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At what point do American citizens call for our military generals to be tried for criminal negligence as well as Aiding and Abetting the enemy for continuing their grossly unprofessional conduct and failure to make the slightest effort to understand the enemy 16 years after 9/11?

In February 2012, General John Allen apologized to muslims because allied forces “improperly disposed of Qurans.”

This week U.S. Major General James Linder apologized to muslims in Afghanistan for offending them by dropping leaflets containing the image of a dog with the Islamic shahada on it – “there is no god but allah and Mohammad is his messenger.”

Americans have just redeployed to Afghanistan and the United States is already apologizing to Islamic leaders.

Why don’t U.S. leaders man-up and  begin speaking to the Islamic world in language they understand?

How about our leaders tell the Islamic world to end the global jihad or we will obliterate it.

How about our leaders tell Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar, and all the other Islamic countries funding the global jihad that if they do not turn the money spigot off immediately, the U.S. will turn their countries into parking lots – and keep their money.

How about our leaders shut down every Islamic school, mosque and organization that teaches jihad, seize the property, and arrest their leaders.

What if, and this is a big IF, U.S. generals actually read sharia and come to understand the enemy so they will realize that apologies from them endanger U.S. troops and emboldens the enemy.

The United States is again surrendering to an enemy we should be decimating.

3 Responses

  1. No Muslim would put their statement of faith (shahada) in conjunction with a dog which Mohammed hated.
    http://www.answering-islam.org/Silas/dogs.htm Those in position of leadership should know what is in the Koran, the Hadith and Sira. We can see that purging those who do know isn’t a good idea.

    The real battle isn’t over there, it is in our public schools where our children are introduced to everything Muslim. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob forbids this in Exodus 23:13b – “do not mention the name of other gods, nor let them be heard from your mouth.”


    The declaration of war on the United States by the Global Islamic Movement, dated 22 May 1991, to which what follows relates, is probably (considering the context) obtainable from the Department of Justice. Should that not be the case, a copy may be obtained (for a nominal handling fee) by contacting http://www.securefreedom.org. The comprehensive war plan said ever burgeoning threat to U.S. national security now poses was contained among 80 banker boxes of other tangentially relevant documents which, consequent of a federal search warrant, were seized from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia by Special Agents of the FBI in 2004, thence used as evidence by a U.S. District Court in Texas in the largest sharia-adherent terrorist money laundering trial in American history. I.e.:”GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al”.

    Thus, for the safety of both he and his soldiers, said General in Afghanistan should not only study the above referenced declaration of war, but be ordered as well by the Pentagon to henceforth use the chain-of-command for necessitous conversational contacts with sharia-adherent killers, I.e., by having their duplicitous messages filtered through and delivered by armed delegated subordinates who’ve been adequately admonished, in the interest of their personal safety, to refrain from having tea with the frauds.

    Furthermore, during the 2nd World War, for example, one entire squadron of B-17 bombers was placed at the disposal of U.S. propagandists for the express purpose of dropping leaflets containing insulting tidbits intended to instigate malevolent hatred for the enemy among the populace, thus support for American combat forces engaged in the actual fighting.

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