by John D. Guandolo

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
The catastrophic failure of America’s generals and civilian leaders is on full display for all the world to see as Americans are left in Afghanistan to fend for themselves while Taliban jihadi fighters prepare for the slaughter they will almost certainly unleash on those left behind when the last U.S. plane is gone.
The message to the entire world: America is fleeing, America is weak, America will not stand and fight when it really matters.
China is certainly paying attention, and the people of Hong Kong and Taiwan likely are too.
For 20 years and 4 administrations, American leaders made an affirmative decision not to know the enemy in the “Global War on Terror.” This intentional ignorance has cost America greatly in lives and treasure, and ensured the U.S. could never defeat the Global Islamic Movement.
You cannot defeat an enemy you are unwilling to identify.
100% of the enemies we face in this war launched against the West by the Armies of Mohammad tell us exactly who they are and why they are fighting.
All of them tell us they are commanded by their god, allah, to fight the entire non-muslim world until “allah’s divine law”/sharia is imposed on every human on earth.
Our enemies tell us sharia is the blueprint for how they fight, and it is the very thing they must impose on the world.
Al Qaeda, the Islamic State (formerly ISIS), the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas, Hizbollah, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, Abu Sayef, Tablighi Jamaat, Iran’s constitution, Egypt’s constitution, and the entire Islamic world under the banner of the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) tell us sharia is the lens through which they view the entire world and how they must behave in it.
The entire Islamic world is on record – via the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights – that “Human Rights” is defined by sharia.
Yet, nowhere in the entire U.S. government system has the enemy’s doctrine, sharia, been taught to our war-planners, military at any rank, nor inside our diplomat corps.
Sharia is noticeably absent from the U.S. Army War College, Marine Corps University, U.S. Naval War College, Joint Forces Staff College, National Defense University, Command & Staff College, all the military service academies, the FBI, the CIA, the DHS, and everywhere else it should be taught.
The result of U.S. leaders being grossly ignorant about the enemy’s doctrine and objectives? The U.S. government wrote the constitution for Afghanistan which created and Islamic State under sharia, thus giving Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and the Global Islamic Movement a victory there.
America lost the war in Afghanistan in 2004 but U.S. leaders were too stupid to realize it.
In fact, our leaders not only do not know the enemy, they have an understanding of the enemy that is exactly opposite of who they are.
Just read from the most widely used textbook in U.S. Islamic schools about Islam – What Islam is All About – and you will see that what 10 year old muslim children are taught about Islam is the same as what Al Qaeda teaches.
“Islam is not a religion, but a complete way of life.”
“The three duties (in Islam) are Da’wah, Jihad, and Encouraging good while forbidding the evil (“good” and “evil” as defined by sharia).”
“When you follow the Islamic way of living life, you are following the Shari’ah…the Shari’ah includes all the do’s and don’ts of Islam…The Shari’ah is the ideal path for us to follow.”
“The law of the land is the Shari’ah of Allah. The leader, or Khalifa of the Islamic nation, implements the Shari’ah in society.”
“The basis of the legal and political system is the Shari’ah of Allah. Its main sources are the Qur’an and Sunnah.”
“Muslims dream of establishing the power of Islam in the world.”
“The word Jihad is most often associated with the act of physically confronting evil and wrong-doing (“evil” and “wrong-doing” as defined by sharia)…If a real Jihad was declared, then we, as Muslims, must obey and follow the rules of Islam in our conduct.”
“If anyone dies in a Jihad they automatically will go to Paradise.”
“The duty of muslim citizens is to be loyal to the Islamic State.”
This means that what Islamic leaders have told U.S. leaders about Islam for decades is exactly opposite of what muslims teach their children about Islam.
So, here we sit in 2021 watching the results of a complete U.S. government system that decided to go to war and stay at war on multiple continents for nearly 20 years with an enemy no one thought was important enough to know.
The incompetence and staggering unprofessionalism of our military and civilian leaders is difficult to quantify.
When an individual’s unprofessional behavior leads to someone’s death, that is legally classified as “Criminal negligence” and doctors and lawyers are put in jail for such behavior.
There are thousands of Americans who lost their lives and hundreds of thousands wounded in this war, both overseas and here at home.
It is high time America holds its generals and civilian leaders to the same standard.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
54 Responses
How did we transport some 850 Afghanistan civiians out of Kabul before Americans could leave? If they don’t know where the Americans are, and cannot guarantee safe travel to airport, then they also do not know who boarded the American transport flight out of Afghanistan, did the Taliban just drop their weapons to board a flight to Texas??? It appears to be mostly men, could they be islamic terrorists also? If they fly them to a military base that base, they could also be overtaken a military base on American soil……our cities could be under seige as swiftly as complete takeover in Afghanistan. We have so many here already they may have prepared to work with the mb to have weapons waitng. They have our miltary weapons, trucks, ammo, missiles etc. back in Afganistan.? What was our military doing there training the new Taliban how to take over our cities….? I look at the current administration and think this is all prepped, Biden was working with an ex president who just celebrated this his prior selection worked as planned.???? It was a top to bottom takeover as the cities burn, and chaos was barely explained or criticized and all blamed on Global warming..or in reality.a different kind called a globall warming islamic jihad who watches the weather opportunities.
JG, uc,
Sun Tzu; some finite wisdom in his words. However. I would look to other sources for clarity regarding world happenings.
JG, uc,
Just like JG and others are doing. They are mining responses.
Micheal your sources are pure clarity but not listed? I wonder who is protecting our military bases and airports. We have rather large airports all positioned cities run by who? We need secure highways, airports and food supplies and a few places to dangerous to mention.
The Lessons of Afghanistan
As we near the 20th anniversary of 9/11, what are the real lessons of Afghanistan? We certainly cannot look to the media for any guidance. They are too busy promoting the lie that Islam is peachy keen and anyone who says different is a racist. Following the electoral partnership They are also pressuring the government to import thousands of Trojan horses in the form of Afghani translators.
Some years back when I attended a mosque open house in Northglenn, Colorado an Afghani told me that his motive for coming to the US was, first and foremost to spread Islam. Lest anyone think that his Islam differs qualitatively from that of the Taliban, he made a veiled threat to my family when he deduced that I was an implacable enemy of Islam.
We lost in Afghanistan because we targeted the symptoms of Islam, rather than the true source of the problem, Islam itself. The sight of our media and leaders declaring the Islam was a religion of peace, and going so far as to enable greater Islamic infiltration and influence ought to have left us with the clear knowledge that if the greatest totalitarian threat we have ever faced is to be defeated we can only depend on ourselves. We need to get serious.
The Islamists are emboldened by the Taliban victory in Afghanistan, The biggest mistake NATO made was to attack the symptoms of the Islamic ideology instead of the root of the problem, Islam itself. As we cannot look to our governments to stop the Islamic invasion, our best hope, perhaps our only hope is a people’s resistance movement, encompassing the techniques and lessons from the French, Italian, Yugoslavian and other people’s resistance movements of WWII.
Outstanding information for actions.
Good. But wrong.
There is no unified global Muslim movement.
They are mainly focused on murdering each other and have done by the millions over the last 100 years.
Moshe, you are simple wrong. UTT has written about and works daily tracking the leadership of the entire Islamic world under the OIC publishing mandates that make their way down to the individual mosque level across the globe for the most part, which congeals their entire effort over the last 20 years. It is how UTT has been so effective at predictive analysis.
Terror Group Hamas dba CAIR Congratulates Taliban for ‘Defeating’ American Occupation
‘Climax of Its Long Jihad Over The Last 20 Years’
By WND Staff
Published August 19, 2021
Asleep At The Switch
From: Telegram
⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [17.08.21 07:02]
The politicians and US Generals have been lying about Afghanistan this entire time.
It’s time they face harsh truth: they are complicit in the deaths of American troops.
The Afghanistan Collapse: Americans Died For This?
Call it what it is: Treason.
“Broken promises.
We were promised that the US and coalition efforts in Afghanistan would bring peace to a land of war and democracy to a land of terrorists, theocrats, and warlords.
And now, after 2,448 American service member deaths and spending over $2 trillion, the Taliban controls Afghanistan and the Acting US Ambassador has fled the $770 million embassy in Kabul (which the Taliban now owns). The Afghan presidential palace is theirs.”
Continued Here:
From: Telegram
⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [17.08.21 07:02]
The politicians and US Generals have been lying about Afghanistan this entire time.
It’s time they face harsh truth: they are complicit in the deaths of American troops.
The Afghanistan Collapse: Americans Died For This?
Call it what it is: Treason.
“Broken promises.
We were promised that the US and coalition efforts in Afghanistan would bring peace to a land of war and democracy to a land of terrorists, theocrats, and warlords.
And now, after 2,448 American service member deaths and spending over $2 trillion, the Taliban controls Afghanistan and the Acting US Ambassador has fled the $770 million embassy in Kabul (which the Taliban now owns). The Afghan presidential palace is theirs.”
Continued Here: https: // technofog. substack. com/ p/the-afghanistan -collapse- americans
From: Telegram
⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [18.08.21 16:38]
This CRIMINAL HORROR and ATROCITIES are what OBAMA FUNDED and BIDEN has fostered and aided and abetted. 🤬
⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [20.08.21 01:24]
#Taliban stoning to death women pilots in the square today. O’Biden Harris fed these monsters 🤬🤬🤬
⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [18.08.21 16:36]
Afghan Who Had Her Eyes Gouged Out By Taliban Says They ‘Make Animals Feed’ On Women’s Bodies
An Afghan woman, who suffered brutal torture by the Taliban, said Monday that the Islamist militant
group feeds women they daily torture and daily mass-murder to animals.
https: //dailycaller. com/ 2021/08/ 18/afghan-woman -eyes-gouged-taliban- animals-feed- womens-bodies/
From: Telegram
⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [15.08.21 19:43]
BREAKING: Texas Supreme Court sides with Gov. Abbot and Says Mask Mandates are ILLEGAL.
The Texas Supreme Court has dealt a blow to state officials’ challenge of Governor Abbott’s banning of mask mandates.
Lin Wood, [12.08.21 16:51]
[Forwarded from John Di Lemme – CBJ Real News]
⭐️ Know Your Rights Against Mandatory VAX
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COVID-19 Vaccine Exemption Letter ⬇️
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MUST SEE and SHARE THIS Important Video Information!!!
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Video Title: Accidentally
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Return here for the livestream of ‘Stop the Shot’ Part III on August 26, 2021 at 12pm EST.
Legal Legend Lin Wood
Ex-CIA Operative Posts Chilling Thread of What Could Come After Biden’s Failure in Afghanistan
By Matt Vespa | Posted: Aug 18, 2021
“We discussed this on the Triggered Podcast yesterday, but the fallout from Joe Biden’s failure in Afghanistan could have devastating consequences abroad that go beyond the issue of eradicating radical Islamic terrorism. […]
Desperate Afghans are clinging to US Air Force planes as they take off. They’ve fallen to their deaths. It’s an ignominious end to our longest war. And now, the Taliban have helicopters, Humvees, MRAPS, and scores of weapons that we didn’t destroy.
We left Bagram Air Force base which housed at least 5,000 terrorists. The Taliban has released them all. There are 5-[4]0,000 Americans still trapped in the country. How will they get out? We don’t know. The Pentagon has no plan, and the Biden White House couldn’t guarantee that all could be safely evacuated. Yet, let’s go beyond Afghanistan. Former CIA operative Bryan Dean Wright had a chilling thread about what could be ahead in the aftermath of Afghanistan’s collapse.”
Continued Here:
For the record, there is no such thing as “former C_A.” The Taliban were trained by the U.S. in the 70s supposedly to stop the Soviets via Operation Cyclone and Safari Club. The C_A never had positive results afterward as with all the other botched up operations its done since before its founding predecessor, the OSS.
Major Biden Administration Mistake: Taliban Seizes Pilatus PC12NG Spectre ISR Spy Planes
By Jim Hoft
Published August 26, 2021
Happy Anniversary! – Joe
Biden Effect: Taliban Fighters in Suicide Vests March in Zabul Carrying US-Made Weapons –
Military Commander in Kabul Shows Off Fleet of US Humvees
By Jim Hoft
Published August 20, 2021
“Taliban suicide bombers marched during its military parade at Zabul, #Afghanistan today.
The bombers showed off their US-made weapons. Suicide bombers are also considered the special forces of the Taliban.
Today the Taliban have American Assault rifles with thermal sights and night vision goggles thanks to Joe Biden and his woke generals.”
Continued Here:
What Makes The Taliban Tick? Mandatory Obedience of ALL People To Strict Islamic Sharia Law
Written by Dr. Jerry Newcombe
Published August 21, 2021
“It is horrible to see the collapse of Afghanistan and thousands trying to flee the country before the Islamists take complete control there. What motivates the Taliban who once again are violently asserting power in that country? What makes the Taliban tick?
There’s no mystery here. In some ways, it’s the same impulse at work in our world for the last 1,400 years, ever since the hordes of Muhammad, Islam’s prophet, arose from the Arabian desert and took over as much territory as possible.
Muhammad himself said, “I have been ordered to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshiped but Allah, that Muhammad is Allah’s prophet, that they offer prayers and give obligatory charity. If they perform all of that, they save their lives and their property” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 24).
After Muhammad’s death in 632, Muslims spread Islam by the sword, conquering the area from the Arabian Peninsula throughout the Mediterranean world.
They even conquered much of Spain and tried to conquer France, until Charles Martel, the grandfather of Charlemagne, defeated them at the Battle of Tours in 732.
One of the most astute authors commenting on Islam is Robert Spencer, director of and author of many books on Islam, including “The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran.” I’ve been privileged to interview him often.
I once asked Spencer about the notion we repeatedly hear: “Islam is a religion of peace.”
He told me, “Islam is a religion of peace, yes. The peace that Islam envisions is the peace that will come when the whole world is ruled by Islamic law and Muslims have the obligation to wage war against non-Muslims until that time, and so it’s a religion of violence and hatred and supremacies, ultimately culminating in an era of peace that will see the essential enslavement of non-Muslims.”
Dr. Zhudi Jasser is the president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy. As a Muslim who disagrees with the Taliban and all violent forms of Islam, he has chosen America as his adopted home. (Sadly, his views are not widely shared by many of his fellow Muslims.)
Said Jasser of America’s creators, “I think our Founding Fathers demonstrated that the best society is that founded by religious individuals as they were religious Christians but were escaping theocracy.”
So what is the problem with groups like the Taliban? Jasser says, “The root cause, I believe, as a Muslim, is the ideology of Islamism. The ideology of wanting to create Islamic states that are supremacist … that no other legal system takes precedence.”
The Taliban are strict Islamists, who believe in the legal system of Shariah, which is strict Islamic law.
A decade ago I interviewed Nonie Darwish, author of the books “Now They Call Me Infidel” and “Cruel and Usual Punishment.” She said, “The word Shariah is an Arabic word meaning literally ‘the way.’ It’s the way to live, and Shariah is a set
Shariah law is found throughout the Quran and the Hadith, the collection of the sayings of Muhammad. Nonie notes, “Whatever Muhammad did in the seventh century became the law for the Muslims to live by forever.”
Continued Here:
What Makes The Taliban Tick? Mandatory Obedience of ALL People To Strict Islamic Sharia Law
Written by Dr. Jerry Newcombe
Published August 21, 2021
“A decade ago I interviewed Nonie Darwish, author of the books “Now They Call Me Infidel” and “Cruel and Usual Punishment.” She said, “The word Shariah is an Arabic word meaning literally ‘the way.’ It’s the way to live, and Shariah is a set of very detailed laws.”
Shariah law is found throughout the Quran and the Hadith, the collection of the sayings of Muhammad. Nonie notes, “Whatever Muhammad did in the seventh century became the law for the Muslims to live by forever.”
Continued Here:
Searching Through Phones For Bible Apps: Report
August 20, 2021
“It’s all about Islam. The sharia-compliant media will NEVER report it – but that’s the root cause of it all.”
Taliban Going Door To Door Seeking Christians, Searching Through Phones For Bible Apps: Report
By: Jon Brown, Daily Wire, August 20, 2021
“The Taliban has a hit list of known Christians they are targeting to pursue and kill. The US Embassy is defunct and there is no longer a safe place for believers to take refuge. All borders to neighboring countries are closed and all flights to and from have been halted, with the exception of private planes. People are fleeing into the mountains looking for asylum. They are fully reliant on God, who is the only One who can and will protect them.
The Taliban are going door-to-door taking women and children. The people must mark their house with an “X” if they have a girl over 12 years old, so that the Taliban can take them. If they find a young girl and the house was not marked they will execute the entire family. If a married woman 25 years or older has been found, the Taliban promptly kill her husband, do whatever they want to her, and then sell her as a sex slave.”
Taliban Execute Four Afghanistan Army and Police Commanders in Kandahar Cricket Stadium
By Jim Hoft
Published August 18, 2021
UK, French and German Special Forces Rescuing Their Citizens Outside Kabul Airport While
US Under Strict Orders to “Rely on Taliban” for Safe Passage (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
Published August 20, 2021
“The UK, France and Germany are now sending special forces to rescue their citizens trapped outside of Kabul airport.
The British Government is sending Para Troops in vehicles through the center of Kabul to rescue their citizens.
The UK sent paratroopers to Kabul to help rescue the 4,000 stranded Brits and Afghans in the city. They were told to “prepare for face-to-face combat.
French forces have made multiple trips back and forth from their embassy over the last few days to extract over 200 French citizens out of the region.”
Continued Here:
Report: British Troops Are Now Rescuing Americans Trapped in Kabul After Joe Biden Refuses To Extricate
Thousands of Stranded Americans
By Jim Hoft
Published August 20, 2021
Continued Here:
John do we have a miltiary who wants to protect America or is it now under constrol of the ” too woke “to function commanders?
Disloyal: How the U.S. Military Brass is Betraying Our Country, The United States of America
New Freedom Center booklet exposes the military brass’s betrayal of our country.
Aug. 9, 2021
This new Freedom Center booklet is an urgent and vital read. [Read in PDF form: HERE.]
Introduction – Who Will Defend Us?
By David Horowitz
For those restricting human rights and basic needs be advised the international criminal court articles 7 you as a individual will be sought out and tried. No government shield reject tyranny reject or go to jail.
Like the Santa Claus list checking it to see if you have been naughty or nice 👍
Crimes get tried much later so if you think you have the power now don’t worry it’s all being documented.
Give up and seek out army intelligence and if you have been asked to violate rights or the ccp is blackmailing you or anyone get with army intelligence.
We are totally failed by our leaders in the modern age. What a shame.
The answer is that it was a social experiment, not to win wars. Their idea was to drag as many wars on for as long as possible for profit. This is shown since the Roman medieval era times to today. People say 20 years, but the reality is that it’s been going on for centuries. The central bankers and megacorporations have to make money somehow.
Rep. Ronny Jackson And Other Republicans Call On Joe Biden To Resign (VIDEO)
By Mike LaChance
Published August 21, 2021
Joe Biden Slurs Words, Stutters, Has Brain Freeze During Afghan Speech (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published August 20, 2021
Tucker Carlson Blasts ABC News For Editing Out Portions of Stephanopoulos’ Interview That Made
Joe Biden Look Incoherent, Confused (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
Published August 21, 2021
Congresswoman Introduces Three Impeachment Resolutions Against Biden
Published August 21, 2021
“Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has introduced three impeachment resolutions against Joe Biden.
They are for his failures in Afghanistan, violation of immigration laws that have caused a border crisis and usurping of Congressional power.”
Continued Here:
Taliban Commander Vows Jihad Against the Whole World
By Robert Spencer
Published August 20, 2021
It Begins. Former British Commander in Afghanistan Calls for Joe Biden’s Court-Martial (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published August 21, 2021
“[Biden] shouldn’t be impeached. He should be court-martialed for betraying the United States of America and the United States Armed Forces.“
The Career Daily Lawless Serial Criminals and Terrorist Usurper’s aka Obama/Biden Make Matters Worse,
Now the US Embassy in Kabul Sends out Blank VISA Documents To Allow Non-Americans [and Any Unvetted
Muslim Jihadist Terrorist] to Create Their Own US VISA
By Joe Hoft
Published August 22, 2021
PATHETIC: Secretary of State Blinken Admits US Must Ask Taliban for Permission to Evacuate Americans from Kabul (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published August 22, 2021
“Secretary of State Blinken joined Face the Nation this morning to discuss the ongoing catastrophe in Afghanistan.
During questioning Blinken admitted the United States must ask the Taliban for permission to evacuate Americans from Kabul, Afghanistan.
What a total disgrace.
These losers have NO IDEA what they are doing or who they are dealing with.
This is shaping up to be the greatest disgrace in America’s history.”
If You Are Fighting Amongst Each Other, You Are Fighting Against The Wrong People! Know Who Your Enemies Are …
Written by: Bradlee Dean
Published on: August 21, 2021
Watch the Videos:
BIDEN EFFECT: ISIS Threat Against Americans Forces US Military to Change Evacuations at Kabul Airport: AP
By Cristina Laila
Published August 21, 2021
“On Saturday the Biden administration warned Americans trapped in Afghanistan of potential security threats and not to travel to the Kabul Airport.
Shortly after the US embassy sent out the warning to Americans, the Associated Press received word of a potential ISIS threat against Americans.”
Continued Here:
US General Tells British Special Forces: Stop Rescuing People in Kabul, You’re Making Us Look Bad
By Pamela Geller
Published On August 22, 2021
BREAKING: Taliban Won’t Extend Aug. 31 Deadline for US Withdrawal – Threatens Biden Regime,
“Complete the Evacuations by Aug. 31 or Face Consequences” (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published August 23, 2021
Do Not Tell Me One Person Cannot Make A Change!
Written by Bradlee Dean
Published August 20, 2021
Watch the Videos:
Militia 2.0: Re-establishing The Constitutional Law Enforcers In The US
Written by: Tim Brown
Published August 20, 2021
“On Thursday’s The Sons of Liberty radio show, we talked about Tactical Civics and making sure that the people of every county in the united States has a grand jury in place to deal with corruption and crime. This allows for the people to present evidence and issue indictments. However, there need to be law enforcers to carry out the indictments to bring those indicted to justice. This is the duty of the constitutional militia (Article I, Section 18, Clause 15). So, in today’s episode, David Zuniga and Matt Mida join me again to discuss how this works and how to ensure that you organize a constitutional militia to perform the duties under our Constitution.”
U.K. Parliament Holds Joe Biden In Contempt: “Catastrophic, Shameful” – U.S. Media Missed
This One
By Jordan Conradson
Published August 23, 2021
Viral A Catholic Adoration Flash Mob. You have to see this to believe it! Try not to Cry at the End!
Yes, but what we have here is really a case of not knowing yourself but knowing the enemy, who was the rural conservative “clinging to his religion and his gun” like those in America.
In a land of %90 illiteracy, urabn AMerican liberals allied with treh %10 that could read but had never extended shools or anything else into rural areas that might have bdiged the social not, not once in thier long history and certainly not in the last 20 years.
Where are teh Afgahn officers? NCO? CEOs and “job creators”?
They are fleeing their coutnry once again because what goes around, comes around.
We laugh at the ANA but they got the best paycheck ever, no expectations, and had no reason to fight, no stake in the outcome, while the Parchami elites who did were willing to trust their own security to them and us.
This si similar to what’s happeing in America today.
20 years ago, the Talban was the bad guy and the Coutner Jihad the good guys.
Today, te eTaliban is a lot more understandable vs General “thoroughly modern” Milley and ihs ilk.
“Utterly Horrendous… People Who Have Done Multiple Tours Say It’s the Worst Thing They Have Ever Seen –
People Dying Outside Airport Gate” – Sky Reporter Tells of Horror Outside Airport (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published August 22, 2021
⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [20.08.21 23:04]
The Traitor In The White House Must Go – He And His Administration Are Working Against Us And For Our Enemies –
Let me state what should be obvious but for some reason remains unsaid. Our troops in Kabul are in an untenable position.
Sun Tsu: also said once you let an enemy into your country it is very hard to get them out.
Revealed: Biden Turned Down Taliban Offer to Allow U.S. to Control Kabul and the Airport
By Jim Hoft
Published August 29, 2021