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“How Did We Get Here?”

by John D. Guandolo One of the most frequent questions members of the UTT Team get is “How did we get here?” In other words, how did so many enemies of America insinuate themselves into our society and positions of influence and power to such a degree we are concerned the nation may not survive? […]

Silence is Consent

by John D. Guandolo A full blown war against the United States is underway. America’s adversaries include elements of the communist and Islamic Movements, their collaborators, and their financiers. Some make the argument that individuals who choose to remain silent and stand on the proverbial sidelines have the right to do so, and others should […]

Which U.S. Muslim Leader Isn’t a Terrorist?

John D. Guandolo The title of this article is not meant to be provocative. Its a serious national security question. Since before 9/11, nearly all of the muslim leaders in the United States who have been hailed as “moderate” or described as “opposing” the violence of Al Qaeda, ISIS and others, turn out to be […]

Al Qaeda, Like the Muslim Brotherhood, Follows Doctrine – Can the West Relate?

by John D. Guandolo On October 6, 2021, Ibrahim Al-Qousi, a senior official for Al Qaeda’s media arm Al-Malahem, warned America new attacks are coming which will be more painful than the 9/11 attacks. See Al-Qousi’s comments here. This follows recent calls by Islamic leaders and Imams across America for U.S. Muslims to prepare for […]

The Brutal Mindset of Jihadis

by John D. Guandolo “Fight and slay the unbeliever wherever you find them…” Koran 9:5 In nearly 20 years of briefing senior U.S. government officials, state leaders, police, and citizens about the Global Islamic Movement, one of the most difficult concepts for people living in the West to understand is the level of deception and […]

The Lie About Vetting Afghan “Refugees”

by John D. Guandolo When UTT published the article “Vetting the Unvettable” our hope was that it would help reasonable people see that trusting the federal government with vetting is foolish, and, therefore, trusting the government to vet Afghan “refugees” is equally as foolish. When government agencies or private organizations work to get Afghans out […]

Where is the Mystical “TRUE” Version of Islam Found?

by John D. Guandolo As Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair blathers on about Al Qaeda and ISIS practicing a “perverted” version of Islam, and while 5 U.S. administrations from President Clinton to Joe Biden have told us Islam is a “peaceful” religion – with the notable exception of President Trump who told CNN, “Islam […]

What is Happening is Intentional

by John D. Guandolo As Understanding the Threat wrote over 9 months ago, what America is experiencing is the intentional outcome of our adversaries’ plan to destroy our Constitutional Republic. What you are witnessing is all intentional. When democrats joined agents of foreign powers to illegally conduct electronic surveillance on the President of the United […]

Criminal Negligence & Treason Are Not Limited to Federal Officials

by John D. Guandolo As America’s last military transport left Afghanistan today, leaving many U.S. citizens behind, the criminally negligent and traitorous behavior of military and civilian leaders is on display for all the world to see. UTT recently wrote about the criminal negligence of U.S. military leaders during the last 20 years of war […]

Criminal Negligence

by John D. Guandolo Like the generals who came before him, CENTCOM Commander General Kenneth Frank McKenzie Jr. (USMC) is responsible for the deaths of men America entrusted to his care because he made an affirmative decision not to know and understand his enemy. His decision not to do basic due diligence to KNOW THE […]