Victory is a word few people are using these days when discussing the war – a war against the entire Global Islamic Movement including ISIS, Al Qaeda and the hundreds of other jihadi groups and nation-states supporting them.
Some do not know we are in a war. Others know but pretend we are not.
But some people know we are at war, know the enemy, and are willing to do whatever it takes to win. This article is for those people.
There exists in the United States a massive and growing conglomeration of hard-left/marxist organizations working with jihadi (“terrorist”) leaders and organizations – led primarily by the Muslim Brotherhood – preparing for battle at the ground level in America. Our enemy has co-opted the elite class in America from both political parties who are providing direct support to them along the way.
When the threat organizations and supporters of the enemy movement are mapped across the U.S., it can be seen that a massive insurgency exists inside the United States.
A cursory examination of jihadi front organizations in America reveals there are now approximately 3,000 Islamic Centers/mosques in all 50 states (most of which are a part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Movement), over 700 Muslim Students Associations (recruiting jihadis) on every university/college campus in the U.S., almost 200 Islamic Societies (all subsidiaries of the MB’s Islamic Society of North America – ISNA), and thousands of other organizations the Muslim Brotherhood has created since it published its Implementation Manual in 1992 dictating the types of organizations which must be created for the Movement to achieve its objectives.
The Brotherhood has organizations dedicated to working with the U.S. Congress (taking them on junkets to Saudi Arabia), at the State Legislature level (taking them on junkets to Turkey), at the local level with school boards and city councils, with Christian and Jewish organizations through the facade of “Interfaith Outreach,” and through many other channels. President Bush implemented Sharia Compliant Financing measures during his time in office, thereby creating Islamic banking as an official part of the U.S. government – which necessarily funds jihad (“terrorism”). Legal, media, social, and children’s organizations are all part of this network.
For many, the problem seems too big to tackle. But that is not the case.
The remedy for an insurgency is a counter-insurgency. In a counterinsurgency, the focus of the battle is at the local level.
At the local level, local police become the tip of the spear.
In order for local police to identify the jihadi network in their local areas, they must first understand the threat and be able to map it out. Once they do this, they can rip it out by its roots.
UTT’s experience is that when law enforcement officers hear and understand the information in UTT’s programs detailing Islamic sharia and the jihadi network in the United States, they understand it at a deep and practical level. Our enemies know this, which is why they work very hard to keep UTT and its programs from ever being heard by professionals in law enforcement or national security.
The most powerful law enforcement officers in America are Sheriffs.
In order for law enforcement to aggressively pursue the enemy, they must have the support of a community who understands the threat and agrees it must be dealt with.
Pastors are key leaders in this effort. And herein lies the problem.
American Pastors have, for the most part, stood silent since 9/11 while hundreds of thousands of Christians all over the world have been – and continue to be – butchered, tortured, and slaughtered by the armies of Mohammad (ISIS, Al Qaeda, et al). Many Pastors – of all faiths – have failed to speak truth into this evil that is destroying Christian communities across the Middle East, Africa, and elsewhere. Many Americans are stunned by what they describe as utter cowardice by Christian leaders.
Renowned Islamic expert Bill Warner puts it quite succinctly:
“In Nashville, Tennessee we have a new clerical circumcision. The ministers to be and the seminarians get their foreskin removed, their testicles removed, their backbone removed, and the frontal lobes of their brain removed. It produces the perfect clergyman. He smiles, is very pleasant. But he grovels and can’t stand up on his back legs and support anything.”
This must change. The faithful of America cannot passively sit by. They must take an active role in pushing leaders in their churches to speak truth and take action or step down.
County by county and state by state, this war will be won at the local level.
Citizens must support Sheriffs who understand this threat and are willing to address it head on. Those who lack the knowledge or courage need to be given an opportunity to do the right thing, but if they do not, they must be replaced with leaders who will speak truth and protect and defend their communities.
Here are a few things you can do:
- Speak the truth about the threat. Citizens who do understand this threat must get to work on educating others and never let an opportunity go by in public forums, county school board meetings, or other venues to speak truth about this threat and identify local leaders unwilling or unable to do their duties so they can be removed and replaced with leaders who will act boldly.
- Share resources with others. Encourage people to use UTT’s resources to learn about the threat through our training programs, Newsletter, YouTube Channel, Facebook Page, and Twitter.
- Encourage your Sheriff. Help your Sheriff by getting a copy of Raising a Jihadi Generation for him and sharing your concerns with him. He will need to know the citizens are behind him. Help other leaders in the community understand the threat and bring them with you to speak with the Sheriff.
- Speak to State Legislators. For Sheriffs to do what is needed to identify and dismantle the jihadi network in America, they will need top cover at the state level to protect them from the DOJ and DHS’s assault which is likely to come on any community which uses facts to identify the threat and deal with it.
- Bring the UTT 3-Day Law Enforcement program to your area. Contact UTT to bring our team to your area to train law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and others so they can identify and address the threat.
- Remove MSAs from College/University Campuses in Your Area. The MSAs are MB organizations and are nodes of jihadi recruitment, propaganda, and hate on our campuses. Alumni from colleges and universities in your area should join together to pressure these schools to shut down the MSAs. One productive way to do this is to educate large donors about the jihadi network and the MSA’s role in it. Get donors to commit to refuse to give any money to their alma mater until the school punts the jihadis (MSAs) from their campus.
- Identify organizations in the Community Supporting the Jihadis. Many organizations in are bringing jihadis into your communities under the guise of “refugee resettlement.” These include the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and Catholic Charities, Lutheran Immigrant Aid Society (LIAS), World Relief Corporation, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and many others. Citizens need to shut off the spigot of funding to these organizations until they cease outreach to and support of jihadis and their organizations.
- Host a Viewing of Understanding the Threat to America. Bring citizens together for a viewing of the DVD Understanding the Threat to America and have one of UTT’s leaders skype in and answer questions and give updates for them to detail what can be done at the ground level to identify and dismantle the jihadi threat in your area.
As in any war, the majority of people will not get involved. It is up to the few who are willing and able to stand in the gap and defend the Republic.
You are needed now.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
18 Responses
I belong to ACT For America, a national organization which has meetings all over the United States. I hand out anti-Islamic literature on the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade on almost every Saturday night starting at about 6 p.m. between Broadway and Santa Monica Blvd. I wish that I could do something in my neighborhood, but I think that it would go over like a lead balloon.
ACT For America – Los Angeles Chapter has a meeting in Santa Monica on the third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at 2222 Wilshire Blvd. restaurant.
I wish ACT for America will someday soon publicly admit that we have an “Islam problem” and not just a “radical Islam” problem. Islam is radical. There is no such thing as “radical Islam.” The Zudhi Jassers of the Islamic world are either apostates or grand receivers.
I belong to ACT For America, a national organization which has meetings all over the United States. I hand out anti-Islamic literature on the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade on almost every Saturday night starting at about 6 p.m. between Broadway and Santa Monica Blvd. I wish that I could do something in my neighborhood, but I think that it would go over like a lead balloon.
ACT For America – Los Angeles Chapter has a meeting in Santa Monica on the third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at 2222 Wilshire Blvd. restaurant.
I wish ACT for America will someday soon publicly admit that we have an “Islam problem” and not just a “radical Islam” problem. Islam is radical. There is no such thing as “radical Islam.” The Zudhi Jassers of the Islamic world are either apostates or grand receivers.
I belong to ACT For America, a national organization which has meetings all over the United States. I hand out anti-Islamic literature on the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade on almost every Saturday night starting at about 6 p.m. between Broadway and Santa Monica Blvd. I wish that I could do something in my neighborhood, but I think that it would go over like a lead balloon.
ACT For America – Los Angeles Chapter has a meeting in Santa Monica on the third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at 2222 Wilshire Blvd. restaurant.
I wish ACT for America will someday soon publicly admit that we have an “Islam problem” and not just a “radical Islam” problem. Islam is radical. There is no such thing as “radical Islam.” The Zudhi Jassers of the Islamic world are either apostates or grand receivers.
If the biblical time-honored [though contextually suicidal] pastoral admonition to “turn the other cheek” when dealing with evil, includes Islam’s jihadist savages who decapitate precious Christian infants, and drown or incinerate “infidels” in cages, and given the silence from the pulpits it must, then it would have been wiser from the outset of the 9/11 war of survival — which America is LOSING — to adopt the warrior creed of “an eye for an eye & a tooth for a tooth” similar to the one our island-hopping U.S. Marines in the Pacific were forced to adhere to, in spite of their enormous loss of brothers and blood, as they battled their way with boots on the ground, and only their weapon from Guadalcanal to eventual VICTORY over Nipponese savages, the likes of whom perpetrated the rape of Nanking, and at a Japanese POW camp in Harbin China, transfused war prisoners with horse blood & blew them apart with hand grenades to assess the anatomical & explosive effects of those atrocities.
Furthermore, given the astonishing level of power & influence within the federal government [thus over the lives of the American people] which Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas terrorists have gradually secured, with Middle-east blood money disguised as educational & political “donations”, from seditious American enablers, any “Phase-5” battlefield in the offing will perforce be a panorama of 3000+ arsenals, aka Islamic centers & mosques, under the binary control of a dysfunctional federal government consisting of treasonous criminals and well armed Islamist jihadists.
Sheriffs too have been rendered impotent with respect to profiling Muslims, thus of enforcing the law. And since the ad hoc nature of police work often necessitates questions to which answers aren’t always found in a book, access to contextual advice from uncorrupted officers of the court is essential; and if one isn’t there when they need him, cops who have mouths to feed aren’t going to wing it. The fact is, with the executive, legislative and judicial branch of the United States government continuing to deny that terrorism is related to Islam, meaningful enforcement has already dwindled due to the threat of dismissal for making a mistake. And if a general hesitation therefore to act ever sets in — no amount of knowledge & training will stop it.
Its easy to understand why America could cease to exist as a republic when you consider that in the passel of wars she has fought from one end of the globe to the other, fewer than four percent [4%] of those eligible for military service have ever actually answered the call. And that representation of a national disgrace includes the 2nd World War. Think about it the next time you see someone burning your flag.
If the biblical time-honored [though contextually suicidal] pastoral admonition to “turn the other cheek” when dealing with evil, includes Islam’s jihadist savages who decapitate precious Christian infants, and drown or incinerate “infidels” in cages, and given the silence from the pulpits it must, then it would have been wiser from the outset of the 9/11 war of survival — which America is LOSING — to adopt the warrior creed of “an eye for an eye & a tooth for a tooth” similar to the one our island-hopping U.S. Marines in the Pacific were forced to adhere to, in spite of their enormous loss of brothers and blood, as they battled their way with boots on the ground, and only their weapon from Guadalcanal to eventual VICTORY over Nipponese savages, the likes of whom perpetrated the rape of Nanking, and at a Japanese POW camp in Harbin China, transfused war prisoners with horse blood & blew them apart with hand grenades to assess the anatomical & explosive effects of those atrocities.
Furthermore, given the astonishing level of power & influence within the federal government [thus over the lives of the American people] which Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas terrorists have gradually secured, with Middle-east blood money disguised as educational & political “donations”, from seditious American enablers, any “Phase-5” battlefield in the offing will perforce be a panorama of 3000+ arsenals, aka Islamic centers & mosques, under the binary control of a dysfunctional federal government consisting of treasonous criminals and well armed Islamist jihadists.
Sheriffs too have been rendered impotent with respect to profiling Muslims, thus of enforcing the law. And since the ad hoc nature of police work often necessitates questions to which answers aren’t always found in a book, access to contextual advice from uncorrupted officers of the court is essential; and if one isn’t there when they need him, cops who have mouths to feed aren’t going to wing it. The fact is, with the executive, legislative and judicial branch of the United States government continuing to deny that terrorism is related to Islam, meaningful enforcement has already dwindled due to the threat of dismissal for making a mistake. And if a general hesitation therefore to act ever sets in — no amount of knowledge & training will stop it.
Its easy to understand why America could cease to exist as a republic when you consider that in the passel of wars she has fought from one end of the globe to the other, fewer than four percent [4%] of those eligible for military service have ever actually answered the call. And that representation of a national disgrace includes the 2nd World War. Think about it the next time you see someone burning your flag.
If the biblical time-honored [though contextually suicidal] pastoral admonition to “turn the other cheek” when dealing with evil, includes Islam’s jihadist savages who decapitate precious Christian infants, and drown or incinerate “infidels” in cages, and given the silence from the pulpits it must, then it would have been wiser from the outset of the 9/11 war of survival — which America is LOSING — to adopt the warrior creed of “an eye for an eye & a tooth for a tooth” similar to the one our island-hopping U.S. Marines in the Pacific were forced to adhere to, in spite of their enormous loss of brothers and blood, as they battled their way with boots on the ground, and only their weapon from Guadalcanal to eventual VICTORY over Nipponese savages, the likes of whom perpetrated the rape of Nanking, and at a Japanese POW camp in Harbin China, transfused war prisoners with horse blood & blew them apart with hand grenades to assess the anatomical & explosive effects of those atrocities.
Furthermore, given the astonishing level of power & influence within the federal government [thus over the lives of the American people] which Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas terrorists have gradually secured, with Middle-east blood money disguised as educational & political “donations”, from seditious American enablers, any “Phase-5” battlefield in the offing will perforce be a panorama of 3000+ arsenals, aka Islamic centers & mosques, under the binary control of a dysfunctional federal government consisting of treasonous criminals and well armed Islamist jihadists.
Sheriffs too have been rendered impotent with respect to profiling Muslims, thus of enforcing the law. And since the ad hoc nature of police work often necessitates questions to which answers aren’t always found in a book, access to contextual advice from uncorrupted officers of the court is essential; and if one isn’t there when they need him, cops who have mouths to feed aren’t going to wing it. The fact is, with the executive, legislative and judicial branch of the United States government continuing to deny that terrorism is related to Islam, meaningful enforcement has already dwindled due to the threat of dismissal for making a mistake. And if a general hesitation therefore to act ever sets in — no amount of knowledge & training will stop it.
Its easy to understand why America could cease to exist as a republic when you consider that in the passel of wars she has fought from one end of the globe to the other, fewer than four percent [4%] of those eligible for military service have ever actually answered the call. And that representation of a national disgrace includes the 2nd World War. Think about it the next time you see someone burning your flag.
God Bless.
And this is an important post…
But Sir…
Wars are fought and won by soldiers. The Law will hopelessly hamper you.
I’ve played the ROE game – Lawfare – and it’s unwinnable against an enemy that in itself isn’t that impressive.
We took our laws to war and lost both the laws and the war.
God Bless.
And this is an important post…
But Sir…
Wars are fought and won by soldiers. The Law will hopelessly hamper you.
I’ve played the ROE game – Lawfare – and it’s unwinnable against an enemy that in itself isn’t that impressive.
We took our laws to war and lost both the laws and the war.
God Bless.
And this is an important post…
But Sir…
Wars are fought and won by soldiers. The Law will hopelessly hamper you.
I’ve played the ROE game – Lawfare – and it’s unwinnable against an enemy that in itself isn’t that impressive.
We took our laws to war and lost both the laws and the war.
Actually I do all these things, but mainly against the other deluded religions which try to rule in America.
I start with the idiot Sheriffs who insist on putting their damned IGWT stickers illegally on my tax paid government facilities.
The I do educate them and their mayors and town councillors of the truth that they must prove their stone aged, goatherder religious claims in a modern world.
Actually I do all these things, but mainly against the other deluded religions which try to rule in America.
I start with the idiot Sheriffs who insist on putting their damned IGWT stickers illegally on my tax paid government facilities.
The I do educate them and their mayors and town councillors of the truth that they must prove their stone aged, goatherder religious claims in a modern world.
Actually I do all these things, but mainly against the other deluded religions which try to rule in America.
I start with the idiot Sheriffs who insist on putting their damned IGWT stickers illegally on my tax paid government facilities.
The I do educate them and their mayors and town councillors of the truth that they must prove their stone aged, goatherder religious claims in a modern world.