Why haven’t Muslims in America and Europe come out of the woodwork by the thousands to provide the identities of jihadis at their mosques, Islamic schools, and neighborhoods to law enforcement?
The reason is the same as it always is: it is a violation of Sharia (Islamic Law) – the guiding doctrine which drives Islam and the Muslims who submit to it.
Islamic Sacred Law (Sharia) specifically makes Apostasy (“Leaving Islam”) a capital crime stating…
Sharia goes on to say: “There is no indemnity for killing an apostate since it is killing someone who deserves to die.” (o8.4)
But Apostasy is not simply “converting out” of Islam. It is much more than that.
According to authoritative Sharia, “Acts That Entail Leaving Islam” (Apostasy) include:
“To be sarcastic about any ruling of the Sacred Law (Sharia) or to deny that Allah intended the Prophet’s message to be the religion followed by the entire world.” [Ibid, o8.7 (19-20)]
It is a capital crime in Islam for Muslims to deny Sharia in any way. Islam is Sharia and Sharia is Islam.
In the West there is a reason why the Muslim community is not helping law enforcement at the local and federal level. It is because it is unlawful under Sharia.
It is all about Sharia.
Specifically, the Islamic Laws of SLANDER and TALEBEARING are clear and make it impossible for Muslims to help law enforcement officials against other Muslims without putting themselves at risk.
“Slander and talebearing are two of the ugliest and most frequently met with qualities among men…Slander means to mention anything concerning a person (Muslim) he would dislike.” (Um Dat al Salik, r2.1-2.2)
This is why people who draw cartoons or make movies about Islam are at risk of being killed.
Theo Van Gogh was murdered by a Muslim in 2004 for making a film about women in Islam
Koran 49:12 specifically states “Do not slander (spy on) one another” and “Woe to whomever disparages others behind their back or in their face.” (Koran 104:1)
Mohammad said “The talebearer will not enter paradise” and “The Muslim is the brother of the Muslim. He does not betray him, lie to him, or hang back from coming to his aid.”
Sharia defines “talebearing” as follows: “The reality of talebearing lies in divulging a secret, in revealing something confidential whose disclosure is resented.” (Ibid, r3.1)
Sharia specifically identifies that (r7.0) “Giving Directions to Someone Who Wants to Do Wrong” is considered “Talebearing,” and includes “showing the way to policemen.”
Any questions?
Muslims follow sharia because that is what being a Muslim means – someone who submits to Islam. Submitting to Islam means obeying the Sharia of Allah.
Muslims risk their lives under sharia if they help non-Muslims against the Muslim community. The threat of death makes many people comply – as evidenced by the fact the Muslim community is silent in the face of a global holocaust except when it is to attack the non-Muslim world.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
12 Responses
Rossini’s finale of his William Tell Overture conjures the quintessential “movement” for dealing with Islam once-and-for-all. First, gain the attention of America’s throng of mercenary presstitutes by ending further debate with their ad-revenue enhancing Muslim-Brotherhood allies, then (per the following) simply cut to “The Chase”.
I.e., as a supplementary element to those which currently comprise the crime of treason per the United States criminal code, add “SHARIA ADHERENT; thence — pending deportation — incarcerate any Muslim who is; and who, thus, clearly embodies a perpetual threat to U.S. National Security, and an existential (ongoing) threat to the lives of the American people.
Too, since the largest international gambling & “show business” cartel on the face of the earth (the NFL) recently refused to allow a commemorative gesture by the Dallas Cowboys to honor said city’s fallen police officers (who died in the line of duty recently, so that others might live) perhaps said organization (by virtue of having had second-thoughts) may be willing to fund brief bi-weekly national TV & radio public service announcements regarding the ever burgeoning threat to our Constitution, thus freedoms, which the current invasion of non-vetted Muslims et al represent.
Rossini’s finale of his William Tell Overture conjures the quintessential “movement” for dealing with Islam once-and-for-all. First, gain the attention of America’s throng of mercenary presstitutes by ending further debate with their ad-revenue enhancing Muslim-Brotherhood allies, then (per the following) simply cut to “The Chase”.
I.e., as a supplementary element to those which currently comprise the crime of treason per the United States criminal code, add “SHARIA ADHERENT; thence — pending deportation — incarcerate any Muslim who is; and who, thus, clearly embodies a perpetual threat to U.S. National Security, and an existential (ongoing) threat to the lives of the American people.
Too, since the largest international gambling & “show business” cartel on the face of the earth (the NFL) recently refused to allow a commemorative gesture by the Dallas Cowboys to honor said city’s fallen police officers (who died in the line of duty recently, so that others might live) perhaps said organization (by virtue of having had second-thoughts) may be willing to fund brief bi-weekly national TV & radio public service announcements regarding the ever burgeoning threat to our Constitution, thus freedoms, which the current invasion of non-vetted Muslims et al represent.
Rossini’s finale of his William Tell Overture conjures the quintessential “movement” for dealing with Islam once-and-for-all. First, gain the attention of America’s throng of mercenary presstitutes by ending further debate with their ad-revenue enhancing Muslim-Brotherhood allies, then (per the following) simply cut to “The Chase”.
I.e., as a supplementary element to those which currently comprise the crime of treason per the United States criminal code, add “SHARIA ADHERENT; thence — pending deportation — incarcerate any Muslim who is; and who, thus, clearly embodies a perpetual threat to U.S. National Security, and an existential (ongoing) threat to the lives of the American people.
Too, since the largest international gambling & “show business” cartel on the face of the earth (the NFL) recently refused to allow a commemorative gesture by the Dallas Cowboys to honor said city’s fallen police officers (who died in the line of duty recently, so that others might live) perhaps said organization (by virtue of having had second-thoughts) may be willing to fund brief bi-weekly national TV & radio public service announcements regarding the ever burgeoning threat to our Constitution, thus freedoms, which the current invasion of non-vetted Muslims et al represent.