.


    In view of the so-called “28-pages” revelation that the Saudi-Arabian government did indeed fund the 9/11 attacks, thus the United States (which includes Texas) has since been in an irrefutable state of war*, It seems reasonable also to assume by now that the Department of Justice — in response to its mandate as it relates to treason — is investigating whether or not the pseudo-Democrats, 50 Marxists and smattering of “Republican” quislings controlling each of the numerous, and invariably successful, House of Represenatives initiatives to prevent the president from exercising his Consitutional duty to enforce immigration laws have (as it clearly appears) contextually colluded in any way to do so in conjunction with the handful of U.S. District and Appelate court judges who also appear to have willingly acquiesed to the idea of destroying the country. Thus have mysteriously achieved a position of complete indepencence both with respect to the Constitution and content of law books comprising the United States Code, to become absolute kings who now not only reign above the President of the United States, but have achieved the position of being responsible to no one on earth, save themselves and the troika comprised of the Trilateral Commission, Counsel on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group. HEIL HITLER!

    *Anyone who wishes to own a personal verbatim Arabic-to-English translated copy of Islam’s May 22, 1991 comprehensive declaration of war on Western civilization which was seized in conformance with a federal search warrant from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia by special agents of the FBI, in 2004, need simply contact http://www.securefreedom.org to request (for a nominal handling & postage fee): GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.

    1. Thanks Donald for your consistent Patriotism and the fight you have in you. You are an example to others! God bless you. John Guandolo, President, UTT

  4. I really thought that , aiding and abetting any unvetted people , be they white , yellow or black , was unlawful , so WHY are Texans not raising up in arms against this , the LAW is on our side , Get TED CRUZ as prosecutor, to save Texas he should do it for free along with other lawyers

  5. Great additional articles. Texans Against Taqiyya and ACT Austin protested the IFTAR event. It was a very successful protest. My blowhorn boomed out over the natural ampitheater at the front of the Hotel for two hours. Everyone saw us and were quite rattled by the constant narrative on the MB and Hamas. The counter protesters were pretty silent with nothing to say really. Kind of hard to when you are talking about murdering terrorists, FGM and submission. It was also an opportunity to teach the police to avoid the Islamic “sensitivity training”. The push back was awesome and members of the Islamic community here in Austin are seeking me out for sitdowns now. Austin’s Mayor Adler is a DC plant. He is an attorney who knows that he must conduct oppositional research on himself but his recent bloviating long winded article is pathetic with praises for the sitting congresswoman who wears the black hijab. He will be getting a UTT library from me very soon and he will have to endure my blowhorn, my tweets and my comments on his website repeatedly until he is out of office. Thank you UTT. I am so very grateful for you. Over the last two years now, people are starting to listen. The local Austin patriot movement never even had Islam on its radar till I showed up. One voice can do a lot. One sign can do a lot. We all need to do more. We must square off with them. The s–t has hit the fan.

    1. Fight the fight until the fight is done. Thanks for all of your efforts to speak truth about the barbaric sharia and the lies of Islamic leaders! John Guandolo, President, UTT

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