by John D. Guandolo
At what point do pastors stop getting a pass for being “dumb” and finally get called out for collaborating with the enemies of liberty, America, and Christ’s Church.
One such pastor in the limelight today is Bob Roberts Jr. of the Dallas, Texas area.
I first met Pastor Bob Roberts several years ago at the Middle East Prayer breakfast in Washington, D.C. when he joyfully introduced me to his good friend who, at the time, was leading the Islamic Center of Irving, a Muslim Brotherhood Hamas mosque in Irving, Texas.
This week, CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) saw fit to promote Pastor Bob Roberts’ INTERFAITH OUTREACH efforts with his partner, Imam Mohamed Magid. See the article and video HERE.
Apparently, Bob Roberts is not aware Mohamed Magid is the Imam of the ADAMS Center in Sterling, Virginia, which was founded by the Muslim Brotherhood and which raises money for jihad.
Apparently, Bob Roberts is not aware Mohamed Magid was the Vice President and President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) for approximately 11 years. Apparently, Bob Roberts is also not aware that evidence in the largest terrorism financing trial ever successfully prosecuted in American history – US v Holy Land Foundation, Northern District of Texas (Dallas), 2008 – reveals ISNA is a Muslim Brotherhood organization which directly funds organizations and leaders of the Foreign Terrorist Organization Hamas overseas.
Maybe Bob Roberts is unaware funding terrorists is against the law and not Christ-like.

Maybe Bob Roberts is unaware that the most widely used text book in Islamic schools in Dallas, Irving, Houston, Austin, and all over Texas teach 10 year old children the purpose of Islam is to impose allah’s divine law on all people on earth through all means necessary, including waging war against them.
Maybe Bob Roberts is just dumb. So dumb, he is dangerous.
Since Bob Roberts and his Muslim Brotherhood partner attack Christian leaders who speak truth about Islam, like Franklin Graham, Roberts cannot claim ignorance and innocence. He is a tool for the enemies of Christ against Christ’s people.
In the CBN story, Bob Roberts can be seen on video saying: “I thought all muslims wanted to kill me and all muslims were extremists and all muslims were bad people, and I found out I was wrong.”
Who helped him come to the conclusion that Islam is awesome?
A senior Muslim Brotherhood leader named Mohamed Magid who raises money for jihad and believes all non-muslims must convert to Islam, submit to “allah’s divine law”/sharia and pay the non-muslim poll tax, or be killed.
Walk a wolf into the sheep’s pen and tell the sheep the wolf is just another sheep. What could go wrong?
Dumb, Dangerous, Deceptive, and Damned.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
5 Responses
Leftists took over our city council in Huntington Beach Ca a few years ago. Ever since then every single invocation has bee performed by a member of the local Interfaith Council, is this a group we need to keep an eye on?
Yes. It is the focal point of the communists and jihadists efforts in your area. I also encourage you to look at
They are excellent and are in your area. JG
Now that pastor Bob has been exposed as a fool and dangerous to his followers a plan should be developed to remove him from his position as pastor. This will help to send a message to others in the Ministry to wise up.
Back in 2013 I learned that the Metropolitan Denver North Islamic Center at 11141 Irma Drive in Northglenn, Colorado was holding “open houses” on the first Saturday of the month. As I was concerned with the persecution of Christian minorities I attended. hoping to find “moderate” Muslims who would prevail upon their co-religionists in Pakistan, etc. to be at least as tolerant of their Christian minorities as Americans were of Muslims. I was quickly disabused of any notion of their being either tolerant or moderate. As this was in the early days of their “open houses,” the Muslim missionaries (Da’wees) were more honest about their views than they would be subsequently. They told me that apostates and adulterers should face the death penalty and that terrorist attacks on Pakistani Christian churches were valid proportionate responses to drone strikes. I came to realize that the “open houses” were thinly disguised psyops, whose first goal was to collect contact information from attendees so that they could be pressured into becoming Muslims and to lie about Islam. As a result my attendance at their “open house” became more and more heated until after I had attended nine “open houses” they could no longer tolerate my presence and called the Northglenn police to have thrown out. As I was still concerned that their “open houses” were a danger to the community where my grandparents, son, brother and uncle lived and are now buried, I vowed to picket the event any time that I could, warning non-Muslim attendees, with a sign and leaflets. As might be expected I received numerous threats from Muslims and the disdain of Interfaith organizations, both of whom pressured the Northglenn police to make me stop the protests, despite the fact that I was careful to stay on the sidewalk and not block any cars, etc. The mosque then began to hire off-duty Northglenn cops and to make alliances with Northglenn politicians, holding political events at the mosque and collecting ballots which were then picked up by vote harvesters. On January 4, 2020 two Northglenn cops falsely claimed that I had blocked a pick-up truck, pedestrians and bicyclists and I was cited and threatened with immediate arrest if I did not leave the area. I vigorously contested the ticket and initiated lawsuits against the city for violating my 1st Amendment rights “under color of law,” in Denver Federal District Court and filed other lawsuits against the mosque, a newspaper that wrote a libelous article about me, and the Interfaith group who published an even more libelous article about me. Here is the letter to the editor I sent to the newspaper, truncated because the paper would not allow a longer letter.,375832
Forgot to mention, shortly after I filed the lawsuit against the mosque they took down the sign they had put up advertising it and the Interfaith group deleted their article about me after I filed that suit. There clearly is trouble in paradise, as young Muslims told me that they planned to leave Islam when they could, presumably after an older relative expires. So, despite not being successful in court to date, I still feel like I was able to accomplish something, and as I judgment-proof, feel like I am playing with house money, so to speak.