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John Guandolo


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UTT Has The Winning Strategy in This War

by John D. Guandolo

Understanding the Threat (UTT) is leading America to victory in this war. We have a strategy for victory, a long record of successes, and team of dedicated, talented, and unstoppable Patriots.

UTT is the only organization in America training police about the communist and jihadi Movements, and the threat these Movements pose to their communities.

UTT is the only organization in America giving police investigative and tactical strategies to deal with these threat at the local level.

UTT is the only organization in the West – via our one-of-a-kind world-class Train the Trainer program – teaching/training military, police/first responders, intelligence professionals, and citizens how to teach others about the threat of the communist and jihadi Movements, and how to strategize against these threats at the local level.

UTT is the only organization in America – via our Into Action program – training citizens how to build teams of Patriots at the LOCAL level to aggressively and lawfully identify, map out, and dismantle communist and jihadi networks.

And UTT is also the only organization in America with statewide strategies to take back America, county by county, and state by state.

Understanding the Threat and the many great Patriots we have trained have a long record of success, and we have been lauded by police officers and national leaders alike. You can read more about that HERE.

John Andrews is not only the Chairman of Understanding the Threat’s Advisory Board, John was a Naval submariner, a Presidential speech writer, the President of the Colorado Senate, and served three different Presidents. This past August (2020), John Andrews recorded a video for UTT to share how vital UTT’s work is, especially now. Please take a moment to watch that video HERE.

“I have never seen an organization as effective in putting firepower on the target as Understanding the Threat.”

John Andrews, Chairman – UTT Advisory Board

Who is UTT? In addition to me – John Guandolo – Understanding the Threat’s core team includes the following great Patriots:

John Bennett is a combat veteran and retired Marine First Sergeant who specialized in counter-intelligence. John not only served as a Deputy Sheriff in his native Oklahoma on the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, but served for eight years as a State Representative in Oklahoma as well. John has numerous qualifications and capabilities to include being a martial arts black belt instructor, firearms instructor, and trained interrogator among others. As if that is not enough, John is also an ordained Pastor.

Stephanie Ameiss is a retired police officer from Arizona who worked gangs to career criminals and everything in between. She was an undercover officer, and became the Terrorism Liaison Officer for her department until the time she retired. Stephanie is also a living miracle in that she almost did not have a career after falling sixty (60) feet from a bridge while assisting citizens which nearly cost her her life. Read more about her incredible experience here.

Peggy Mast served as a Kansas State Representative for twenty (20) years representing the 76th District. Peggy finished her heroic career as the Speaker of the House Pro Tempore. During her time in the Kansas State House Peggy Mast was tenacious and unyielding in her efforts to see justice done and our enemies dealt with. It is because of Peggy Mast that key pieces of legislation crafted to push back against the U.S. Islamic Movement came to be in Kansas. For years she was a lone bold voice. See an article/video about Peggy here.

You can read more about our team here.

Our team also includes other great people who are critical to our mission, but who wish to work behind the scenes.

UTT encourages and challenges YOU to get in this war. YOU are needed now more than ever. This war will be won or lost at the LOCAL level.

Join this effort today.

Get in this fight by (1) getting trained and letting us help you build a team at your local level OR (2) by funding the war effort.

  1. Join our upcoming INTO ACTION program (Dec 1-3) and letting us help you build your team in your local community.
  2. Fund the war effort by joining our FREEDOM 25 Minuteman Moment. Give any amount per month for 1 year to give UTT the resources we need to keep fighting on your behalf. Click HERE now to join FREEDOM 25!

The time is now. UTT is the answer.

Join UTT as we continue to take the fight to the enemy and put FREEDOM back on the offensive where it belongs.

18 Responses

  1. Training thanks for the efforts but start with building a private uhf and vhf secure network – with variances within that structure . Then actively expose the communist , repeated exposure – they like hide and mingle within and chip away at the basic beliefs of our country – if that’s the war your talking about you had better have your own communications

  2. If you notice the lock up occurred during Easter , now they want to lock this country down during Christmas and thanksgiving, big holidays for this country unity and family – you have fauci saying don’t get with your family etc – this isn’t a Dr. he should be in the lab finding a answer – this is a pysop on America restrict our beliefs and dehumanize us – scare us into submission – yes the lab made bat virus is dangerous but the psychotic behavior of this media and some leaders is beyond scary it’s subversive –

  3. I heard mention today by Ms.Harris and the PLO and
    A embassy here on America – the non vetted statement is a bit scary – also the red brigades in Italy and Europe received training on tactics from the PLO – keep that in mind

    1. I will lend a hand in the war on America let me know – but be so advised certain embassies in DC are likely using operatives outside to create and train force multiplier tactics, to date it has not risen to explosives , and light armor ware fare , but I think the next move out of these radicals is just that –

  4. From a common sense perspective, the outcome of the election would be a given: a blowout win for President Trump.
    The basic facts: Democrats put up an incredibly weak pair of candidates; advocate mob rule; the weakening of the U.S. through, e.g., abolition of national borders, and, in addition, strive to strengthen foreign influence at the cost of the U.S. President Trump, however, stands for a strong country in all possible respects. And he has delivered practically on all of his 2016 promises – which probably is pretty unique by comparison, not only in U.S. history, but also internationally. In spite of this, the ‘race’ is still an open question… .

    We know the explanation. Completely biased national media, including social media, which undermines the very idea of media as the Fourth Estate; Big Business (e.g., Gates, Soros); universities and schools; celebs, and foreign powers, especially China, Turkey, Iran and the EU. As a matter of fact, the U.S. is in big trouble at this point.

    The few national media outlets that are actually telling the truth have missed one important point. Why haven’t they clearly presented the European picture?

    Democrats share policies that now have taken root in Europe. Leftist sentiments have for decades been, and are now totally dominant in Europe. These policies are at the time of writing this transforming the formerly Christian and free societies into authoritarian and, soon, totalitarian, societies, with no freedom neither of speech nor of the person. Today, it seems there’s no return. The welfare states are dismantled – and a new ruling class is established, that is based in the EU super state, and promote immigrant muslims that comprise in all important aspects a protected class – at the cost of Europeans.
    Socialism has attacked societal foundations, such as Cristianity, history, the family, the freedom of speech, and the very idea of nation states (an important, and, what’s more, widely accepted concept in many countries is that ‘there is basically no Britain, Netherlands, or Sweden; we are all one people’) – in a word, the same ideas as Biden/Harris/Pelosi are propagating. Differently put, Europe is going under. In the meantime, its political ‘elites’ are applauding – together with Iran, Turkey and China. Europe is just a step ahead of the U.S. on this trajectory.
    The President’s message would have come though better if Americans knew what the Democratic Alternative really means.

  5. CDC when your on their site type humanitarian in the their search bar – covid19 camps welcome to the USA

  6. Close all embassy’s that are communist and frankly close them all here in America – restrict the operatives In out embassy’s from coming home – give the global reset a dose of what they want fire and close all of the cia , nsa , and top level officials in all government for the sake of covid19


    The anarchist creators of the Nazi-Gestapo-like “Retribution Lists” being prepared in order to foment violent attacks on President Donald J. Trump’s re-election supporters for having exercised their Constitutional rights, had better pause long enough to acquaint themselves with the following U.S. criminal statute lest they wind-up in a federal penitentiary; I.e.:

    18 U.S. Code-373. Solicitation to commit a crime of violence:

    (a) Whosoever, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a felony that has an element the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against property or against the person of another in violation of the laws of the United States, and under circumstances strongly corroborative of that intent, solicits, commands, induces, or otherwise endeavors to persuade such other person to engage in such conduct, shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than on-half of the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the crime solicited, or both; or if the crime solicited is punishable by life imprisonment or death, shall be imprisoned for not more than twenty years.

    Furthermore, since it would appear, as a result of defunding the police, that city officials in Minneapolis, MN, for example, are now forced to hire police officers from other jurisdictions in order to comply with the city’s most basic law-enforcement mandate to “protect lives & property”, has anyone in charge there considered what affect that quasi solution will have on one-man-car radio runs involving rapes, robberies and armed assaults in progress, involving a dispatcher update five seconds later that “shots have been fired” for example. i.e., said distant sourced replacements will have to undergo a year long geography course in order to even figure out where they are, much less which way to go in a bona fide emergency. Maps at high speeds are contextually useless, be they GOOGLE screens or otherwise. Good Luck!

  8. Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness.
    In the end those haters and all those whom hate are fearful, the fear is Jesus his words and love has and will prove the answer to these fearful souls –

  9. Vaccine , the U.K. will start vaccine – it will prove non effective – they then will deepen lockdown procedures – then the U.K. will financially fail –

  10. Virus, virus
    As indicated the vaccine will not work and is riddled with – issues also new strains reported in the u.k – opinion: operatives are spreading new virus strains to defunct vaccine efforts –
    Biological warfare

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