by John D. Guandolo

On October 6, 2021, Ibrahim Al-Qousi, a senior official for Al Qaeda’s media arm Al-Malahem, warned America new attacks are coming which will be more painful than the 9/11 attacks. See Al-Qousi’s comments here.
This follows recent calls by Islamic leaders and Imams across America for U.S. Muslims to prepare for jihad.
Why would they do this?
What drives Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamic State, Hizbollah, Hamas, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, and nations like Iran, Turkey, Qatar, and others to conduct themselves is ways that overtly contradicts Western principles of human rights and violates the dignity of human beings?
Sharia drives the entire Global Islamic Movement.
Sharia is what muslims seek to impose on the world, and it is the blue print they use to do it.
The leading entities inside the Global Islamic Movement meet, plan, strategize, and make decisions to advance this movement. Then, they transmit directions down to individual mosques across Europe and North America, as well as in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and elsewhere.
To many, this level of control seems too incredible to be true.
But, it is true, and it is the reason the West is getting clobbered in a war it should be winning.
Here is how it works:
At the international level, the OIC – the largest voting block at the United Nations made up of every Islamic nation on earth plus the “State of Palestine” – makes strategic decisions and publishes their strategy in documents like their “10 Year Plan.”
Messages are transmitted from the OIC to Islamic Movements, like the International Muslim Brotherhood, and then to leading American MB organizations like the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA), the North American Imam’s Federation (NAIF), and the Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA) who then tell the leadership of mosques in America the messages they are required to deliver each week.
In most cases, the compliance rate is very high.
What is most shocking to leaders who receive a briefing from UTT on these matters, is how well coordinated, organized, and effective this hostile movement actually is.
The proof of this is the universal messaging one hears from leading Islamic scholars in Rome, Amsterdam, Toronto, Phoenix, and Nashville.
This is how the Global Islamic Movement gets its work done and their objectives achieved.
This adherence to doctrine, in this case sharia, is foreign to many Americans, who view doctrine as an “outdated” and “old fashioned,” especially when it comes to religion.
The problem with this is that Christianity has true doctrine – dogmatic teachings which came from its founder Jesus and passed down through the centuries to the faithful. Even the idea of rules, dogma, and doctrine is troubling to some who make up a part of the 40,000 or so Christian denominations which speak of “religion” with disdain, and “orthodoxy” and “doctrine” as things to be avoided.
The muslim community, on the other hand, understands its doctrine – sharia – and they understand its importance in driving their efforts forward. They teach it in their community, expect people to follow it, and kill those who stray from it.
Sharia commands muslims, under penalty of death, to wage war against non-muslims until “allah’s divine law”/sharia is imposed on every human on earth.
It is the purpose of Islam.
The Islamic community is prepared to die for its doctrine while many Christians are unwilling to even accept it has doctrine.
What Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, and all the other jihadi organizations teach is normative and universally accepted Islamic doctrine.
The only people who do not seem to understand these simple truths are inside the halls of government, universities, and churches across the West.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
42 Responses
Islam, Sharia and Mosques are the white elephant in the room it seems. Elephant in the room definition is – an obvious major problem or issue that people avoid discussing or acknowledging. Understanding the threat is one of the few exceptions.
The Islamic Hijrah Clock
Picture: file:///C:/Users/value%20pawn/Pictures/EUB-tb4XgAApEXI.jpg
1 John 3:8 – Jesus Came to DESTROY the works of the devil.
Picture: file:///F:/242732847_216342097145860_5488362535790297443_n.jpg
(1) https: //biblehub. com/niv/1_john/3.htm
(2) https: //biblehub. com/drb/1_john/3.htm
~ Please Read & Share This! ~
Written By Rob Pue
October 22, 2021
BANNED DOCTOR: COVID Is “The Greatest Propaganda Campaign In Human History” (Video)
By Tim Brown
October 23, 2021
“In an exclusive interview with Western Standard, Dr. Nagase called COVID “the greatest propaganda campaign in human history.”
Melanie Risdon reports:
Nagase said he is not against vaccines, but said “there’s never been anything like this given to humans,” referencing the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.
“Medically speaking, scientifically speaking, this is a lot closer to gene therapy than it is other vaccines that have been put out in history,” Nagase said adding he has not had a COVID-19 shot yet.
Nagase said his life has been turned upside down since he began to speak out about his experience being relieved of duty for treating COVID-19 patients with Ivermectin, but added, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Since his message has gone viral on social media, Nagase said he’s been able to reach more people with his message that “Ivermectin is a safe medication for coronavirus 19.”
Nagase has researched trials in other countries and said, “in every single one of those studies, Ivermectin worked. In moderate COVID and mild COVID mortality is reduced to zero.”
Must See & Share Dr. Daniel Nagase’s Information in This Video!
Imagine a world where doctors are threatened by medical boards and pharmacists for safely and effectively treating their patients. Because you are living in it.
My experience using ivermectin and fluvoxamine in 4000 acute COVID-19 patients: 5 hospitalized. 0 dead. 4000 recovered. 5 pharmacist threats. 1 medical board complaint. 1 lawyer retained. Hundreds of medication transfers for pharmacist refusals.
4:35 PM · Oct 21, 2021”
ICU DOCTOR Is Fired For Saving Lives With Ivermectin, And For Refusing To Get Vaccinated With The Human Engineered And Patented Genocidal Bioweapon Covid-19 Virus That is Contained With Other Disease Causing Fatal Toxins & Aborted Human Embryo’s in The Genocidal Bioweapon Covid-19 Non-Vaccine Depopulation Euthanasia Kill Shot That Was Jointly Manufactured in Bioweapon Labs in the U.S. & in Wuhan, China
Ivermectin Is “85 Percent Effective in Keeping People Out of The Hospital.”
By James Samson
October 23, 2021
“An ICU doctor who spent 18 months fighting the COVID-19 pandemic on the frontlines has been fired for refusing to get vaccinated.
Dr. Mollie James has worked as a trauma and acute care surgeon for 11 years, four of which were spent in St. Louis….
“There’s an entire protocol, and Ivermectin is a key part of it,” she explained. “We use blood thinners and different vitamins along with a stronger steroids than most people use, called Methylprednisolone. We combine that with Ivermectin, and that combination seems to be extremely effective.”
“I had two patient successes at the hospital that was offering it, and they pulled it off the shelf a week later,” James added. “I was told it wasn’t approved by the COVID committee, so doctors who were not involved in the patient’s care, my patient’s care, we’re making decisions about what I could use.”
James believes that the decision on whether to use Ivermectin should be between a patient and their doctor.
“When I was able to properly dose and use Ivermectin in an ICU patient, I saw the fastest turnaround of any patient out of probably a couple thousand that I’ve treated,” James said. “When you have administrators telling physicians what medications they can prescribe, or how to counsel patients regarding interventions or telling them not to do something they believe is in the patient’s best interest, I think doctors have an obligation to leave those situations.”
James believes that the natural immunity she got from beating the vaccine means she doesn’t need to get vaccinated. Unfortunately, her vaccination status cost her her job, but she is now working in private practice and is still prescribing Ivermectin.
“Everyone is a candidate for early treatment,” she concluded. “I believe it’s 85 percent effective in keeping people out of the hospital.”
Continued Here:
From: Telegram
⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [24.10.21 01:59]
#Fauci should be arrested and imprisoned for cruelty to animals and crimes against humanity. He is sick and disgusting. The information on the sadistic experiments he funded is too sick to post.
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⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [24.10.21 01:37]
[Forwarded from Liberty Overwatch (Patriot)]
Anatomy of the Steal: The Four Phases of an Election Takeover
Former Michigan Senator Patrick Colbeck gives an excellent breakdown of the 2020 election robbery from a systems engineering perspective.
Colbeck partitions the steal into 4 phases:
1) Preparation
The key goal of this phase is to create and exploit weaknesses in our election system. How? By weakening the election record chain of custody for the (i) qualified voter file (QVF), (ii) poll books, (iii) ballots, and (iv) vote tally.
The criminals start by seeding the QVF. For example, there were more than 616K ineligible voters in the Michigan QVF heading into the 2020 election.
Other weakening measures include no-excuse absentee voting, same-day voter registration, elimination of voter ID and signature verification requirements, and centralized, networked, voting systems. All of these erosions reduce the number of bad actors needed to steal an election.
2) Main Attack
The central tool in this second phase is ballot stuffing via mail-in votes, enabled by seeding the QVF with low propensity and ineligible voters.
Importantly, phase 2 requires an accurate prediction of voter turnout to be successful. If those forecasts fail (as they did in the 2020 election), the perpetrators have to shift to a backup plan, the Backup Attack phase.
3) Backup Attack
Phase 3 involves algorithmic manipulation of the vote tally when ballot stuffing isn’t netting enough votes.
Lady Draza identified a digital fingerprint for something called the “PID controller” during this phase. As she was monitoring the election night results in multiple states, she noticed the cumulative vote total would periodically drop to zero in the Edison reporting stream before surging back up. This is NOT normal.
Once the vote tallies have been altered, ballots must be added for reconciliation. And, that’s exactly what we saw with the 3AM ballot drop-offs at the TCF center and the halted late-night vote counts in every swing state.
4) Defense
The defense phase involves censorship and evidence destruction.
🇺🇸 Colbeck says canvassing is critical to combat the fraud, and recommends starting with the QVF. 🇺🇸
Also on Colbeck’s investigation wishlist: an audit of the election night reporting results, from the precinct level to the New York Times. No one has done this yet.
Please Watch & Share 📺 Colbeck’s downloaded video! =>
In this video, I provide an overview of how the evidence indicates that the 2020 election was stolen in four phases:
1) Preparation
2) Main Attack
3) Backup Attack
4) Defense
More information will be made available including links to specific evidence supporting assertions above in a documentary currently in production called “Was America Hijacked?” Once complete, this video will be made available for free to all seeking to view, download and share.
Hat tip🤠@VoteLizHarris🇺🇸
www. LetsFixStuff. org
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BREAKING: Fulton County Georgia Ordered More Than One Million Absentee Ballots from Printer Days Before the 2020 Election Knowing There Was No Time to Mail Them Out
By Joe Hoft
October 25, 2021
Americans Must Stand Up And Say “I Will Not Comply” With Covid Mandates Right Now Or Face A Life Under Totalitarianism
By Chuck Baldwin
October 21, 2021
“The world (led by the United States) has been under Covid tyranny for over 18 months now. At the very beginning of this masquerade, we were all taken off guard. No one then could have dreamed what the satanic eugenicists Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, et al. had planned for us.
For a few weeks, everyone gave the medical establishment the benefit of the doubt and believed they were truly looking out for our health—although some of us NEVER put on those stupid masks. (To this day, I have not worn one of those beastly masks—not once.)
But now the jig is up! We know exactly what Gates and Fauci are doing; and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with keeping us healthy.
The Covid narrative is a planned exercise in global tyranny. Not by coincidence, the countries that are denied the right to keep and bear arms are suffering through the worst of this tyranny. The Aussies and New Zealanders must now realize how foolish they were to allow their governments to disarm them.
As we were forced to traverse these tumultuous tyrannical waters, we became aware that Fauci and the CDC were lying to us all along. From the very beginning, they manipulated, exaggerated and lied about Covid deaths. And now they are lying and covering up the deaths from the Covid gene therapy shots (they are NOT vaccines).
In this report, Joseph Mercola makes a compelling case that the Covid jabs have already killed over 200,000 people in the United States: […].”
Continued Here:
In the U.S.A. the Highest Law of the Land is The U.S. Constitution. ANY and ALL Illegal and Unconstitutional abuses and usurpation’s of ANY federal or state government powers, and ANY and ALL Illegal and Unconstitutional evil, unjust, unrighteous, ungodly, anti-American, so-called “laws, orders, or mandates” are completely “null and void.” Remember, the U.S. American People have no legal duty to obey ANY Illegal and Unconstitutional unrighteous, unjust, evil, Anti-American, ungodly, tyrannical “laws or usurpation’s or abuses” of federal and state government powers!
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Do NOT Be Deceived. Mandates Are NOT Laws
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The federal U.S. and state government DOES NOT have ANY legal right to force the U.S. People to obey Illegal and Unconstitutional, evil, unjust, unrighteous Totalitarian Dictates that violate Our GOD-given unalienable Civil Rights and Freedoms or any of Our Personal Individual Informed Consent Health Choices and Decisions. It’s Our Personal Individual Legal CIVIL RIGHT to Protect Our Own Health. The U.S. federal or state government leaders/workers and/or any U.S. federal or state dept’s or agencies DO NOT have ANY legal power or ANY legal authority in the U.S. to violate and overthrow any Individual Person’s Medical, Health, or Peaceful Religious Personal Informed Consent choices.
The U.S. federal and state government’s legal roles/jobs are to Protect Our GOD-Given Civil RIGHTS, Freedoms and Liberties and NOT to abolish, destroy, or overthrow them, and NOT to abuse or usurp Illegal and Unconstitutional federal or state government power, and definitely NOT to destroy, loot, kill, genocide or overthrow the U.S. People or overthrow the U.S. federal or state government, and just laws.
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Here are some of the people who are “exempted” from taking the human engineered, evil, genocidal Covid bioweapon non-vaccine(s) by the Domestic Terrorist Usurpers Biden/Harris’s Terrorist Regime’s completely Illegal and Unconstitutional totalitarian dictatorial “mandates”:
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Members of Congress & their staff are “exempted” from taking the human engineered, evil, genocidal Covid bioweapon non-vaccine(s):
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Minnesota Surgeon Fired After Speaking Against Mask Mandates at School Board Meeting
By Cassandra Fairbanks
October 26, 2021
Dr. Fauci’s Used Orphans For AIDS Experiments In 2004 In New York City
Beagles & Monkeys Tortured, Millions Dead From the COVID He Helped Fund and Now This Comes Out
By Jeremy Porter
October 26, 2021
Four Doctors From Alberta, Canada Sue Over Vaccine Mandate – ‘Without Informed Consent, It’s Assault’
By James Samson
October 26, 2021
COVID-19: The Weaponization Of Fear & The Loss Of Freedom
By Tim Brown
October 24, 2021
Rebellion To Tyrants Is Obedience To GOD ~ Benjamin Franklin
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Cuban Refugee Warns Americans About The Urgent Dangers Of Totalitarian Communism: “You Guys Better Wake Up”
Published October 21, 2021
“Rumble — Everyone needs to watch this.”
Rebellion To Tyranny Is Obedience To GOD ~ Thomas Jefferson
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Healthy 16-Year-Old Boy Dies During Online Class After Receiving Second COVID Shot from Pfizer
October 13, 2021
By Jim Hoft
Exclusive: Pfizer’s Nervousness About Its COVID Vaccine’s Origins Conceals a Horror Story
October 13, 2021
Report: Hospitals “Have Become More Like a [Totalitarian] Prison” in Treating COVID Patients
by Sharon Rondeau
“(Oct. 20, 2021) — In an interview published Thursday between psychiatrist Peter Breggin, MD and Dr. Lee Vliet, MD, founder of the Truth for Health Foundation, Vliet described repressive and deadly restrictions placed on hospitalized coronavirus patients, including preventing them from signing themselves out in favor of other modes of treatment.
During the early part of the interview, titled, “Rescuing Hospitalized COVID Patients from Death,” Vliet told Breggin that the non-profit Truth for Health Foundation was originally launched in 2007 with a different purpose. Almost immediately facing the economic downturn which began the following year, the foundation remained dormant, Vliet said, until May of this year, when she felt a supernatural prodding to reactivate it to advocate early treatment for COVID-19 patients.”
Continued Here:
Dr. Zelenko Likens COVID-19 to “War” between “Two Systems of Thought”
by Sharon Rondeau
“(Oct. 24, 2021) — In an interview with Dr. Peter Breggin, MD, Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, MD described the COVID-19 pandemic and its outgrowth as a confluence of “psychopaths” who see themselves as the top of “a hierarchy” of the world’s people.
Zelenko, who wrote one of the introductions to Breggin’s new book, “COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey,” believes the pandemic brought to the fore a “war against God.”
In his written introduction, Breggin termed Zelenko “a heroic figure on the level of the Hebrew prophets.
“Dr. Zelenko saved and continues to save millions of lives by discovering and promoting the safe and effective treatment of COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine in combination with other medications and nutraceuticals,” Breggin wrote. “Beyond that, he continues to show us how faith in God can help us, even at death’s door and even when, as prophets always do, he has faced censorship and even worse rejections for speaking truth to power.”
Zelenko is creator of “the Zelenko protocol” for early, ambulatory treatment of COVID-19. As a family physician in a hard-hit section of New York City, Zelenko successfully treated thousands of COVID-19 patients with the protocol and was censored by social media last year.”
“We know, without a doubt, that COVID-19 itself is a bioweapon… We also know that life-saving information and access to life-saving medications like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been suppressed in America. Doctors in Australia who prescribe them go to jail; they’re completely unavailable in countries like Israel… That’s a global theme.”
He identified “a pattern” in the events leading to the production and dissemination of the COVID-19 vaccines, Zelenko said, involving “gain-of-function” research which turned “a benign” virus into ‘a weapon of mass destruction.’”
Continued Here:
Divine Healing Technician: DHT, Sessions 1 – 15 – How to Heal
Aug. 7, 2019 – Curry Blake
www. JGLM. org
Please spend the time, learn about healing, and get to work!
▶Must See & Share This! =>
How To Walk In The Authority Of Jesus – mp4
Please Watch & Share This!
Curry Blake: The Four Basic Principles of DHT Healing
March 21, 2017
GOD gave us His Word | Curry Blake
“Healing is warfare and not a reward.” ~ Curry Blake
Feb. 16, 2017
GOD Gave Us Authority | Curry Blake
Curry Blake | Healing and Living as a Son of GOD | (2015.11.23)
Curry Blake teaching at LIFE Mission (JGLM/DLIAC Johannesburg) on the topic of Divine Healing and how to live life as a son of God — in the Authority and Power of LORD JESUS CHRIST, GOD ALMIGHTY, THE SAVIOR of Humanity, THE MESSIAH, In GOD THE FATHER, SON & HOLY SPIRIT’S Forever Alive Divine Mercy, Divine Love, Graces, Holiness, Purity, Miraculous Healings & Eternal Power.
Listen especially from 38:00 to the end. All kinds of cancers, diseases, and injuries of all kinds, and Down’s Syndrome’s chromosomes are being healed and changed in people by ALMIGHTY GOD The SAVIOR, Divine Physician, IMMANUEL (GOD With Us) The MESSIAH, LORD JESUS CHRIST ~ YESHUA, in GOD THE MOST HOLY TRINITY’S Eternal Forever Living Constant Power & Constant Miracles
How To Activate and Release the Power of GOD | Curry Blake |
Nov. 25, 2020
The Globalist Technocracy
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“ALL laws which are *repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803). *Repugnant means “in conflict with or incompatible with.”
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ALMIGHTY GOD’s Holy Bible’s
Book of Revelation ~ Timeline ~
Documented Catholic View
Christians Must Fight: “Our Fight May Necessitate Armed Conflict – Pacifism Is A Heresy” (Video)
By Tim Brown
October 25, 2021
“Our friend and author of The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: A Proper Resistance to Tyranny and a Repudiation of Unlimited Obedience to Civil Government, Matt Trewhella, is exhorting Christians to stand and fight, not be cowardly and timid. https: //www. amazon. com/Doctrine-Lesser-Magistrates-Resistance-Repudiation/dp/1482327686
In his latest video, Trewhella says that Christians must resist the evils of the day.
“Christian Resistance involves repenting, [praying, evangelizing, building, and fighting],” writes Trewhella.”
Two Great Videos:
“Ten years later, it would also be in Nuremberg, now nearly destroyed by British and American heavy bombing, where surviving prominent Nazi leaders were put on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity.”
https: //www. archives. gov/publications/prologue/2010/winter/nuremberg. html
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Want To See The Effects Of The COVID Shots In Autopsies? This Scientist Shows You (Video)
Published on October 30, 2021
Dr. Ryan Cole and other expert medical doctors and medical science researchers are presenting and explaining the medical scientific documented evidence truth and facts about the urgent fatal dangers of the Covid non-vaccines which inject spike protein fatal poisons and various fatal diseases into the body.
Dr. Cole said a 50-year-old healthy triathlete, and one of his favorite friend’s, a surgeon, each took the Covid non-vaccine and both died quickly after receiving the Covid non-vaccine. Dr. Cole said people must ask questions about the Covid non-vaccines, and then listen to and believe only what the true and factually documented medical scientific evidence clearly will show them. The Covid non-vaccines inject many identified fatal diseases into humans and will cause the intentional human genocide of millions of people, unless people refuse to receive the genocidal bioweapon fatal Covid injections.
Los Angeles Psychiatrist Says COVID Policies Are ‘Not About Health,’ They’re About Authoritarian Control
By Debra Heine
October 22, 2021
Harvard Epidemiologist: Children Should NOT Be Vaccinated Or Wear Masks
Exclusive: Chuck Norris Counters ‘Sacred Cow’ Dr. Fauci’s Urgently Dangerous, Anti-American, Globalist Serial Lying and Serial Criminal Domestic Terrorist Claims With Those of Dr. Martin Kulldorff
By Chuck Norris
November 1, 2021
‘Animal abuse, torture and deaths are inexcusable, but so are human cruelty, suffering and deaths. And, as hard as it is to hear or maybe believe, Dr. Fauci has enabled both.
Just two weeks ago, it was verified that U.S. taxpayers have also been funding China’s gain of function research on the coronavirus for years through the NIH, and therefore in some respect enabled the creation of the global pandemic. NIH funding of the Wuhan lab experiments were emphatically denied by Dr. Anthony Fauci before Congress – something the world now knows he lied about.’
Continued Here: