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Is Sam Brownback the Point Man for America’s Enemies?

by John D. Guandolo

Sam Brownback with Islamic scholar & Jihadi Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah. Bin Bayyah supports Hamas and called for the killing of U.S. troops in Iraq and the destruction of Israel. Mr. Brownback thanked bin Bayyah for his work for “religious freedom.”

If someone publicly proclaims their friendship and fidelity to a hostile foreign nation, a leading hostile international organization, and regurgitates hostile enemy propaganda narratives, and if that person is leading these efforts, is it fair to ask if that individual is the “Point Man” for the enemies of America?

That someone is former Kansas Governor and self-proclaimed Christian Sam Brownback.

As UTT reported HERE, HERE, and HERE the “tip of the spear” of the international communist-jihadi cabal, along with their collaborators and financiers, is being jammed through America’s soul via the “Interfaith Outreach” primarily led by witting agents of America’s enemies.

This includes Sam Brownback.

In 2018, Brownback publicly lauded jihadi Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah the former #2 at the International Union of Muslim Scholars, an organization founded by the International Muslim Brotherhood’s leading jurist Yousef al Qaradawi.

Bin Bayyah supports the objectives of Al Qaeda and ISIS, supports the terrorist group Hamas, called for the killing of American troops in Iraq, and calls for the destruction of Israel. Brownback thanked bin Bayyah for his efforts towards “religious freedom.”

Mr. Brownback is on record openly lauding and supporting: Saudia Arabia for hosting its first ever “interfaith” event; Saudi leaders including the leader of the International Muslim Brotherhood’s Muslim World League (MWL); and continues to regurgitate lies about Islam on behalf of America’s enemies.

It should be noted the Muslim World League funds Al Qaeda through charities like the Rabita Trust.

It should also be noted the World Economic Forum (WEF) is partnered in this hostile “interfaith” endeavor between Saudi Arabia, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other global entities.

The website for Mr. Brownback’s National Committee on Religious Freedom (NCRF) proudly promotes the comments on “interfaith” and shares a video from leading Muslim Brotherhood scholar Shaykh Hamza Yusef of the jihadi Zaytuna College. One of the 3 founders of Zaytuna besides Yusef is Dr. Hatem Bazian, a leader of Hamas inside the United States.

This week, Stephen Coughlin released a detailed writeup – which can be found HERE – detailing the strategic impact of American pastors and Christian organizations engaging in this hostile information campaign at the international level.

The purpose of this hostile effort via “interfaith” by America’s enemies is to subvert the Christian Church and destroy the foundation upon which America’s law and government rest.

So it should not be surprising that senior Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Magid is now a Commissioner on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom thanks to the efforts of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s assets like Pastor Roberts, Chris Seiple and Sam Brownback.

UTT’s role in training citizens to organize and create plans to retake their counties, including and especially their churches and synagogues, is critical to re-establishing a republican form of government at the county level, which includes putting God’s morality back in the community.

This can only happen when local communities shut down interfaith outreach efforts specifically designed to subvert them.

5 Responses

  1. The greatest problem in the churches is that they don’t believe what the Bible says. Islam is a religion that denies that Jesus Christ died on the cross, rose from the dead 3 days later, and is seated at the right hand of God the father. They deny that he is the messiah. This alone disqualifies Islam as a legitimate religious belief because it denies the very basics of scripture. This can be proven by simply reading 1st Corinthians chapter 15 and the first 10 versus. For anyone claiming to be a believer in Jesus Christ and then trying to partner with people who actively work against the gospel is to declare yourself to either be an apostate or a complete liar about your faith. These are people that must be avoided and because he is professing his faith as a Christian he must also be exposed for being in error.

    1. Jim, good points. It is not uncommon to see a ruling political party in a Muslim majority country import (through subversive personnel placement) greater Sharia compliance and political ideology in lesser compliant regions to maintain and acquire more power. And, we are witnessing this strategy in the United States.

  2. Point two: ruling political parties will employ foreign and domestic “agents and assets,” e.g., Islam, towards maintaining and acquiring more power. Again, we are (and have been) witnessing this strategy being used in the United States and globally.

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