JG Blog

John Guandolo


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Motive for Killing Americans Still Clear – Islam/Sharia

The man who killed 8 people and wounded approximately 12 in New York City 2 days ago is a muslim.  He is a jihadi who yelled “Allah u akbar” – a requirement under sharia. From all of the muslims (Iranians) who stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1979 to the 1983 bombing of the […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: What is the Purpose of a Mosque?

Hamas’ Dar al Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, VA (USA) The Koran says Islam’s prophet Mohammad is a “beautiful pattern of conduct” (33:21) and an “exalted standard of character” (68:4). Therefore, the purpose of a mosque is based on the example of Mohammad. Mohammad used the mosque as the seat of Islamic government where […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: Muslims Threaten Death for Free Speech

On January 7, 2015, two muslim brothers – Said and Cherif Kouachi – killed 12 and wounded many others in Paris in an attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo because they insulted Islam’s prophet. Around the world non-Muslims are being threatened with death and killed for “insulting” Islam’s prophet Mohammad. Why? Because Mohammad himself […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: Britsh Leaders’ Inability to Speak Truth About Islam

In the shadows of yesterday’s attack (3/22/2017) at Westminster in England which left two citizens, one police officer, and the jihadi attacker dead, one wonders if British leaders will continue to apologize for Islam or speak truth about this deadly threat to the United Kingdom. See UTT’s new video entitled “British Appeasement to Islam” HERE. Where […]

FBI Correct: Sharia Adherent Muslims Have Mental Issues

Five (5) people are dead and 13 others wounded after Esteban Santiago shot them with a handgun inside the baggage claim area of the Fort Lauderdale (Florida) Airport Friday (1/06/2017). The FBI got one thing right:  like all sharia adherent muslims, Santiago is not mentally aligned with civilized society.  Santiago’s family said he “lost his mind,” […]

ISIS, The Koran, and The Hudud

ISIS crucifies Christians, kills apostates (those who leave Islam), and amputates the hands of those who steal. How do they justify such barbaric behavior? These cruel punishments are commands from allah in the Koran. The Hudud is a part of sharia (Islamic Law), and contains the seven (7) crimes specifically listed in the Koran along […]