Written by John D. Guandolo
Many combat veterans report it is easier to move into heavy gunfire than to sit on the couch and ask their wives “what’s wrong.”
Many of the stories from men who have seen the heaviest combat make a strong argument that physical courage in the heat of battle is easier than the thought-out moral courage of doing one’s daily duties as a parent and spouse.
What does this have to do with winning the war against the jihadis in America?
Elected officials report to UTT that one of the key reasons they do not openly discuss the Islamic threat is because they believe they will get blasted by the media and by constituents who do not understand how dangerous the Islamic threat has become in America.
Many people from all walks of life in America share with UTT they do not speak out about the visible Islamic threat in their communities because they are concerned with the backlash they believe they will receive from within their communities.
While there is always the inherent physical threat which comes with speaking truth about Islam, the moral courage it takes to stand against Islam cannot be minimized.
The jihadis count on the fact they, along with their allies in the U.S. media, will keep Americans cowering for fear of being mocked and ridiculed.
It takes a great deal of courage for any leader to step out and speak out.

UTT encourages its supporters to consider this when speaking with local, state, and federal leaders, including teachers, businessmen/women, pastors, and others.
Our job at UTT is to educate people on the threat, train them how to speak about the threat to have maximum impact, and give them strategies at the ground level to deal with these threats and dismantle their networks.
The good men and women who lead your community need you citizens to educate and train them AND to stand with them before, during and after the heat comes down on them for boldly speaking truth about this real threat – Islam.
Understanding the Threat (UTT) is the only resource in America giving you the tools to do all of this.
As America reflects this week on all the things for which we can be thankful, let us recommit ourselves to diligently do our duties as citizens to ensure our leaders have all the tools they need to do their duties, and that they know we will stand with them when they step out in truth.
UTT stands with you in this.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
6 Responses
Given that the country has been sacrificing the lives of young men & women in an undeclared existential war* with Islam for the past eighteen years, it would seem reasonable by now for the president to demand to know how some elected officials are able, therefore, to justify their refusal to honor the solemn oath they took to protect & defend the Constitution and the American people from all enemies both foreign and
domestic, by claiming that if they do so the fake news industry won’t like it, their voters won’t understand it,
and, thus, they would have to acknowledge that in order to get elected they simply lied to win support. Deja vu, all over again!
*Anyone in search of the facts with respect to Islam’s plan to either enslave you or kill you, may (for a nominal handling & postage fee) order a verbatim Arabic-to-English translated copy of said global plan for the destruction of Western Civilization, dated 22 May 1991, which was seized by special agents of the FBI from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia USA in accordance with a federal search warrant in 2004, by contacting: http://www.securefreedom.org, to request: GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.
“Understanding the Threat (UTT) is the only resource in America giving you the tools to do all of this”. You’re doing great work, but, I would revise this statement.
This is very motivational! Moral courage is no doubt tougher than physical courage. I’ve seen this over and over again.
John, be advised that the words under the photograph of Robert F. Kennedy (RIP) actually comprise an Ernest Hemingway quote which first appeared in perhaps his most famous book, “A Farewell to Arms” 1929.
I met RFK in 1967 at the Dirksen Senate Office Building, across from the Capitol, during his tenure as a Senator for the State of New York. Though the Hemingway quote wasn’t his, after spending ten minutes in his presence I came away with the sense that I had just seen what freedom, liberty and equality look like without having to go over to Arlington to gaze out at the graves, Tragic loss for the country. Merry Christmas.
Understood, but Robert Kennedy spoke them in a speech he gave.