Islam’s Conquest of America One Town at a Time
From Minneapolis (MN) to Hamtramck (MI) to Falls Church (VA) to Paterson (NJ) and many other towns and cities across the fifty states, the Islamic Movement is quietly conquering America. The federal government sleeps, many state governments – including those controlled by Republicans – do their best to accommodate muslims waging Civilization Jihad against America, […]
UTT Victory in Arizona
Over 100 law enforcement officers from all over Arizona as well as a few other states attended UTT’s “Understanding and Investigating the Jihadi Network” course at the Mesa Police Department hosted by the Arizona Police Officers’ Association last week (May 16-18), and received a heavy dose of reality about the threats facing the United States from […]
Why the MB is Still Not Designated as Terrorists in the US
It is no oversight the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood is not yet designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). In fact, the issue has now been pushed off the table by the Trump administration as the result of a significantly successful information operation perpetrated by the International Muslim Brotherhood continually supported by media outlets. It should be […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Will New FBI Director Smash Jihadis in U.S.?
After 9/11, the only Islamic organizations the FBI conducted “outreach” with were known enemies of the United States – Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Hamas, and Al Qaeda. While individual agents work diligently to protect their communities, the FBI’s strategic response to the Global Islamic Movement has been destructive and incoherent. Here are a few of the […]
CAIR Works “Tirelessly to Advance the Agenda & Goals of the Muslim Brotherhood & Hamas”
The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a terrorist organization. Specifically, it was created in 1994 by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee, which is Hamas in the United States. This week’s UTT Radio Broadcast (30 mins) – which can be heard at – features an interview with UTT’s Vice President Chris Gaubatz […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Muslims Threaten Death for Free Speech
On January 7, 2015, two muslim brothers – Said and Cherif Kouachi – killed 12 and wounded many others in Paris in an attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo because they insulted Islam’s prophet. Around the world non-Muslims are being threatened with death and killed for “insulting” Islam’s prophet Mohammad. Why? Because Mohammad himself […]
Ignoring Former Muslims To Our Detriment
Many men and women have left Islam and courageously speak truthfully about what Islam teaches and the threat it poses to the civilized world. These are people grew up being taught about the obligation to wage jihad, that taking Jews and Christians for friends is unlawful because it is prohibited by Allah in the Koran, […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Leaders Unable to Tell Friend from Foe
One lesson the recent debacle in Sioux Falls brought to center stage is that many leaders cannot discern friend from foe in the war against the Islamic Movement. This exposes Americans to greater danger each day. Here are a few examples: Abdurabman Alamoudi was the most prominent Islamic leader in the United States […]
Threat Assessment in the Domestic War
An objective review of the activities of the Islamic Movement in the United States, the response from US law enforcement and intelligence agencies, and the actions of local, state and federal leaders reveals the U.S. is closer to losing the war domestically than at any point in time since 9/11/2001. Enemy Forces The leading Muslim […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Sharia Overseas is Same Sharia in U.S.
In the wake of the Palm Sunday killings of Christians in two churches in Egypt by Muslims, UTT repeated the truth that what happens overseas is happening or will happen here. In the U.S., sharia-compliant behavior in the Muslim community is common. This behavior includes: adult men marrying pre-teen girls, pedophilia, using zakat payments to […]