JG Blog

John Guandolo


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One Thing Americans Cannot be Thankful for This Year

As Americans begin preparations for our annual celebration of Thanksgiving to God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon our great nation, one thing we will find difficult to thank Him for is strong and principled leaders in Washington—none can be found anywhere in our government.

Over the past couple days, news of a “deal struck” with Iran has made the United States Diplomatic Corps giddy with excitement. Yet another agreement with Iran has been negotiated out of perceived weakness, including use of conciliatory language by American leaders who long to “get along” instead of govern with the best interests of the American people in mind.

The agreement, which includes billions of dollars in aid to the Iranian regime, will relieve pressure on Hezbollah”s benefactor to comply with international nuclear arms regulations. Diplomats, of course, will trumpet the “strict rules” of compliance the agreement imposes on Iran’s Uranium enrichment efforts, but since it has yet to comply with any of several international guidelines imposed on it to date, it is difficult to believe this agreement will be treated any different by Iran’s Mullahs just because Western governments have given them more wiggle room.


Meanwhile, Israel and Saudi Arabia are gravely concerned, and for good reason. Benjamin Netanyahu has called the agreement with Iran a “historic mistake” and is sending his own team to Washington to speak to President Obama. Well aware that once U.S. forces are completely out of Iraq, Iran will have a clear path to the Saudi Kingdom, and understanding that a new era of war is on the horizon between the Shia and Sunni Muslim world, Saudi Arabia has a great deal to be concerned about, especially when the international community offers Iran leniency.

Great leaders have always understood that tyrannical and evil regimes must always be dealt with firmly because they know nothing of integrity of agreements or merciful conciliations. Regimes like Iran only understands the iron fist of strength, and they must know it will come down on them if they do not adhere to existing international law and agreements. This current weak agreement, which is standard fare with this administration, will only lead to further turmoil to the region.

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